
1/21/2021 21:50 – Facebook Post

4:19 pm.
Self Discipline.
Santana Dharma. : Eternal law- Observation and a constant stream of Awareness.

A-U-T.B A. – Awareness Universal Truth Beautiful Awareness.
AU “Gold”-:Kim Dorado – Aurelia.

Kamora/ Kimora.

The play has completed with Kim and Kam-Kim- Ora.

Kamora- Kimora means :”Golden Meadow”.
but via this play, it is Kim Ora.
aligning to Kam/Kim meaning and Orah- which concluded yesterday with both Kim and Kamora and that which is moving within me- aligned the play to Men Orah.
And the Hebrew equation of Menorah as the “Tree of Life”
Aligned from Esteban and Kelsie.
Esteban Stephen Miquel Filgueria and Sarah Athena Kaizer, who is Jewish, and Esteban bringer her to meet me at room 904 Red Rooster plus hotel on Asylum road where the West Virginia as the 35th state, began.

* I had worked on the Menorah, with a person called Joseph Stern. J S.
And the play completed at J S/Jerson Satya. Jeron Serenity,
Stephen Johnson – Stephan Jampo.
J S J S / S J, S J.
And then concluded with Kim Hinds.
Kamora Hinds. Links Kimora Simms and connects her rep to Sim Simba who arrived as a Facebook friend just before Stephen Jampo arrived.

Sims- the God Game.
Simba- Lion.
( Simba and Scar-e are actually the same person and there was no conflict as represented in my Uncle Pius Nduka Collins Umeano and I in my personal blueprint. P N C.U. Poseidon Neptune Cee, U=21=3 C.

Uncle and Nephew. U N.
Nduka and Chukwuemeka.
Nduka means “Life is Supreme”
Chukwuemeka means “Praise to the Supreme being who has done well”

K A M. O R A.

Kam means “The Dutch surname Kam originated in multiple ways. As an occupational surname, it came from both Dutch Kam meaning “comb” (referring metonymically to comb makers, wool combers, or fullers), or from Middle Dutch kamme meaning “brewery”.

Yes, my coming 3rd in the whole country for entrance into the University of Awka where I was offered to study Brewery making and where my Grandmother Lucy Ojugo offered me her red Car.

Comb – the play of the young man in the shelter at Green Point who told me he had seen God that he had a mirror from which he looked into this world and had a wooden basin filled with water and besides it a wooden comb. the next day I found 4-5 wooden bowls.
L.IS Comb.

Wool… Wolves in Sheep’s clothing, pulling the wool over people’s eyes, wool used to weave.

It also means “Girl name origins & meanings · Hindi: Lotus · Hawaiian: Precious one · Slavic : Fragrant evergreen tree with fragrant flowers …”

* Hawaii is the 50th state.
Lotus is aligned to Arden and Jeron’s yellow and white flowers photograph.
I ate Yellow and white cheese macaroni yesterday from Benjamin C Krajewski, not knowing why I made it, until in hindsight ( yes I became angry, that I was still be used to prove a point in the play of sixth Sense to Fact Awareness”

Fragrant Flowers. F F. 66

Lord of the Rings “Precious”
“Precious One”

Kam also means: According to a user from the United Kingdom, the name Kam is of English origin and means “God of fire”.

Gods of Fire.
Fire boy.
“Four” Oven.
@ 900 South Road surrounded by 8 and 6 children.
O V… E N… E R.

* in Scottish it means “Crooked Nose”. C N
*and it means: The name Kam is of Anglo-Saxon origin and came from when the family lived on the bank of a river or stream named the of Cam.

Bank of a river Stream.

Kim as we know means Gold.

Kim and Kam/Kim.
Hind-Sight. Hind-I, and it means Female Dear. “Doe a Deer a Female Deer” First Note
Her-ring Ton. “Woodland Pasture. WP .
Red Herring- Ton-e.
A Fish smoked red. Fisher-man.
“Joe Fisher”

see… *”A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion”

It is not their play, but that of another present here, who was used to create a distraction and fulfill that role.

Kam- Ora.
Kim- Ora…Aura.

Ora means * “Origin · Greek: Gentle breeze · Hebrew: Light · Latin: Golden, variant of Aura and Aurelia · Spanish …”

Gentle breeze, the words Charity Eze Nwanyi used to describe my mother’s voice when she called her, while I was living at Kew Gardens under a lawyer’s office called summer breeze.
Aura Golden which Liberty described seeing in her home where I slept when Aurelia was being born.

*It also means: “The Biblical baby name Ora is Hebrew in origin and its meaning is light, luminosity, prosperity. Ora is pronounced o-raw’. Ora is the Hebrew word for Light used in… ”

*Festival of Light. F L
light, luminosity, Prosperity.

And finally, it also means
See Sacred Portal 17. “A Young maiden in prayer with her skirts trimmed with Tarot Cards”

and in OINri Igbo it means; “community”
a group of people living in a particular local area
“The team is drawn from all parts of the community”

Yes, the play of Kamora yesterday addressing a community and having a conversation.
Meaning that the line of Kim and Kamora is literally by their last names Hebrew, Hawaiian, Japanese, Scotts, Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Greek and OINri Igbo.
Umeano as well as E.T Extra terrestrials line of the Beautiful Ancestors.
First Contact before Time Creation Began.
The Elegant Nomads.
T E N/ N E T.
H is the 8th letter aligned to the meaning Infinity. I, and Harmony.
I H. 9 8= 17
I H I. 9 8 9= 26… = H.

Kam as the meaning of bank -Steam- Golden Ratio.

I would align it to the meaning as being near a bank stream- hence aligned to Kim Hinds Doe a deer and the play of the Stag- the statue at Asylum Avenue, as the Stag and Deer of the first note.
Adam and Adama. ( not Eve which actually means ‘that which comes from within and means “Breath” “Umeano meaning the 4 Divine Breaths in One.

5:56 pm.

But in the end, I have understood as well as anyone following the play script I have been decoding. the 26 Z was represented by the code Zorro and “Zarathustra Zoraster”
“John Hancock, Energetic signature.
and “The Eternal Hero’s of the Golden Dawn”

While for the Lie of the “Evil Ancestors past to present, it was all about mining and finding Gold. Annunaki legend as a lie and using the family of the E Golden ones- Golden boys as slaves.

And perhaps this came from my own so-called family, as you can see my nonstop labor as using me as their salve and slave

So it became “Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn.”
since I am the only one present, sharing all, and being compelled to show and obey the law of this script of the lie, to show Supremacy Transparency, Rocket Fuel… Sacred Portal 123. ( A W. 1 23 rather than L.C- and all via gameplay of teaching people who had forgotten their A B C, and how to read; all of which was a waste of my time, because it had been taught to all via the first Child- Man Child whom I called J.A Jah Fire. J F.

A V V.
Arden 6-12-2003… 23.
See sacred portal 122. A V”A Black Panther with blue eyes and red tongue, Licking his lips as he is about to E A T… X.
A W.. Adam Waldron,
A V Alexa Verefeuille.
Really Arden Victor.
E A V… E S. P.
Autumn Leaves?
A L… it a poem wrote in 1991-1992.

*”The eaves are the edges of the roof which overhang the face of a wall and, normally, project beyond the side of a building. The eaves form an overhang to throw water clear of the walls and maybe highly decorated as part of an architectural style, such as the Chinese dugong bracket systems.”

Eaves Dropping.?
*”secretly listen to a conversation.”

Yes, I was and perfectly aware of that play, and was indifferent to it, speaking loudly, posting everything, indifferent to who listened and plagiarized because it was of no consequence, it is all about being on the correct frequency, and I was more concerned in reaching everyone, all getting the intel so that they could make an informed choice and decision.
There was no call or need for eavesdropping because I made it so that all could hear.

There is no E Family here present, not until the moment of the Awakening.
This was all about retrieving the lines of the Two who became One and now are of three lines.
E A.
E A C. H.I.

The Individuals who I recognize and who prove naturally that they are as I. E K but in the version of their own as Individuals from them as Extra-Terrestrials, to Naturals, Children as beautiful Illusion evolving to Youth and then E Beautiful Youth.
6:19 pm
F S.

To Man Youth have discarded the man Child in them to evolve it to Man Wisdom Child.
Pure Child W.M.

Man Youth.
MY Eternal Youth-Male.
Female in One.

6:22 pm.

Those who qualified through this Unnatural Play.
of Understanding The Script.
And the play.
And it prooving that those who rose in the Eternal Beginning rose in the Completion End.

Mike Judge. Writer or Silicon Valley. “V ALL .. E Youth E Y C.VV”
E K ..I’M the Judge of what is Impossible and that which is A Fact.

E A = C C…33 1 6/9.
E A-A FA.C.T.. E…
Ferrill Aurelia Chris ( Gemino Gemini Twins) Tom ( Twin/ Mot Mot means “Word” in french, twin words- Particle Waves.
P W 19 23= 39. C I.

E T C. I.. A F A-A-E. K.
E.T.C.E-Terra to Infinity.
“from here to eternity, from here to Infinity.” James Dean.

Being Quantum.
W P B Q.
Transformer code written on the transformer at Delta Manor outside in the courtyard under the eaves.

Luke and Bango Quninan- Quinane have birthdays today as does A.M.A again symmtery- perfection. Q is 17 .

*”Blazon of Arms: Argent, a fesse sable, cotised gules, between two fleurs-de-lis of the second.
Translation: Argent (white) denotes Peace and Sincerity.
The fleur-de-lis is the symbol of Faith, Wisdom and Valour.
Crest: A fleur-de-lis sable as in the arms
Origin: Ireland”

Argent means “Money in French” White -“Yellow” Gold.
Faith Wisdom and Valour.
Fleur ( yes Flower) Flora and Pearl the cool cats at 900 South Road and the other Pearl present here.
Symbol of French Royalty.
Fleur De Lis-Comb.
F L… yes rep Arden. E: U.R.
F D L.
F Delois Larkin.
Ferrill Donald Liscomb.
Ferrill Donald Liscomb.

Angela – Angelic Messenger.
Marie- “Cherished Beloved MYRRH. Anointed”
Alexander: Defender of Man. DOM. E.
A M A- A M Awakened Memory Attained full circle yesterday with moi… and today 1-12-’21. 1 33.
1 6
A F.
7 8 9 O.
G H I.O.

* This is the film I found I began watching last night…

When shallow wannabe-writer Rory (Bradley Cooper) finds an old manuscript tucked away in a bag, he decides to pass the work off as his own. The book, called “The Window Tears,” brings Rory great acclaim, until the real author (Jeremy Irons) shows up and threatens to destroy Rory’s reputation. Cut to Clayton Hammond (Dennis Quaid), a writer whose popular novel “The Words” seems to mirror Rory’s story, leading to speculation that the tome is Hammond’s thinly veiled autobiography.
Release date: September 7, 2012 (USA)
Directors: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal
Box office: 16.4 million USD
Screenplay: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal
Languages: English, French”

9:07 pm was the last time code I received from Kamora Herrington.
see Sacred Portal 97. and 96.7 and 9 & 67.

I lay in on the bed most of the day, all night I fought my mind, and the reflections, thoughts, I did not bother to watch the movie, but rather focused all my will and Self Discipline to master my rage.
How long have I been here now, literally 3 months, almost to the day, and 6 months to the day I left 900 South Road on the 21st, moved by my will desire and Ardens, who had no idea or desire that I would ever leave but leave with him via a memory of which he was correct.

I was about to ask, who did this to me.
who would dare.. the answer came as I looked at the time in that same instance, 7:04 pm and now 7:05 pm.
G O D.
G O.E.
74 and 75.


7:06 pm.
Only one person here present, born 1976. Liberty Liscomb.
And yet the play was and is about 17 76 Independence day. U S A from the Universal Simulation Awarness Matrix- Manifesting as Solid Fact for all to see feel taste and touch know… without having me present to remind, prove and call your attention to our own will be that which manifests the evolution awakening, a part, and role left in the end entirely to me.

Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.

Sacred portal 22.
All Emeka Kolo.

I often, sit back and try to imagine the heart of cruelty of such a being, such a force who could be so ruthless and cold hearted to will me, use me, cheat lie, decieve, leave me hanging over and over again for 14 -15 … 16 years. making a promise of its over, only to add more and more.
I simply could no longer even countenance such a force of such cruelty, who would do this, allow its Source to endure such a play and script – force me into such a position with a body in which the arms are twisted, and body not allowed to leave, make him like a beggar, and tolerate my even having to code the make and brand of food I have to prompt others ( whose riddles i am solving) to remind them to send to me,, all by this force of beyond even the script of th emost viscious and malicious evil. Allowing me over and over again to move towards a state of moving towards leaving my body, and then at the last moment, creating deception and a false hope in that it was over, only to repeat that cycle over and over for 16 years.
-knowing that I would know that this was that which is impossible and yet sustain it no matter what.
What kind of selfishness could reach such a point? I had been so tormented by this question while knowing the answer anyway.

No hatred, not for the lie, or the great evil which manifested the filthy script can even come close to the betrayal of that which represented the Truth.

The answer of course is where I am currently at, on facebook friends. 15 46 See Sacred portal 15 and 46. O D.F. 15 +46 = 61.
That which forced me to live in an Alley and “Find the place where they lived before adam.
F A.
When I told Sue of the Green House in Soho, in Jan 2006, that it had already been attained because Here I A.M Present, The Source of T.L B A. ( 20 12 -21)

7:26 pm.

O I Nri Igbo… Igbo People because they insisted on having their story told.

There is no such thing as the OI Nri Igbo story, Eri and Nri Warriors of Peace. It was a story of the past, and this is and has been the play of the Beautiful truth of the origins of the E Family from E K… Emeka Kolo to E K- A F K…Gemino Gemini G H I.J- K E.
Of the One who became Two.
T V V O.

Attained at 900 South Road.

So, this play of which 15 47 was attained. See sacred portal 47.
47 is 48 really 58… Chris Gemino born 5-8-77.
And now at 15 46 Facebook Friends see sacred portal 46.
But it is reall a Minus 15 20; 35 C. E The point attained. 3301 which is me “The Story of Colors” T S O C” who bore the C O S T. in 2000.

Yes, they were seeing backward as I had stated over and over again, these spies representing E Family but as bio DNA whom I left for good reason in 1988.
Knowing fully and clearly that it was not they who I sought after having spent 11 years in Nigeria and 6 7 months arriving in 1977 with my bio immediate family in April May. AM with myself and my brother Nnamdi representing the play of Two Male Youths who are one. “Nnamdi was still a Wise child” I was always Eternal Youth, obviously present to alert and exemplify being, to alert them all of the A.M.
Evolution Awakening.

A Play that had nothing to do with this world, but rather a story which I wrote age 7-8 at 105 Wiltshire Bay, Windsor Park Canada.

7:43 pm.

This entire play script had been corrupted by these meddling creatures seeking to have their way at any costs.
Albert Santana told me this, that I had to succeed no matter the cost and gave me a black plastic band bracelet the first feew weels i was there in his place in the lower east side, where he had his statue which he had replaced what he was told would be the face revealed, instead replaced it with his face.
He had no qualms at my being used.

It is also reflectected in the play of Dureek Verrett.

and then Jasper Ahmefula. as J A.
J.A.E Sherman who is not even aware of how she and her line have been used despite my consecrating 16 then 26 days to make it clear to her that she was in a play in which she was being used.
and yes, with Kelly Preto and Jason play.
P/K… “D M I C P/K 115 A G E” mesage from A Q Anamla Qayin – Quasharia Allah. “Your not meant to be here in this place, and space”

7:50 pm.

Yes, they were Easedropping, using the tools of people being un-impeccable with the Expressions actions and words to move them to influence me, and the play.

And holding the unimpeachable hostage by using the children as hostages so that they could not rise and move from Beautiful Illusions to E Beautiful Youth.

“Girl Interrupted”
G I/ I G…. 79/ 97.

I Ji.. means I am Yam- Food see legend of Nri… Man was sacrificed and a woman buried alive and from them came Food Yam and Coco Yam in order to feed the newly formed people.
which is Y C Y.
and would represent Cannibalism is it not?
But also the Man Woman are the source of Food- and not the Earth.
That which is made of an infinite energy source is not the Earth them is it.. it was barren and waterlogged, even in that primitive metaphor- one still sees the actual truth.
YAM. / May 5th Month. Yam is called “Name” in the west. “E MAN.” E M.A.N U E L.
Emanuel .

Chukwuemeka Okolo. C O
Cecilia Onuabuchi. C O.
C O CO= 1 ( C F / F C. 36 63…yes Chris Filgueria – W Brad Pitt. 99 18 = 9 – I.)

I Y A.M.
1 Y A M.
A Y A… M..
Aya Stark,
and the sound words for the last 16 years rising involuntarily from my mouth- as the beautiful ancestors of E F fighting to be heard as the moved and rose in me.
What was keeping me, them prisoner..?
of course i already was aware.

Jasper Ahmefula… is a code J A. Usurpers.
8:04 pm.

See my meeting with Coco and see sacred portal 8.00 “The Nun with te thumbs down, :death absolute and most terrible in the womb, death at conception, inception death, in every form and dimension.. her Thumb is down and she represents Hellen Keller.

yes K H.
Kim Hinds
Kamora Herrington
H K… Hells Kitchen.

Coco by the way is the french young woman I met with Marina’s friend Juliene the Dentist who was originally from Beruit and recognized me instantly as well as the being rising in me. And spoke of my bio Father being still after me.
It was his wife Coco, whom he was separted, and had a beautiful daughter, whose birthday I attented, their daughter Nur, means “Light”

Coco was the person, whom for the first time i agreed to a public challenge to physically morph here drawn and prematurely aged self and body and face, in front of all the guest present.
I did so use focus attention and words.
The gasp of the audience, and the shout of hooray from her ex husband Julienne of her physical transformation was amazing to hear.

8:11 pm.
H K.

Julienne is the one who drove me to 97 Greent Street Maha Rose, after he explained why Tom and Marina had asked me to leave, I alredy knew they answer. “You did not give them what they really wanted from you”

Did the transformation of Coco last?
years later, since that play of physical transformation took place 2010 Dec.. it was around 2016 2017… I was already at the Shelter, I passed by 97 Green Street Maha Rose, and there some young woman screamed and grabbed me and embraced me.. it was Coco, she looked even younger than that moment of transformation… I know I wrote that moment down right here on this Facebook page.

It was she whom I had used, when still in sadness and misery haggard, I had used as the model in sacred portal 8.00.

8:17 pm.

No matter what was done to me, provoked, to such a place and point, posting every single day, for 9 years nonstop, except the month of July in 2013, when I said it was done.
Yes, July.. just as Arden and I linked to July, just as I entered the Assessment Shelter ( A S) in July and met Keith Grant and then another who I knew was my grandfather D N.U-in July.
yes, the 7th month.

And yes, the Anger in me is so Violent now but i am still peaceful and serene and tranquil despite what I have to fight through every night- knowing just how far this has been allowed to go and my supreme battle of coming back here to facebook for yet one more day of posting when the truth is that it is DON.E

I have self mastery of the rage of even the expanded black panther, despite my being made aware of the depth and details of this betrayal, if which I have been aware.
But it is common sense, to fight to brush it aside, and say to myself, not right now, now is not the time or space to look into that pit of the implications of what was allowed to be done to me- and in front of an entire world, peoples even those who I am made to fight for, who do mainly nothing unless impulsed and activated by me.

I Trained my self through the years of my life on Earth and in this world from the moment I was born, and I did it like a man, despite mos treating me like a God by their indifference to what they demand of me and what I have already done and proven.

I am Aware.

I am Sacred portal 64.
Not 46… that was the past and I will never return thier because that past has transformed to 64.
46 10.
64 10.
10 10.
which is what I asked of Kamora because I knew S.HE. B A SOLO. MON E Y. were, are aligned but as 64 64 10 10.. and the past as 10.. 10… 10101010 is 42 in Decimal.

So you see 42 is the story made true, not Jasper Ahmefula age code 42.

42 is Doing Being.
using 6th sense to Fact.

42= 6.
24 is 6.
66 is 1.A.
E M F= 24.
Double U is 21.. 21 21= 42.
today’s Date.

Pls, see Sacred Portal 42…

Yes, Being is Doing… 24 Sacred Portal 24.
Doing is Being” See Edmund Whites biography on Gene Genet gifted to me when we met.

See sacred portal 3-2 and 2-3.
5 5…. 1 10 25 = 36/ 363 code from Kamora yesterday,
9.. and I. South Road and here present I and I.

see intel from Stephen Johnson
E 5 5 P.
E E EP… Sacred Portal 45.
* I have been Peeing all day.

8:40 pm.
P O.. V S O P.
E J 105 W I L T S H I R E “Land”
J E but not E J… Y A-E… B E R I H. S T-L …I. W E.J Brandy Blue Mark P O S ( T) V.

8:47 pm.

I do not Forget or Forgive… Nor do i rest on my laurels until I.. WE are all ah at Home and safe in our Luxurious accomodations as well as our bodies transformed from the lie of Old Age- the moment we are born in Tension and Stress…
I am.. W E are G R E.. “Gre: in french means “Will”

8:49 pm.

Alone here… this time Jae S is in her his, room… Safe Sage.

8:50 pm.

H E O.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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