
1/21/2017 11:18 – Facebook Post

9:05 pm


T A A.



*Ata is a Ghanaian name meaning First Born Twin…”

The date alluding to the Twins in my Original Creation Story
Spirit E and Devi


And in the manuscript The True Conversation between Energy Expression and AH-Tom.


Which proceeded my coming on Facebook in 2012.

Where I realize only now, that for the last 50 months I have replicated that conversation which literally too place.

While at the same time “Weaving, Designing and Fashioning it into a literal Body.. A Universal Body of Truth.

Which makes sense that I have
Michaël Trahé Michael Trahe Michaël Trahé
Three Times as a Face Book Friend
And a pure being in as my room mate in this Hellish Place I was led to, to complete the Conversation.
Traishon N Sumler
Whose Name means “Three”


Michael Trahe

Meaning “The Gift from the One who is as God, is a new Body Suit, woven, tailored to measure… From Nothingness Somethingness.. To
Pater Matter -Pattern and Material of the True Fabric of Existence.
Energized Conversation Harmonious O in Symmetry-Perfection.

9:39 pm

I have often through the last 23-16 years to get my manuscripts published.
And make films with all the scripts and always had publishing houses and film makers interest.
But I never had the space to work.
I was always moving, and always passing through other peoples homes.

Frustration is not the word.

And when I did finally find spaces where I could work- these influences of other Frequencies my Body Radio began to pick up and stream through me akin to a live feed (which many of you witnessed, just messed up all my own intended way I sought to Express.

But in Hindsight, I see why It had to be on Face Book, free of charge- not of this world yet addressed to it.
Because it had to be interactive.
It had to include All of you.

When I write and post- it is Streaming through me, so it really is not Emeka speaking but rather my Literal Spirit,
Its Expression, Its Awareness. EA
Ea. Enki.
Water Stream
Max Tunee

“The Greatest Song, Spring Well of Transformation, expressed in the Tune of E… ”




Emeka at the Top of the Highest Mountain
-Manifest Truth

And besides me T.N.. S
Traishon Narisco Sumler

Truth Natures Sum Total
“Nothingness Bliss”

I have been speaking to your E-Spirits
Because that is the One, whom I consciously recognize as the one speaking through me…
My beautiful truth.. My Music..my most Sacred Truth Naturalness


E. M.I.T

A M I. Truth.

Yes. I am the friend of The Truth
Because I never betray it or its secreted revelations even after all this time
Even when it led me to such a place of Insult, and a Mental Health Shelter
and making me, us a public spectacle.

I never betrayed it, not matter what It cost me personally and privately..

The Truth is Naked…
I wove a garment for it out of my recognition of its Glorious Functional Desire which never ceases to raise my desire, my Flag Staff, my John Thomas.
To cause me a wetting, moisture dew
Bilal Khan!



Emeka Kolo
Rob Barr

Emeka I. Kolo
Traishon N Sumler



K S….I S


No I Fashion a Body Suit of infinite Style and Grace of Flow and Stream of Words to reveal. not cover that nakedness in shame..
But to wrap up that Exquisite Truth in Body worthy of It
Which is why I call The Present,
The Body of so Self Evident

The Present as The Beautiful Truth.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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