
1/20/2018 2:11 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal 116.. A P.. A A F… Appreciation Praise.. Appreciation Acknowledgment.. of the Fact..

True Effort is focused Ease..
Concentrate to reach the point of E…

Heir Hare Hair…”‘

When I was jus about to leave Starbucks a man sitting in front of me, whom I knew ( friend of the Indian Guy I helped with his Immigration questionaire for his wife…)
Began to speak to me about Brain Function.. Neuroscience… Yes the New York Times reflected my True Expression in its way by mirror my Expression.. Father of Neuroscience…

“Where Art and Science Meet
“Santiago Ramon y Cajal…

S R y C… S R C…S.Raymon Carver…

S Ray C… Notice the”little ÿ”on this Sacred Pörtal and then in the name…
y=25… Letter Y… No Z. Only one Z is Zoro Aster… Z.A!
Za! “Sweep and Answer”in OINri Igbo.. for your challenge and this play…
Z-A… A-Z… today… Z-A… 26+1.. 27… B G… Bair G. Andrews…

He spoke about how how it was for him to go work and then go to school, and how the brain when one is focused works… had to work to organize link and connect all the things together….

I smiled, well”I reflected ironically to myself, Ät least it is nice to be finally acknowledged that the work I do takes extraordinary skill and destexity..
But I knew he was an Avatar comunicating to me by Da the fact that it was I whi had wired the Human Brain..
Beautiful Brain… B B…Reflections..
2 2 18… 22… Robert Vlaun 22 and Robert 53.. One sat besides me and the other 53 Sat with Will and Chandra on the Woods side..

i found myself doing the continuation of this work with Ray. when I got back to the Back Yard.. and then upstairs with Dwayne S.. who asked me also about the Kings having to be Not wealthy and my refuting it by stating true Wisdom.. W P Q B… of the Planet People.. Quantun Transforms the Human Being.. Body Mind and Soul… and that the last Proof of the Evolution Awakeing would be peoples bodies transforming…

It was about sacred portal 79 / 97…
Rey had understood and his face transformed into such joy form the Intel.. “Mad Love to you emeka he kept calling out as I walked the stairs only to be confronted by Jean.. a Feminne Man…
Then Dwayne…Samuel..
Robert to Al.. bed 4010… He was outside when I arrived with Ray… R E.. R A…( RA R E)…E..J..D….

It is not diffucult to me to focus.. since all is embodied already within me lived .. so it flows out naturally…
What is work is conversing indenting remindining over and over and over again through Constant Expression what you already know.. what is already within.. And people not paying attention so easily swayed by the lie rather than the truth which your body recognized…

Dwayne transformed his face like a boy.. long long eyelashes like a beautiful girl… he did a dance.. I got you.. I got you..
That is the Work.. Effort.. to that which is Ease.. Easy like coming A,M.. Dawn.

1:08 am
Two Coffees… 54 cents each.. 108… Free
658 and 6 77… complete..

S.P.. 58… Spirited Away.. S.A/ A S.. HOME the correct way…

S,P.. Low Key.. L K… O L .O K…E…

1:10 a.m
1:11 a.m.

See sacred portals..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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