
1/2/2021 23:11 – Facebook Post

9:13 pm.

( I want to grumble, “umm… don’t push your luck”)

I have two new facebook friends-yes soome was meant to leave, and so we move from 15 35 to 15 36.

15 15 33 56.
1 1 1 ( In B..Being Bella as TWO)

In 2010, when John Shaw, introduced me to Marina Biruni where I eventually began to draw non stop the Scared Portals on the 11-29-2010, a day after my Birthday when Tom Truman ( Johns eldest brother) brought his friend “Drew” who was a black as th enight itself in complexion , she had set up a meeting with a world recognized pyschic, based in California.
It was, I was aware, a trap to see if I was a fraud.
Irritated, I covered my anoyance and played along.

9:19 pm.
“9-19-20 Bella & BREAD” The Body and its being. B B.
*( You can see where this is going… Two Birds… and my earning every step of the way)

Anyway, the first thing he said was “Oh he is not meant to be here working, he completed all those tasks lifetime after lifetime and this time he came to Boogie, party celebrate.

Of course, I recognized him, and he laughed at my grumpiness, ( Father line undercover)
Marina was watching from behind me, as the we continued our Skype interview.

He called me by my past incarnations including informing Marina that I was Ghengkis Khan.

( I am Adam Manu… Marco Polo… it kinda makes sense.)

Tengku is my second 15 35 Facebook friend.


“Tengku is a member of the royal family. Derived from the word Tuanku, Tengku was initially a title used for members of the royal family who were appointed as the King, the crown prince and those among the King’s immediate government (Orang Besar Berempat)”

Malay name.

Fadilah means

“Meaning of Fadilah: Virtuous. Outstanding. Superior. Cultured and refined…”

Yes, similar to Kims Mothers Name Delois Larkin.

Do you recall the R and R code of Rodney Ramage… Mage Merlin.
Scott the Estate and Building manager here.
Arden Grandmother June, it Scottish.


Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana.
Reign Maximus ( Maxwell) Rodriguez Santana.

Santana Dharma.
Alien Council.
Yes They are not simply “Babies”

Wizzy Parkrr.

Wizzy means
“A user from Uganda says the name Wizzy is of African origin and means “Knowledge from God”.

God is the Beautiful Truth, which is the Fact, that you have a Body containiting the entire Akashich records of the Eternal and the Temporal.

The Body came down from the Big Orgams of Light as Big Bang to other, from O ir Original Light which we can now call “O8.. or Oh!!
backwards, from *8 to 7 and Expression Blue 5th to 4.

the Play of going backwards while moving forward.

Yes Brad Pitt in Benjamin Button.
And yes his parents where African American.
with Cate Blanchet.

So the Knowledge is contained in the body and as I was used to exemplify how that truth works via secretions, and thus is in all of you also, as this script has proven, and which I was brought unknowingly to this set up, to defend my “MY Father Joys Jays” Truth.
THe Perfection of the Body.
“The Body As Living Art”
1991, Camden Cafe exhibit at Nick Levine’s Cafe.

Yes the same link that made me stay in Paris and insisted I come to New York and set me up with his friend “Chuck” who asked me to leave the next day.. and the rest is … history.

( Nicky Chuck… N C… New York- Connecticut…. You may then understand that why i am not amused by the Elf Kins and Fair-Y kings play… E K… F K. Elementals and Ethereals. E E)

9:45 pm
of So called earth. reall Nnamdi “Old Ham”

to bring the I D. E.
E DI..I.

Wizzy means something to in Urban “Argo”

Wax Pen. W P.

And more relevant to the play as the story Fantasy -Fiction to Fact and the play moving me all these years to finally Delta Manor Mental health shelter “101” beds.
Avalon – Atlantis, Camelot Morgan Guieneviere Lancelot Arthur Percival… Dragons Breathe Merlin.

“1. The popular shortened word version of the video game Wizard101.
2. A game about wizards fighting together to save their world.”


As for the name Parkrr

Park – Garden of Eden.
Peter Parker – Spider man.
Peppermint Park where I met John Jason Lee, at the West End ( WE London, the theater district) in a Theater Run restauraunt where the owners son, Johnny ended up being the link to Robbie where I met Jay…)

Parker was the name of my Coach in Canada.

And happens to be the name of Thomas Langs son, whom though I never met, I saw him and his sister on the fridge at 900 South Road.

But the name here is spellt PARKRR.

Park RR… Rest & Repose ( ? really where?)
Rodeny Ramage.

“The name Parker means Park Keeper and is of English origin. Parker is name that’s been used by parents who are considering unisex or non-gendered baby”

P K… perhaps… ( more like Zoo Keeper)
P K. does align nit with Kelly Preto play but with Anamla Quayin play 😀 M I C TP/K 11 5 A G E” ( that was the full message she sent,
Check if you wish, it coded a million times before, I no longer cared to code it again in detail.


A more approate name aligned to the what actually anchors it in Actual time would be
“English Baby Names Meaning: In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Parker is: Keeper of the forest; forest ranger.”

Keeper of the Forest which links to three people
Arden;s name meaning.
Ferrill’s love and work with Two Coyotes and children…
Embodied also by Arden.

And Jerons last S name meaning,
Arden and Jeron both have names meaning connecected with guardians and God of the forest, which links to me with them Arden and co surrounded by A forest at 900 South Road.
And the my True Story of the Original Cosmic black panther, who moved through his distorted Expression correcting it and reducing in size, until gradually finding himself in a great forest, staring at the Man Child.
Which became the story of how J.AH Fire ( Prometheus Lucifer) actually began. J F K.
actually as Brad Pitt confirmed my expression it was
A J – J A..

H A J also confirmed by Alicia Norris -Frank. 81 usd HA sacred portal 81… and SO.UL.
Brad Pitt marred Angelina Jolie.( Mr and Mrs Smith,
A J see meaning.
And not Jennifer Aniston “( Friends).

J A was the story and he crossed over to A J.
Nnamdi A J…. N A J .. J A N.
N = E.. E A J/ J E A a story.
Evan Alexander Judson.

E A J C D E F G H I… John.

10:11 pm

E Galaxy 1011 C I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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