
1/2/2018 22:37 – Facebook Post

1/2/2018 22:37 – Facebook Post

8:55 p.m.


So let us try to post again…

22 Degree;s in New York the Bronx.

22 Likes on my World Icon..

22 is Letter V.

Sacred portal 22… and 86….


I will not go into the quiet Fury of this play and the arrogance and selfishness of the people’s responses to the fact that I am here and present…
And that they truly believe themselves equals to me, through their expressions.
I have already formulated a response for each to prove how they are equal.. a Playing Field given to them to prove it and give reason why their response is so muted at the the Presence of the Evolution Awakened manifested by One Being doing all the work…

While each pursues their own private agenda’s.

I will simply make each aware that I have a Response created for each as each day I grow more and more amazed by the balls of the Script… The sheer arrogance and selfishness and ultimate provocation.

I did not sleep all night because my body was shifting non stop, and though I have been forced to accept that this is actually the way the Evolution Morphing of the Body represented by myself is taking place…
And in such a Place…
I still have to wrestle with my being and body having to absorb it.. and then of course , the mentality of the public…

I got up at 7:26 p.m.. Noting with the time…

I am at 1016 Facebook Friends… 10+16= 26….

1O+16= 17… Q… Queens K.Ariana… K.A…11..1 Baby born

9:07 p.m right now…

( Sharon is here… Jace Horsford introduced us recall…?)

97… Scared Portal Achilles Heel… Light of Existence…

I lay back down and tried to rest, very much again aware that this script has confirmed that the entire human population is indifferent to what I am enduring, each waiting for the evidence while each pursues their own Individual Agenda’s..

I heard Micheal Martinez who called himself New York come.
He you recall replaced Walle Bracey on bed 4-005… 45.. Which is Sacred Portal 45…”ISIS Throne of Existence World… Planet Earth”
Recall he slept besides Darion… in bed 4-003.. Sacred Portal “Door of Life.. Eternal” but since the K2 episode has left the shelter…
And was replaced by another whom I liked and identified as the Royal Eagle… He slept for one night and has not returned.

I listened as Micheal came in with a person called Chris…
I quietly did the people equation..
C M E…43… 45…
Micheal decided to leave the Shelter and is moving back to Miami Florida…
They spoke loudly and I asked them to speak in a quieter voice at which both politely apologized..

Thus, the two beds in directly across from me are absent.

And then the Human Disease represented by Edwin Dominic came… He came in once more with his gossip and I literally could not stomach it and called out for him to shut up… calling him the Disease and the Demon he represents…
Hector who is in bed had gone out but then to my surprise was in the room lying on his bed…
Only other person was Bed 4-008 Nicholas W.. who got up and left the room.

And so, I knew I was being set up in yet another scene, even with my state of exhaustion after all this, I was too tired to be incredulous, at the sheer audacity and selfishness of the script…
Existence is Crap.. I had accepted this… this is its play…


And so the second time I called out… because I saw now that Edwin was aware that Hector was there, and he was using the same ploy to get Hector to fight his battle for him, the same he had done with Nicholas.. and others…
To make war… by deception cunning… malice.. planting seeds of evil through expression..
All of which I had already called out…

Hector then decided to respond by playing music, to provoke me just as Edwin had set up..
I felt him get up from his bed, to see what would next happen…

I called out to Hector to put some ear plugs on, he acted as though he did not hear me, but at that precise moment Peter one of them staff came in, he said to me what did you say..
I responded that I was not speaking to him but to Hector…
Who I saw was preparing for a confrontation with me…
But Peter “Planet Rock Stone” instead repeated what I has stated to Hector…
To put his Ear Plugs on…

Which he did…

When Peter Left… I expressed my self…
The challenge.. I promised them both hell that Hector was defending a creature who had played this game non stop and because of a skin color.. being Peurto Rican…
I was so disgusted…
And I created the word expression of opening the portal of Sacred Portal 47…

When I completed… I simply went back to rest and quiet… Unmoved.

A moment later, I heard Hector leave…

And then at 4:30 p,m I got up…
The room was quiet except for myself and bed 4-007… and Bed Paul in bed 4-001…

That is when I realized that I had played .. been set up to act out sacred portal 86.. and 97…
Achilles and Hector… and the Trojan Horse…

I was quietly speechless…

And then Stephan came in of Bed 4-002 as I rose.. 430… D C ..O…
And Heard as I spoke aloud the equations of destruction and then to seek to insult me he began playing the Call to Prayer… Again…!

And then I told him as well as bed Edwin …
S.E/ E.S… that they have each been set up to see if the very thing that they were being Tried for in a Court of Law- if they would do it again..
Use Allah and Gods name in the name of Evil…
They had.. they did..

I read the equation of the people present…
S.P… E… E.D..I…
Sacred Portal Emeka… E D I.. bed 4-007.. 47.. 11 28..

On my way out I bought my coffee at the Arabic Shop.. 68..
And then I looked up.. Hector was there… right before me..
He avoided my eyes and walked by…
I believe my expression helped him see that he was set up.. used..
And he saw the perfect timing of Divine Intervention of Peter… But let us see…

All I feel is disgust…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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