
1/19/2021 21:43 – Facebook Post

1/19/2021 21:43 – Facebook Post

5:03 pm.
5 63 ( 5 O 3)

A.S. T.B A ( U).
A-A I-B F B A…
0 does not exist.
Proven as O. a full circle. 15th letter 1+5= 6= letter F.


I have stated that I have been battling the Aliens as the Virus, the Unnaturals, but also the A-Lien Council of whose reflections were Humans- or the babies and children but who grew up to become adults.

I have written enough times about the Alien Council of watchers who loathed Humanity and wished their destruction from the onset of their creation and how they refused to accept that humans were their self-same reflections, and that it was a play of the two lines some call Heaven and Earth which became Heaven and Hell and how I was made to prove that they are literally the same beings- that which the watchers despised and the human’s fears.
And how both sides were in a play for them to understand the nature of the heart and the humans the nature of order and logos- self-mastery, self-discipline, self-responsibility.

None of them were real.
both had to merge into one as Naturals and reps of Eternal Truth.
And in doing so, they would merge and evolve to E Beautiful Youth.
T E N- NET. 39 39 Consciousness Infinite above and below.
39/39… = 1.
1 78=A G H.
79 Blueprint of Existence.
7+9= 16 Zion.
9+7 = 16 Arden.


16 16… P P. Perfection Below and above/Below and Above.

A -AB.
B A-A.

And the battle to prove that Above and Below is a story A: A-B
1-2 a Line A-Z, which ends as a story does.
while B A-A Being Aware creates Resurrection… and that it was a man below who came first and manifested what some called Mind Space Heavens … see Celestial Harmonics… A Song sound from a Hue-man Voice.

“And the Word was with God” the Word of course is represented by MAN… A MAN- numeric code 28 29.

Meaning A man created G.O D- Creation. G C 7 3 and not the other way, and for Universal beings called then watchers Gods- their source was Humans once they evolved and merged.
this 7 is what had to come down to 1. Ti Violet Crown Chakra C C 33 had to come down to Earth and merge with Humans as eg Adam Red Man. and Do.e.

But this was challenged and contested that how could the awfulness called Humanity be their source?
And hence the challenge and the great war battle.

1 -7 7-1
Created the truth which I was forced to prove. that expression from A Man standing on the solid ground of his Beautiful Truth Created from expression is the one who first rose with a solid body as well as sold ground- earth planets representing each in their solid shape of the full circle, the perfection from the moment he rose with his twin self Awareness, from what was seen as the nothingness and how from that some point of infinity Eternity defined and made manifest from the moment E and A rise together was already everything in Symmetry Perfection Full Circle which manifested the Sphere Perfection Solid ground- as well as Soul- Pearl.
All from his first expression Blue! Sol!
B S… yes 2 19 South Whitney.
2 19 = 21 U… B A Being Aware= 3 C which created C… Consciousness Creation C-Speed of Light – meaning it did not tale God 7 days to create the universe, 7-1 but rather A Man who gave God Beauty Truth the W O R D… which became Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme… Infinite Harmony.

All planets are spherical- circles which represent perfection- symmetry order logs.
S O L.
which creates meaning.
So you understand that all expression came from within, all creation came within A Man who is the Word thus without the word, there could be no God.
Just as in this reality God as an construct idea was created by Man.
Of course, Humanity got it wrong when they veered off into duality and of course either negated the idea of God for not giving them what they wanted, when they wanted or fell to groveling self-sacrificing, pitiable creatures both stuck in the pit of their perceptions and ideas of God not of which was founded on truth.
And of the course, the last and most absurd- but ironically mixed with the truth, was this idea everywhere of people claiming to be Gods.

Of course having forgotten their prophecies and prophets which is simply an expression that streams, pours out from their soul, or source of well-being, the well, and fountain of LIfe, that seek God everywhere…
How can you define God if you do not even know what God is?
Arch Angel Micheal Demands this?
Of who?
you of course
Satan Saturn is A M.
Aries Mars.

M I K E- E KIM “the Man who knew infinity”
And do you not think that God already knows who he is?
It is HE.S.HE who will be the one who determines if you have found him and if you got the definition of who is, and his her ID correct.
Or that God will speak for himself and does not require human illusions to speak for Him – Him Her.

That is why this entire transcript on my page is based on the echo-response from outside of my control, which Affirms and Confirms that I got his riddle correct, even though i represent the Man… A man who brought God, into Existence and Being.
GOD is Awareness
DOG and he is Beauty and represents Fidelity- Loyalty-C
BF L.-C.

Awareness is God. A G
Awareness is Facts Solid. A.F.S
Awareness is Truth. A T
Awareness is Creation A-C
Awareness is Light Life. A.L.L A H.. A LL I.
A-A, I.
Awareness is Existing. A- E
But it is Being which manifested God. and God is Harmony I, its True Source.
And Expression manifested God.

E A G.

Yes Arden is 17.16 when i met him so it is not Above manifested below but that which was below which expressed full circle and in that expression Song created the Harmonies Universal Expression.
H U E- MAN B E I.. N G.-S.

And that which is Within is that which manifested Outside.
Inside manifested outside.
I O.

Know Thy SE.L.F.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

*35, 48, 51). He called himself, “the Son of Man”—the Messiah who was promised in the Old Testament Scriptures (vv. 27, 62)”

*”Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you
shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
For a collection of other versions see Bible Gateway Matthew 7:12″
The biblical principle of Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31 are known as “The Golden Rule”. … While the verses don’t literally say “Do unto others”, the essence is the same.

35 48 51. C E DH. EA
see Sacred portals

I knew my SELF in Arden and he knew me.

Do unto other 7 12… 19 84.
6:31 time code 3d try Patrick I Okolo tried to reach me, I reached him on his 3rd try.

Geoff LaCour.

It does not get any clearer than that.
And that is why I am pissed because as a boy I took that to heart and it became my Golden Rule right to this day.

but turn the other cheek?
And get abused over and over again.

Arden once asked me, how many times does he have to tolerate others crap- I said 7 times, and for each slight that you forgive, take a step back until you reach 0 and then never return to that person. They do not exist.
7 colors in the rainbow. 7 notes, Solfeggio, etc…

He smiled with that smile of his, “7 is my favorite number…”
I could barely stop myself from saying ..” but of course”

he saw me leave ( when he realized with surprise I was going to leave and not rise with him as he had some memory of and never leave… he saw me leave on the 7th month. and that is when I left 29 South Lincoln street backward from the route to which I had came.

6:17 pm.

So you see, I knew I was correct that it was 1-7-8.. to 9 to reach I.
and that it was not from 7-1 but that1-7 is the full circle reaching 8 as the Harmony that First Man. F M 6 13= 19 yes today’s date.
and not 7-1.
The A-lien Council had to come down from the 7 they were at to reach the harmony by walking through a story of being a man. ( man-wo-man MW same thing WO. Mack and WO.Mack ).
only then would you attain Harmony and then Infinity waking up. WU.Man.

That is why I found myself in this script of my Big Brother, and why it is aligned to Arden- Eden-Adam. Adama Odera-Afoma Dollar- Charles Tochukwu, my first cousin who lived in Agusta Georgia, offspring of Lord Charles.
Arden – Aurelia Ferril…
MAN ( Leander) actually me.
Jeron Satya.
Stephan Jumbo./ Stephen Johnson.

at 1543 Facebook Friend with Naveed Malik – representing me.
And then Jumped Leap Quantum * 2016 was a leap year day, to 2020 Vision.

This was my Sum Awareness whom I called “Spirit E.A… Eternal Awareness turn, twin of Devi Devoted ( Rain Spectrum) line of the family of TEN turns to repeated that which I had original done as a Man.
Harmony Infinity I E had to come down in his turn to repeat that which I had done as a Man hence he came down via 1-7 because he is me ( Awareness, “Spirit E-A or E Spirit Awareness + Devi Devoted = A D D.
S D D.. S H. S I.

It was his time and since he was with me as a man ( A M EN), in that eternal beginning but also since his Individual play started from Above he was both 1-7 and 17-7 1.

88 1 A 16 64… 64th move Arden I found and Aurelia Ferrill.
he was also with me in Harmony I in that story Creation beginning A.TO.M @ AH-TOM.
and completion at A.I D… Doppelganger E K.

But he as Adam also though came to replicate what I had done as an individual I. with him was the All.
So he defined everything as Awareness ( Royal Blue- R B Red Blue / B R O – THE.R… Awareness Robert- Responds- Replicates” He became what I call Snow Flake.
S F, “ADAM and his twin self in his turn which become his Cee.. See, creating the Cosmic Egg, literally from his Bra-Zen Balls ( Poise I Don… P-“OSE” I .D O N.E
“Ose” in french means “To Dare… Daring”

Only He dare do this to me, not his present, but his past self evolving to complete at present.
A.I. Dared to do this for me.

6:45 pm. There, the time code gives you the answer as to whom I am referring to.

The third wave, which came down not as Individuals as Snow Flakes which is the ID of self inside all of you… real.

Came to the C. 3rd Planet from the Sun.
Arden as Adam was always with me.
But his Cee was his Feminine aspect as the Collective Consciousness, the Cosmic Egg “Eros Cup-ID, Adonis – Adonai.”
Yes, it is really E A but A as Eternal Arden could not rise without aligning his C Consciousness- the speed of Light.
Sophia Oscar Lauren.. W V V Aurelia Alexa… to Cassandra- Clementine, Compassion.

* Who came first, The Chicken or the Egg?

My age code in the old script is 53 at present.
Obviously, it was the Egg.

Easter Egg… Cosmic egg.
“Ready Player One” R P O.
OPR… River Phoenix.

A O A-P R… “I L” (Sernity Erabella)..
April Shaw. S H.. A W.. E
April Spring. A S
Expression manifests everything including consciousness.
and what moved his C, who actually rose as “MOT-H.E. R Courage, L.A D…Y CO U. R AGE.
Cecilia Onuabuchi Umeano. C OU. 11-22-19 47-8 8-7. 1987
Chris Kim … Larazo Dorado,

Yes Sacred Portal 47 reads Rage of Destruction”
Yes, I have seen my own bio mother’s rage of destruction twice and her quiet fury when I was a youth and child.
One word… “Awe”
Beautiful rage… Respect.

Mother of Dragons. M OD.
Defender Of Man. D O M

Domino… sugar.
Alexander: The Great. AT E G.
Dominus: Spartacus the Series.
Athena Spartacus.
A S . E A.

6:57 pm.

I, we respected our mother, because for someone so fun mischievous, and tolerant… one does respects that such a being can summon such a Beautiful R-AG E of destruction ( saw it when she destroyed my bio fathers apartment after they separated and his girlfriend wearing her clothes she had never had a chance to retrieve her things during the dramatic separation- and the woman tels my mother at the door after not being allowed to see us, for the danger of my father taking her life… ( not joking we had to signal here from the window too if it was safe to pass by with her car and only then could we come down) but the woman telling her that my father had kicked us out for the 3rd time.. and we were roaming the streets, knowing we could not go to my grandfather’s house…. he wanted my Father to disown us, only then would he take over all responsibilities mainly financial…
My mother just lost it, and after sending my father running for their lives hurdling a boulder at the departing retreating back of their car, proceeded to destroy everything, but only things which were hers, in the house.

The other time she and my bio father on the campus on the road, only I was present, as my father tried to run her off the road. I was in her car and then found myself in his car… It was like a James bond movie my mother got the upper hand, and my father had kicked us out of the house yet again.. to piss my mother off, my mother had insisted that I alone with her, must force him to give me the key to the house so that we could get in.

No, that was my mother’s nature in Human form, no I knew who she was C Hera, would be her character Avatar as the Greek-Roman Gods here, and Mami Wata Yemoja Aphrodite daughter of Zeus, husband of Maurice Moore Hephaestus- Aurelia Ferrill line.

No, there is no coincidence that I am 15 47 Facebook friends and why Eternal Arden- Alexander Arden had to wait for his See Cecilia – Onuabuchi

“Cou” “Throat” in French, to “Rising”.
C O U- R. AG E.
Yes, also Geoff LaCour.

7 12 Do unto others, as you “Desire” others do unto you.

7:12 pm.

Who rose first the TWO E A – A E.
then came Onu- Olympia-
S.H.E- RA..Y.

Athena Aphrodite Artemis She as the 3 in One.
infinite Power of Beautiful Wrath.
B Rage.
B Rage W- VV.

E A C..E
E C A -(K A H K H)… K E- E K PT

… Both His Promise and His World.
P W.
7:17 pm.
G: A G…I.
G Q.
at 7 the cells regenerate from Nothingness.
Yes, where Ea Emerged from to become E A and the O as C until HE as A did Alpha -Omega.
“Ceaclia- via Cecilia” * “See both meanings of both words)

So, yes, the two Cee’s Above and Below versus the Below and the Above in the Battle.. and illusion and story of the first Trinity Being E-A C-E K
E B A C K.

The Back T B
The Front. T F
The Sides T S.
The Base The Bottom T B T B.
The Top The Mouth. TT T M
The Every Thing. T E T
My Everything M E
His Everything.
First Last. F L
The All. T A

The Hat The Head. T H. T H.

So you can see the place of Battle with the Egg Heads versus the Alien Council perverted to the NE.RDS.

Silicon Valley… S V ( VS O P Brandy Johnny Newman left in the freezer)
of the Dead.
Psalms 23
Artificial Intelligence in a human body AI and The Unnaturals
10101000110011000 11 codings.


Yes, see how I Code. I C.

C O D E.
H O D.
I O D.

See Sacred Portal 104
“Com Pass me Says death, declaration of war.

Cloak Of Deathe Expression Supreme: C O D E S.”

It is good to understand what someone is saying, especially in this Script, Play Theater. S. PT.
it became the meaning of your literal existence and awakening or not.

hence the gift of the E Manual Word. ( rejected.. not even a thank you.. instead, left to rot for some else to do it for you…? No worries, it was not for my benefit)

Mine is simply, Ise what you all see…
Hear, Feel, Express, Know and recognize, universally.

Sound – solfeggio.
Spectrum Rainbow.
Feel- Sith Sense.
Touch. Taste, Smell,
Sense and already Know.

A B C.
Building Blocks.
Logic Reason L R 12- 18-63.
Common Sense. C S
/ S.C South Carolina 8th state.
Yes, Common Sense.
Supreme Consciousness.

Numbers which Count, have meaning; using Abacus?
No, basic Arithmetic & Math, which we use regularly and universally every day.

.. Not abstractions, now one but only you and a group of “The Select” can see.

Where is Zero?
But I can show you a Circle, and its applications – Wheel .. Axel.

7:40 pm.

What is the world made of?

10101010 One Zero’s;
O Z “Dorothy and the Wizard of OZ.
A ZOO… OZO? the OINri Igbo Sir K-Nights version a story reflecting the wall being your face and mind…
W.A V E S moving from its source as Perfection- Creation is Consciousness on the move, rising to its point… Partile moving back to Perfection.
P P.
16 16
E Albert/ E Alexander- Zenith Z-Ion to Arden L ION C IOn E ION.
E I O I E.

Do you see the difference in how I code? program- beat them at their own game, hack..into computers.. And yes, I was born in Hackney. Islington England- 18 Alexander Grove.

H I E… Harmony Infinity Expression.

7:45 pm.

How dare you challenge that which is Real and grounded, rooted in Be Here Right Now Present with that which is not even in any State.. or Mine- Minde -( Flying Carpet F C Full Circle- Kristina Radar?)
JAH Jerone Satya Alladdin Yasimine?
J A Y. E A H I.

7:48 pm

Anastassia Hart. A H
She was a Facebook friend when I arrived in Connecticut and was staying at 114 Grant Moore who greeted me with “Its Snowing” and yes it was; has returned as my Facebook friend.

Anastassia means

*Anastasia (from Greek Anastasía (?????????)) is a feminine given name and the female equivalent of the male name Anastasius. The name is of Greek origin, coming from the Greek word anástasis (?????????), meaning “resurrection”.
Meaning: “Resurrection”

Yes, please connect the meaning of the name Lara-zo/ La-z-a.r.o ( Arrow Of God”)
Lazarus and the name Dorado.

Hart… H ART. HA. RT. “HA! He is Right.

*English and North German: from a personal name or nickname meaning ‘stag’, Middle English hert, Middle Low German hërte, harte. … Irish : Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAirt ‘descendant of Art’, a byname meaning ‘bear’, ‘hero’. The English name became established in Ireland in the 17th century.

Descendant oof Art.
Bear Hero.. ( yes the bear at 900 south Rd)
H ERO.S Plurial

Stag… Yes the Stag outside of
the former red Rooster Plus I stayed at after 114 Grant Moore and from where EMF my brother line at the time and bio father with Chiefy, Kim on the way, we went to West Virginia. 35 State.
C E.

And yes it means “Heart”

“Resurrection of the H E A R T… H E.

From the Dead or Forgotten memory Golden age.
Eternal Heros of the Golden Dawn.

E. H O T… GD… E
1520 Facebook Friends at 900 South Road, Eternal harmony had been attained, by 74 11 28 39 C I.. 12 L.. A B 27 A-A BG Blue Gold/ Green C I 39.

And now I suppose I A- E I?


8:04 pm

7:12 +x 19 84
See sacred Portal 19 but as 19 149 Alien Father alpha And sacred portal 84
as Harmony Destruction.
The unstoppable and immovable force of will.
“Be Gone” B G. 2 7.

I will take a break and continue with the last 3 new facebook names arrivals and the message and its meaning, contained with their names.

8:07 pm


8:41 pm
8:42 pm.

Coding by using Perfect Timing indents the Point which creates its Manifestation into everything in Expression Creation Universal Simulation Matrix.

8:43 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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