
1/19/2019 22:05 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m


@1219 Facebook Friends.

Date and Time aligned.

Sacred Journey.


Yes, I am pissed by this Script and play.

I always return to bliss and ecstasy, no one and nothing can stop me from ascending back to my home frequency.

But the Source of my Fury and Rage is how far this Script has gone, and because of the Wave or Tidal Wave.. Tsunami actually, of the pathway I had to walk through world’s created by people of this age.

Going through 57 homes since arriving in 2001 by the time I reached
Stephen Filgueira portal at 29.in Nov 2018.

-29 months after I entered the Hell Hole of of Human Mentalities insanity @ the Mental Health Shelter: To enter and defeat the Spirit realm of Forhetting-Memory, as well as the evidence of the New World order script of weeding out the species in the cruelest possible way, and suppressing human evolution by using human arrogance conceit and appalling ignorance and self centeredness against the populace each infected by Need and Greed.

Stephen helped me get a phone, the agent created a password for me Kold57..

57 is E G .. Enders Game.
5 Oceans and 7 Continents
The World code 55
Eric Ebright to Stephen to Chris Mackayla ( and John) ..and myself.
C M E 43.
Sacred Portal 43 is Door to True Life .

20 12. 32. 5.
Sarah Kaizer
Sarah Athena Kaizer
S A.K.
Alicia Klein Klien
A.S. K

S A./ A.S ..K= 11… Doppelgangers.

Does this Symetry not mean anything to you all?

C J.M.E.

E Jump Man Consciousness-Creation
Chris chose the color yellow for his room

3 is Earth 3rd planet from the Sun.

This going down and then up into others people’s world’s frequencies has been the Source of my greatest discomfort.
Going down into the lie, like going deeper under water.
The agony is from the horror of the difference between- the dimension of home Bliss Ecstasy.
..E.. Eternity.

The agony is that I can not breathe
In such views..

Going into the lower frequencies

And the difference between the home frequency and the ones adopted by humanity – people is that it physically affects me, creating such physical discomfort..
But what creates the true pain and suffering when I go down- forced to go down into the realms of others was having to enter into their way of thinking and linking.
And fighting to get them to rise.

Horrific to me,

(And to anyone..)

All I wanted to do was escape, but I could not until I had reached them, given what they required to see and recollect..
From the moment we meet and greet till they had risen to see the E Truth.. only to then hen descend, back to this reality.
From which I would be compelled to show them the steps of how to manually rise.
That was then left to them the Choice to sustain that Experience as Truth with then their decision to do the work of riddles of shedding their spells, conditioning and insanity by coming back to their Senses and Sensies ( The Body and Sensory perception” )

Only then, I remarked, and noted through those arduos years of panic confusion and often quite desperation and people now ready for me to leave, often panicked, or arrogant, forgetful or now fearful that I had no place to go would a door open in this realm, moving me to the next place.

I couldn’t accept that this was the path…

I fought this for years, but I could not deny that I could see the pattern, that it was not random- these moves, and the people..
And the System and Methodolgy I find myself applying, solving, in my desperate bid to escape these frequencies. The more I fought to escape, the more my body muscles felt contained to the point where as both Lisa Levine, McKayla Rays both healers of acupuncture and massage experienced
My body twisted, as Jeff Sullivan painting of the Tree of Life…

It made walking and movement for the last 15 yrs an act of will.

Remember I am a dancer, athletic and no longer did I have full control of my body my movements and the 24/7 awareness that my body was internally deformed and all my internal organs, especially colon were twisted and to my astonishment doctors could not find anything wrong and ppl found my body language and sounds beautiful charming when it was insane.

24/7 I.must focus on breathing techniques to gently untwist my internal skeletons only for moments later, for it to twist into a different angle.
I.knew I was, am morphing physically evolving bit I felt to get help I would have to get evidence and proof.

…but despite all the effort, not even that is enough.
And the impossibility of it, along with the voice rising from me, and the literally one thing I could not accept ( despite people hinting at it)
That I was ..am possessed.

It was to explain the impossibility of my being imprisoned in the 4th Dimension and most of all what was happening to my body and being which made me eventually solve the Source Codes- which came about by my determination to explain and fund reason to what had been doned to my body.
And my secret knowledge of the true play that there was only one force which could do this to my body ..
Or better known as the Truth.

But that was a truth, I did not wish to explore it took me from my Home Consciousness.. turned my focus to a reality I already knew was a lie..

The codes were by- product, a of my desire to heal a body which I knew that there was nothing wrong with.

The Truth of it is that I had already recognized within the first year in New York.. which was that an Unseen hand, was training me.
I.linked it to the pathway way from Nigeria to London Paris Spain Turkey and America ..always I encountered people men, especially from the Astral Plane who would appear on my path as Sensei’s.

My own discipline I had mastered was Self Mastery, I have a peternatural Self Discipline and ability to “Hone in” and Focus.

I already saw that in New York, the stripping me away of all my material wealth, all even to my luggage cloths was stripping me training me to learn the codes.
But it is when I made a bid once more to escape, leave the country did the physical condition became intensified and by 2004, 3 years since I arrived and 2 years since I had satisfactorily mastered the codes to the point Erek Eclass Mateo ( whose birthday is recorded as this day .. code 76..
S.P 76..
Yes linked in 2002 Erek the Red.. Morphing .. Who was present when when I received the news of my bio Fathers death in 2002 by my uncle Charles widow known as “Chi Chi”

I could calculate with numbers and my equations who was coming around the corner as I walked the street or the name and qualities of next person.I was going to met.

I grew that precise, training with the Unseen presence not allowed to eat unless I got the days lessons correct- all a Training Day”
To reach this point

By 2004 I was bound so tight and twisted that I would be bed ridden in agony and pain as the ” bond’s feeling so much like Voodoo ..Someone poking needles in me as if they had made a Vodoo Doll of me and some vines made of muscle tightened their grip on me.

I.have been trained to ignore pain all my life, I.am a literal mastery at bearing pain.
*I.learned that when I learnt how “no one cares.. ” or have time, I.learned.. to cars.

I knew it was all a set up.
And the result is where this has led me.

The Codes…
The Present ..

How is it that a person can present such evidence facts witnesses publicly for 17 yrs by New Yorkers and 7 yrs on Facebook of solving the Riddles of Existence

Providing proof of cracking the Source Code be still made anonymous, dependent financial on others when none can pay the price of the knowledge I have been forced to provide.

How is it possible,
That was were I came closest to madness, how is possible that there was no media attention, no Acknowledment of a public proclamation made in 2011-2012 Of what I stated was happening to me and my what I realized I was being set up to prove and demonstrate to you all.

Evolution Awakening
Manifested by a man.

And even at this point observing the utter disrespect and disregard for the Truth and The Man.

What I have discovered is so shocking, so incredible to me personally and privately, and that I was forced to not only draw your attention to “Elephant in the Room”

Christopher Filgueira told me that he and his friend CASH.. are both identifed as Elephants-Memory.

I have stopped calling attention to.The Elephant in the Room as I observed that in the truest sense no.one gave a damn truly about what was being done to me or the acknowledgement of my sharing all this Intel and evidence of a play script and thus, this world not being real.

I quantified the Spirit realm of Mind Astral Plane.
I linked it to the Physical Realm
And linked this lowest Species to the Eternal and proven woven into Existence the Beautiful Truth being greater than the Truth for only the Harmonious Beautiful Truth is real.

And after all this, I am working still like a slave, for others to pay attention to that which should have jolted them awake.

Can you honestly say that this is not Evil beyond belief manifested onto.me personally all for the illusion..for your benefit?

It’s Evil.
I do not believe in this
I understand it but I do not even bother anymore to qualify or quantify or even peer into the Abyss of the Cause Effect and injustice of what I have endured ..
Not even a natural.respect..
All is a lie here…
Nothing is true not even the words “Sorry” or “Thank you”

I.am quiet and speak little about what I truly and personally feel..
Or that after 29 months in a Shelter and 17 years forced to fight to get your attention..
Or that my greatest battle is with myself, to accept such cruelty is real..
My experience..
Each day it is not the inability to go home which bothers me torments me each night..
But rather, that this is play of the Awakening and such self centerenes, mindless careless disregard for others..
And the abomination done to Expression, Language and the ability to tell the Truth…
And convey it.

That it is actually real.

9:02 p.m


What do you do if you were in my shoes.

Realize that this is true Evil and Hate and this is how therefore they chose to respond to M.e.

9:04 p.m.
904. 404 Asylum Ave.
I D.

9:10-11 p.m

In was sitting here with Chris watching a documentary about the Asteroid which landed in the gulf of Mexico 66 million yrs ago causing the end of the Dinosaur Age D.A
Stephen came in with a gift from which he bought and was then gifted by Peter Bragino the poet artist to him when he stated he wished to give it to me.
A gift from both.
Sacred Portal ..66..
“My E.T self emerging from the Black Hole with the two culprits… Masks
TrueMask Klo is the indicator rep of that being achieved the Mask of Ages .. The Lie and Deception

Ozzy Osborne
The Dark Prince.
15 15

66 million years ago.
End of an A.G.E.

It was a pendant, of a miniature Log Bar in wood strung over vine or twine, with the 7 chakras and at the end a butterfly.

I had given Christopher my wand with the 7 chakras I found before meeting up with John Blackwell “Delguidce” ( J.B ) and Donna O’Sullivan D O S .
10 4
Alexa Vertefeuille her Fathers Birthday.

Sacred Portal Terrible Death
Compass me” says T.D.

I observed the Altar in Christopher ‘s room set on a table with roses, a male skull with antlers painted on it, and a Candle with a female representation of Lady Death Mexico.
Cinqo De Mayo 5-5..
He showed it to me yesterday he pointed out how it had Love Hearts.
I noted two Diamonds in the recesses of its Eye sockets.
He lit incense on it today.
The incense called “Dragons Blood”

Room 4 B bed 5- 4 018.

9:48 p.m

The label of Peter’s company is
“Sacred Journey”
19 10
Stephen John.
29 is me.
A-Z-A. B.C…1-26..27..28..29..

A Long way down to recover Christ
Me.. My Past Back
M. P.B.

10:10 a.m

End The Sum of All ages

7 years on Facebook

Crown Chakra.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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