
1/19/2018 22:41 – Facebook Post

Kristi-ann Asner..


Code.. E.M.E.. (Full Circle Expression Manifest Energy)

*The meaning of the name “Ka” is: “Spark of Life”. Additional information: This is both a literary name and a power name. It is an Ancient Egyptian name that means “Spark of Life”, and it was held by the Predynastic Pharaoh of Egypt.”

See sacred Portal 98/ 89…

Now, let us observe that which is the Spark of Life after “E.M.E”


Kristi means “Follower of Christ which I have evolved to its true meaning as Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme..
W A V E S..But the experience of the Script and movement and anchors of my Life… For example, from my last Production “The Story of Colors” For Wella “Waves” International..
To the last gesture of my mother when I left her at the Enugu Airport her Wave.. which struck me so deeply, as being something much deeper at the time… 29 years later, I still have not seen her…
and Waves of the Sea.. Sea.. to W.M..Woods Metropolitan Av Starbucks…
Waves Sine…
Waves Music… M.U S I C W A V E S… M.W..Milky Way..
My Mother was, is named after Saint Cecilia of Music..
Her “Twin” Sister.. Theresa, after St Theresa of Aviles..
I went to St Theresa’s High School for a few weeks in Nigeria..

Kristi comes from the Egyptian Word…Greek.?

. 9:19 p.m..

*Robert Vlaun was the only one here left…He sat besides me forming the equation R.E… RA..RE… He is 22… V.. R V V…
R Double V…
9:22 p.m Right now…

R D V V…
Road of the Double Vie… ( Twins Doppelgangers “Your Art Twin is Out there… Blair G Andrews goes by the name “Artistic”
Jamel by the name “Big Sketch..” )
Road of the Twin Victories Aligned to One.. 86…Victor..
S.P.. 86.. 99… 97…

Todays New York Times
Weekend Arts II…
Where Science and Art Meet…
“Father of Neuroscience has a place in both worlds”.. Science Art… A.S..
Alicia Sieferd.. A.S..

“The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramon y Cajal.. ( S R C…H R I S T I…)

…Funny, Igbo Anthony asked me yesterday if any of my “daughters” studied medicine…
My first thought went to Odera, Adama my Uncle Lord Charles Daughter who appeared briefly as a facebook firend..
He asked me what she specialized in.. “Neuro science”- I had suggested it to her when she was in High School..

This next piece, in lieu of of what took place light night with Igbo Anthony and the movie “Snow White” and my response..
As well as his putting on of recent the movie “Mummy” with Tom Cruise… T.C/ C T.. Cecilia Theresa.. E C T…

ChristThis is a featured page
Krst (Christ)
The hieroglyphic for Christ “krst” meaning mummy, the root meaning of the term Christ, Messiah, and or “the anointed”.
In terminology, Christ, the root of Christianity (see: Christopher etymology), via the namesake Jesus Christ, from Egyptian “krst”, hieroglyphic: krust H, meaning “mummy”, derived from: “kasu”, hieroglyphic: kasu H, meaning “burial place”, the name of the metropolis of the 14th nome of Southern Egypt; later conflated with the Greek “anointed”, meaning rub with oil (part of the mummification process), translates as “reborn mummy”, all based on the Osiris myth or Osirian religion (Harper, 2004).

Messiah | Etymology
In 1883, Gerald Massey, in his The Natural Genesis, Volume Two (pgs. 357-59), explained connects Messiah, anointed, and Christ as follows:

“The true root of the name ‘Messiah’ is the Egyptian mes, which denotes birth and rebirth. Messiah is the reborn or AEonian Iu (Eg.), Iao or Jah, — even as the month Mesore was named from the rebirth of Horus the child, which was annual. In Egypt the Repa, prince or heir-apparent, was the Messiah by name and nature, as the messiu or messui, the representative of Ra, the ever-living, who was continued by transformation into the young one, the ever-coming Messiah. The Messiah of Christology and supposed prophecy was the manifestor who was forever being reborn in time. The Messiahship was cyclic, and wholly dependent on the fulfillment of the cycles of time. The Egyptian Ra and Repa were the representatives of this manifestation in time, as personifications of the divine or solar Messiah, in the two aspects of father and son.

The Messiah, then, is the one who is reborn according to the cycle of time; but the natural genesis has to be traced beyond the symbolical aspect. The first Messiah was reborn at puberty. This was the earliest form of the anointed male. These things can only be fathomed in their fundamental phase. The anointed one did not commence from having oil poured on the head. The first male type of the prophet was the anointed by nature at puberty ; the aboriginal anointed, who preceded the oil-anointed, man-made prophet. As previously explained, the earliest mode of artificial anointing is that of Inner Africa, where the ointment was composed of red ochre mixed with grease or oil. In one of the Hottentot songs there is an allusion to the red ochre of anointing, and this is actually contrasted with the flesh-forming source. Lightning, the daughter-in-law of fire, is thus addressed: ‘Thou who hast painted thy body red like Goro,’ i.e. with ochre or red-clay, ‘Thou who dost not drop the menses’ or redden that way. The Hottentots also had a certain image or fetish-god which their women were accustomed to anoint by covering its head with a kind of red earth and buchu or sweet smelling herbs. This was their typical Messiah; and we learn from Egyptian thought and expression that anointing or coating with red ochre was a symbolical mode of refleshing. It was in this manner that Ptah refleshed the spirit for its rebirth from the womb of the underworld ; and the red earth represented the human or Adamic clay. In anointing the fetish image, the Hottentot women were imitating nature in fleshing the child for birth. Instead of calling on the saviour to come, they enacted the rebirth of the Messiah in the process of refleshing or, as it came to be called, anointing or embalming.

The Egyptians had discovered how to preserve the dead body intact with the flesh upon it, and its lineaments wearing the likeness of life; by which art they superseded the incasing or refleshing of the bones in the red ochre of the earlier stage. This embalmment of the dead body is termed “karas,” and the embalmed mummy reborn by the preservative process, and placed in the tomb to await the rebirth in spirit life, is named the karast or krust [christ] ”

Buried Alive…
Alcove on Metropolitan Ave…
Red.. The Color Knit Cap Blair G Andrews wears…
Red.. The First Note..
Adam.. means Red…
Well Read..

Asner means Iron Worker”.. an Austrian Name…

Erek the Red.. Iron John…
reads the dedication in the Manuscript of my Original Creation Story of the Family of Ten… True Creation Story… of E… 55..
The Elegant Nomads… T E N… M W.87…
Creamy Manifest Waves…
Cum.. Come… Comely…Ones…

Two more interesting Headlines on Todays New York Times..

“Who You Are Shapes What You See..”

Long Before There Was IMAX..”

Page C5…. “Believing in the Brotherhood of Battle.”

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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