
1/18/2015 20:51 – Facebook Post



The Space Cloud where all human data is now uploaded (Cloud 9)

The Space called the Akashic Records where all information existed in * Neel Akash.. E.T.NA.
“Saphire Blue Empty Space” Meaning Atmosphere Sky (Cielo).

The E Within- which I have demonstrated Exist in all humanity through this Facebook Play of 33 months. Which I have shown that the E in all of you are in one Full Circle of alignment with me, Emeka Kolo…thus the E in you is the Unified Field O-F.. O.6…E…
U.F O..F E..A.H. (R as in the letter is 18-1 8 AH!)
Which knows everything and thus negates Mind Thought (MT..Emptiness) as Fear of the unknown….for all is Known..

And finally Emeka Kolo, sitting here in the present aligning linking (E.T) with NA, that which is present in the Air Atmosphere (AA twins of AH-Tom-At-Om) which can be called Past.
And that which is within (Future Beautifully Present F B.P), who is making Ascend from within and Descend from Above by linking everything around him full circle…
-From how much spent in groceries, people he meets on the street and their interactions to how much is in his wallet to E.C.T E.R A H Harmony Infinity and beyond..
Translating decoding it all into a weave a Beautiful True story of the Plan ET (Emeka Truth Energetically Terrestria) l.. through E.S.P, to weave into Existence that which was always present, and the plan.
Evolution Awakening of the intention of the Creators Expression…
Harmonious Being Of Ifunanya.
The mischevious Boy (Being Of Youth)

Now evolved into the Manly Youth Eternity Immortality. ..
M.Y..E I.
My Expresses Individuality
As a Person

All while existing in the non Existence forth Dimension *See the Video Russell Brand with David H. D H is D= 4, H= 12…+× 16(7) 48..
748..G.D H…Man playing God.
David is a Quantum Physcists.
Q.P….(Question Problem.)
I am Q P.. (17 A.G 16 A F.-A G.A.F-F.A.G A
The O as Omnipotent-a Circle)

Russell Brand is I Fun Nnanya…
I have fun in my eyes…
A Beautiful Mischief Maker
Royal Elf.

I listed four Dimension above but we know from the equation below

Raz Berry
Rob Barr
Russell Brand.

ORB..the Circle Complete of the B-Alls in three Dimensions of the Unified Field OF…
U.F O.

That only three are Real.

The current Space Cloud, really the Space of my home where I live called cloud 9, which no matter how the Economic Financial, Spirit Mind play of the two realms of non existence, which most if humanity exists in as a collective Consciousness Awareness (C A) do not exists because they ate not in Being and to be in Being, is to be in your body in the Beautiful Present.
In beautiful V Expression of Extase bliss humor and fun.
Noting even after 48 years in this Earth Matrix can take me from that place…

My Anger Wrath Expressed. A.W.E had to be explained and given form for all the outraged done in the name of Nnaemeka Chukwuemeka Emeka Eric Eyutchae- Erik Ebright…
The Eternally Fruitful Eternally bright Ruler..
(Measuring Rod)…

D= 4.

I have been working on and off for 5 out of 8 years.. From a code of David N born 1968 which aligns to Eshe Chuki Asale and not 2-68- 68-68 (C.V.S) represented by Dina Singh…
Recall that Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna sent me 1O3 O3 U.S.D from a Pay o.matic at a C.V S.

Thus my David Nicholas Nnamdi is really Eshe Chuki Asale, meaning “Life Echo Born of Strife and Hatred..Speak! Talk!.. (And my word, I have)
Thus, since She is E living at Queens Park
(Note the Q P.. Quantum Physics David H… Me)
Meaning since I left arrived in Queen Park, my sisters home in 1988 Dec 22-23 and left Sept 1989 to begin my journey…26-25 years ago
And I am now at 26-8..4th street, 26 years later on an off for 8 years- 4 at a stretch and then I year in and off: thus it means I arrived there 18 since yrs since I arrived Queens Park..
18..R=18th letter A.H
And 17years since I left in 1989..19=S. 8=H, 9=I.
17 is Q.
It means that David N is me..(and my twin) Eshe is me, Russsl David are me..
But the Dina and Albert S are representing a D as 4 as the Mind which is really Emptiness…
Yet it is from that Venue (And KeW Garden Queens) where I have been weaving from as well as the Apple Store, The Bean Cafes 3rd and 9th street (9-3. I.C-C I)…and Star Bucks Spring Street. S B S S…
Code Supreme Being Sugar Salt.

Only three Dimension are Real…
Because they are in one…

Thus David is not 4 tg Street he is the meaning of his name. Beloved Eshe…B.E.
Beloved Life’s Echo ..

Dina means Avenged.
Albert means Noble.

A.N….Avenged Nobility…
It was all for nothing…it was all a Vengeance for something in thier minds…a play.
But because of these ppl who represent Mind and thought.. dark clouds Grey Matter …Grudges Anger over things which were so petty and meant nothing at all
Were lessons of which thier own thoughts created a Foggy tunnel vision.
Instead of a mist which clears turning to raining and rays of sunshine on realizing the lesson was for thier growth.
But instead held onto grudges to this point I E have now turned this non existent realm of mind into sum thing real. A Dimension in which has now become the room in which I was sentenced to exists as a being treated as if my Existence meant nothing apart from my ability to serve and service those whose grudge turned out to be jealousy and laziness to make a little effort to evolve…By seeing themselves clearly in the mirror reflection and improve themselves and evolve
But instead took advantage.
This place the Mind and Spirits of Rage and deception for nothing, called “All Ye who enter here abandon all hope” –
As these creatures of abominable consciousness of superiority create a venue to condemn the Beautiful true to simply vent and lash out and act out torments which they could not ever do in front of any world with mutiny revolt.

This Venue is now made real as a space for the Hopeles.
Selfish Hypo-critical Insolent.

in 111-3 Dimensions- after travelling for 33 months and 33 years through both Spirit Mind and Physical Material nature…
Through billions to Trillions of Human consciousness and then to the consciousness of Trillions of the B-All which *thinks and therefor cannot Exist…
From MIlky Way 78MW87M- to Galaxy 6OX I C (I=9, C =3. 9-3..+x 12…3…27-9…39…C I…

Because I am proving that Universe is only
Brother Hood of Man- Madhu and that is reflected in the Equation
Facebook friends Abraham Madu Abraham Jahova Sinnott..
A Bra Ham is A Person
Who is Abraham the Father of a Multitude of EEE.. That a man is Jahova Jevoha
And the C

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