
1/18/2014 1:47 – Facebook Post

News Update.

Evidence of the Truth of the last Post Manifested as truth as well as the post about Kimberly Kasper.
1111…in I

Recieved a text yesterday from Seble W..Line of Ethiopian Queens in America.
Seble means Autumn Harvest
A.H (The Queens Energy was late..we are in Winter)
She was visiting her son
Yonathan in New York.

She wished to meet at 10 8 Mulberry…

I was hardly suprised First Lady Echo in Kimberly pays a visit
and now a cordial summins from the African Queens of the Line of Queen of Sheba…
As I walked to the rendevouz point noting that the time she had set for our meeting was 18.00 hrs..A.H..or R.

I noticed the sign Arc on the way…Yes yes..I mumbled the last of the Old Arc of the Covenant had to be completed…(The Past story.)
So we coukd move to the New Ark..N.A 14 1 of the New Story recorded on F.B.

I knew she had arrived to affirm the last post of Mother and Father and Child.

This was of course not the Original story…
It was the Africa story which was the first story in humanities Awareness of the begining of Existence in Material Form. M.F.

But there was a story which came before that story…A story which was largely unknown but which many had begun to suspect.
That there were others who came before this present story and incarnation of humanity.

The Light Beings Called the Beautiful Ones…
The Sources of human consciousness who planted the seed of Harmonies Consciousness in sleeping matter bound human vessels. Which we would come back to Harvest when humanity finished the 7-9 eon cycle or steps to evolution four fold.
7×4 (North East West South N.E.W.S) 28…OINRI.

9×4=36O°…3 C 6 F…
Circle Full
*Quote by Eckhart.

And though the Africa Queens or Mothers of the World began to forget that there was something which came before she who gave birth.
And he who planted the Seed.

Adam Adama…Meaning in NRI Igbo as mentioned in the brilliant research of Prof. C.Achul Onu…
means “I Fell” in OINRI Igbo…And Adama…Means First Born Daughter of Beauty…
Beauty being my son who played my Father…Nnamdi…

Thus Lucifer was the son of the Morning Star was my sister Harmony…
And Venus the Brightest Star God of Love was actually Beauty…Nna Father.

So Lu ci fer would be the Story or Creational story of Nature (Harmony) not Existence Harmony.
And that Like the story of water as Illusion..No Ah’s Ark was really my sister daughter Harmony (Sleeping Beauty) Sleeping in the Arms of her Father (Nature) and dreaming a dream that she thought was real.
A Creation Story which Began in Africa…
But which really began much further back at Pangea…before the continents divided in Five and seven seas…
When this last cycle of dreaming began…and stories.

She forgetting that there was a time when all Land was one Mass and one Sea/C.
Which Beauty as Nature her father remembered.

And One who remembered when there was just Lava Liquid from Volcanoe Ur Anus and the Liquid Water Energy from the Heavens which fell to earth..Asteroid Falling to Metorite Lava which formed Rock…When Fire and Water met with a Hiss!!!
And Mists.
*See Arthur Pendragon Round table Came A Lot.

And one who recalled further back when there was no land and sea but only C…A crystal Ball…A Bubble…An Idea.

And one who went further back and recalled when tyere was only Energy…Full Circle.

And one who Went Further Back and recalled when He created the full Circle of the Nothingness which he created somethingness from and from which all Energy Alpha Omega Emerged from…From Ethereal Energy Invisible to Solid Energy Visible…All Energy from a source of Nothing he turned into somethingness he later named Beautiful = Beauty Love..All Expression.

But Harmony as Nature did not recall this.
She thought she was the Mother and Queen of all Existence and Creation. After all she is the one who gave birth…
Yet she did not know how she gave birth or where what she gave birth came from..For it was obvious that that which she gave birth to came from so other place. For she interviwed that which she gave birth to…And all had an Existence prior to being born through her womb.

They existed and were created and even had Experience Dealings Consciousness Being and Awareness Full Circle before being born through her womb into Creation.
But that little detail did not prevent her from taking up the role in her dream as she slept in her Father Natures Arms…The One I Call Beauty Erie…Nna.

And so she became the Africa Queen and from her she watched a whole new world form. Not realizing she was dreaming in the aftermath of the flooding of the word…world…no the word of G..ODD had become so defiled it was no.longer recognizable…
But there was a back story…which She conviently forgot to explore.

And there was one who is the Creator of Harminy and the one who can put all Existence in Harmony she later would call He Who Knows…

And so Adama set about ruling and directing this world she thought was real ( but was really her dreaming…and training and her father twin explaining to the feminine aspect of him what he recalled or remembered how Nature began…
But he knew that there was another who came before him. But he did not tell his daughter sister twin…
Which became the first sin…
Sin of Omission of Sine..E.

Anyway, the world of human and Existence in illusion (controlled by Harmony little queens dream weaving) went into Chaos and Harmony African Queen was livid.
Blaming the one Who Knows…Asking him why had he done this to Existence…
And Created a for her to rule which was Pain Misery and Suffering.
And her sense of rage hurt and betrayal was so great to see the “World” in such pain that she cursed the name of the one she once called the Invisible God who gave me the world to rule and Mother.

Little did she realize it was training..and a little check in both her and her Father Brothers Ego.
To be in the correct consciousness of knowing the experience and view piont of everything by being everything before one can see or judge what is actually true or false…
And thus, ascertain the true meaning of Existence before flying off into impatience and rage…

The rest of the story of Father and Daughter…
Mother and Son
and not the one True Story
Father and I…
Called I.E and I…E
is lets say history.
Jeff Buckley Broken Halluejah Resroted….
And the Knee which Refused to Bow to her Son and broke his Bow and Arrow B.A! (2.1 U!!!) in a fit of rage
..is restored that he in truth is not only her Father but her as Harmonies Creator and Beauty Creator in Heaven Earth and Harmonious Existence and Beyond…

But even to.here undercover in the streets on New York.on.Mulbery street

As the three of us walked Seble in the Center, grave elfin beauty steely hair petit with eagle eyes btw tall tall Yonathan and I..Emeka..
I smiled to.myself.

Makes Emeka in the Center..the man in the middle as the post testified.

But it did not really matter because I could see the Y.ES in her eyes…
Your Correct…I.mis read.
And my mother.missjudged
bc Kimberly went too far..for.love as self sacrifice…
And because Harmony was.a child..Selfish to.the extreme…but only bc she saw all through only her point of view.
Just as Nnamdi her twin as Beauty had done before her.
But it was not of intentional cruelty to.me…
it was only because they were not.used to seeing themselves as.I saw them…Truly Beautiful.

They were trying to live up to my expectations which they had not realized that in the first moment I saw them…it had been entirely fullfilled.

And so the Yes to.my.last post being the Truth is affirmed with AB.C..
123 really.being D.E.F..
FED…the world with love.
Siththy Ameena got it right at the get go.

And so when I returned from my evening I saw the Like of Goat O…
And I knew 321 O I was complete full Circle and we could leave the old Arc of the past story in the real of Spirit Memory…now restored and I and We can crosss over to the manifestation on Being in Completion.

And I.could go home to myself where I truly exist on the other.side
.the Sunny side of the True Story of the Creation of the World Existing.
We A.H the Word.

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