
1/17/2018 2:49 – Facebook Post

Every Where in the Planet A Revelations of Rape and Sexual Violence to children, and youths.
Especially boys, I say especially boys and “physically” beautiful Boys and Youths not to take away from the horrors done to girl and women but because this is the one kept secret, and is suffered in Silence because of the Stigma and shame to the “Victim” a fact that the Molestor Rapists knows.

All the Guys I met from the Evolving Family, are what you might call physically beautiful as are the girls..
But all the guys had suffered often horrific rapes in their youth by both men and women.

Creation is Sex…
Consciousness is Sensation…
Conversation is Seduction…
Clarity is Soothing…
Common Sense and Sensibility.

What happens to the Mental State of the Worlds Chldren and Youth who grow up carrying these awful traumas…

Emotional Mental Expression… Knowingly Assassinated…


“I Deny”
I.D…. Of the World… Deny Deny Deny…

And how do you combat a person who denies what they did to you, to your face, says it to the World, Discredits you, turns everyone against you ( even if they know that it is true, they are complicit because it is too their advantage),
the twist the truth, and then ruin your careers, and would go so far as to breaking you even to the point of Homelessness….
Deny to that point watching you suffer unimaginable consequences for thier Lie and Abuse…

Imagine no one believing you…?

Imagine going as far as I was forced to go…
I was never raped by a male, though they tried, and tried and I had to physically fight, but they got me in others ways and molested me right up to my being a fully grown man.
And Woman raped me as well as many other men I know but when they were boys or youths…

How are you meant to tell anyone that a Woman Raped you, especially 20 30 years ago and more when the idea of a man was… yes….

I D E…N Y….

I.D…E..New York…

*Recall the Slave Stories, which continue till this day of frustrated and desire longing White Women setting up young black man and threatening scream Rape.. if they do not comply.
There are horrors committed by Male and Female…sexually.

*Oh by the way, the Southern California, 13 children starved and shackled and tortured

Donald Turpin… D.T… 57
Louise Turpin… L.T… 49.

Cruelty Beyond Endurance… then something snaps.

The only way to counter such denial is to resond to it by making the Truth Manifest with Facts Evidence and Power of Justice and Consequence transparently brought forth, in a manner that the full circle of it is Understood and examined.. before being executed.

12:09 p.m.

12 9… L..I…Limitless Infinite.

I was just given a code..

I had agreed to give my case worker Nicole, one more chance after being pursuaded and charmed by Alexis.

It was disatrous, the desire to Dominate and blame.. the spite and use of condescending superiority was so blatant that I finally left and barked to Alexis office No!

Jimmey Kimmel is on… The first thng he said when he came on was the name Nicole, again and again and then, stated that he had couples were asked how long they had sex..
Which their research group led by. i believe someone called “Nicole?”

The codes he mentioned…. that the duration of sex was 25 mins and 51 seconds for Women, and 25 mins 43 secs by men.

I was so furious by the expression of Nicole, which as Emeka the man, who even of this realm would have dressed her down but here she was able to speak to me in a way which was so blatantly superior and ignoring the person seated before her,
I have been forced to endure thee insults over and ove again because of this Script, following it, so that I could manifest inbeween its lines, the E Consciousnes and plan et, to transform this Script so prolonged step by step manually through such a evil play back to the E.

Allen Murray to my surprise was there and asked me if everything was alright as I he was coming out of his own meeting I presume.

I am the Creator forced for 29 years, 16 10 years in this country and Universal Simulation Awareness play of the Spirit and Material world S.& M. Play.. Unseen by most of Humanity, and the few who did glimpse it, shut their eyes tight and refuse to rise or awaken… So many swore not to ever wake up rather than face and see what they glimpsed at.

I have live in that nightmare…

“And no one believed you..” Allen Murray surprised me the other day by saying… I had not even spoken in that vein to him.

See sacred portal 94.. What was done to the I.D of Existence.. The Cruelty, of pleasure and leisurely pace …”

It has been like this for 49 years.. my entire existence.. War…
My first memory of existing here, rage anger felt from the Womb.. A Sock to my Feelings Sensational I exist in.
Then Beatings, as young as 18 months, brutal beatings dangled from my feet and Beaten…
My mother was sure that my bio father would kill me, more from my defiance and refusal to bow or respect his authority…
I rebelled and was beaten..
Then the beatings stopped and the pyschological warfare began.. the Mental and Emotional mind games..
Then the kidnnaping of my brothers.. then what I thought was a brief respite with my Grandfathers family.
But no.. War over money, inheritance which turned brutal..
To England.. War with Sister over pain she and I had endured..

Then with England being a Man who happened to be black who becaue of our circumstances of birth and triple Natinalities and unusual heritage did not fit in anywhere…
And considered by many handsome, filled with beautiful pride, even my sister stated on National T.V that they would like to see me fall to see me Human.

Every country.. Every place.. And then discovered that you have been consecrated without your permission into a Spirit realm play.. game challenge.
The same with uour highest family, sent you in this world to bring forth the Orgins of the Family..
The list goes on…
To Facebook and exposing my most private expressions, peoples lives, all used in the scripts as part of the code…
To 16.10 Years of no peace, no place to live, no I.D allowed and no one believing that all your efforts were being thwarted by an “Uneen Force”.. And Unseen group…

Then body being possed and thoughts, ones Being.. the Impossible, the Unbearable… then proving it evolution while fighting Evil made manifest and conscious..
Shamans, Witch Doctors, used as Bait as Human Sacrifice… made to fight the Idea of God and Goddess made real in a simulation…
Made to prove Existence in this reality… alone…
Discoverying the secret of the Secret Societies and the “Ascened Masters” infuencing reality.
And calling it out.. and being punished in a manner which I can not bring myself to ever fully ouline…

Punished by the Spirit World, abandoned by my Bio Family despite efforts to save them from their own selves being used to torture and torment me…

Solving the Riddles of Existence infront of the entire world, denie denied denied denied even when if the public could see the play and the logic…

1:29 a.m.

Then brought to B.R.C.. After the streets the forests peoples houses, waking people who I love dso deeply only for them to go back down into their Avatars when they discovered what I was up against… and that all my “Power Supernatural had been taken away t prove it all as a man “To Inspire Humanity” a Humanity and Man Kind who do not exist but forced to play the Man Kind… so Kind he is almost a fool but he s not as he walks into each set up and trap used to seek to break him, make him bow, yeild… crumple from the sheer scope of cruelty and betrayal of all…

All infront of you… to Delta to Starbucks.. to the posting…
to the battles on face book..
The battles at Starbucks, at Delta Manor the prejudgment…

And the 17 years of being physically raped in the Spirit world made so real, that i would be flung on the bed, ground and taken in a way that I am screaming whispering fighting this “This is Impossible”..
Bt it was happening each day night… while I fought it and it actually was able to make me beg… “Please Stop”
It was the Rape, the intimate knowledge of me, observed so closely inside and out… That I recognized that it knew me my habits my thoughts my blue print as a man and spirit…

And then there was the mission.. succeed at all cost.. you are irrelevant..
Sacrifice for the Whole.

And alone.

There is a news special going on right now about young black men being shot in America and their families perspectives of living with this possibility.

I have finished..
and am finished with this Script which I have been forced to go to the end..
And worst of all hear people tell me that they love me…

That was the worst… the worst…. the absolute worst.

I wait for the code of Amoza Born and Fritz Venneiq….
I do not really care about whatever…
I have understood the cruelty of The World, Its Sum total..
And the cruelty possible to be given to one to bear alone.

I can not leave the Shelter right now, or even get monies to me..
You see I have no ID…
And the truth is that my Feelings Sensations is worth nothing to people around me or of this World right just up to the E…
Only the E care.. because I care about Emeka, and the E, the Eternal ones are me.

But for now… this is the Cruelty of Existence unabated unchecked and much much much expanded and perverted from the original expression the True Expression.. was Evil.. but this ithis.. way way way beyond.

1:47 a.m.

Sacred Portal 147a.. 147 b…

47 + 47… 94… I.D….
100+ 100= 200… B O O…
B…I D. E

See sacred portal 148… you will understand
and why…
1:49 am,

149.. 19..

Because I said… I AM… ME.. E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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