
1/17/2018 21:43 – Facebook Post

1030 to 1029 then back to 1030…

J C O..J B I..J C O..E.

7:11 pm… “Seven Eleven Always O.P.E.N..24/7

13 to 129-13…
M to L.I to M.

A.M.. A.L.. I A.M…

????????? ?????? Anastasia Ryabov… Lyabov…
Resurrection of Love…

Re Born…
Amoza Born
Anthony Bienke…

Anastasia Hart.. AH… Love is Re Born..

Axel Love ..A L… Axel Anderson… A A…

Angelett Larmour… A.L..
Axel Love….

Meaning of Axel….

“pole or pin upon which a wheel revolves,” Middle English axel-, from some combination of Old English eax and Old Norse öxull “axis,” both from Proto-Germanic *akhsulaz (cf. Old English eaxl, Old Saxon ahsla, Old High German ahsala, German Achsel “shoulder”), from PIE *aks- “axis” (see axis).

The name Axel is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Axel is: Father of peace.”

Angeletta means “Little Angel.. LA”

Angel means

“Meaning of the name Angel: Derived from the vocabulary word angel (divine messenger, a messenger of God) which has its root in the Greek angelos (messenger)’

There is no God… but there is H-G-Ode… Harmonies Crowning Clarity of the Graceful ode to thee Manifest Harmony…
M.H.. To all which exists, an expression of Appreciation Praise Appreciation…
And with Will… Will Hunnitpercent Real Will Woods the Strength and Power ( David Powers) to do battle with all that is not of Love.. That which Does Not Exist…
And to do battle so ferosciously, consistently even alone against the Entire grain.. Migram Test… Emptiness to prove the great “Maw.. A Maw Bia..” the great “Nothing” seeking to convince all that the Never Ending Story “Eternity: not only being destroyed but convince All, that it never Existed…
Eternal Realm Created…

Raymond Carter….( Daniel Carter.. Linda Carter Wonder of Woman .. Will Woods.. W W..23 23… 46… Double V.. Vie…
V V V V .. 22 22 22 22… 8 8… Ha…
16 is P… Planet Created from the manifestation of the Two Harmonies…
*Herman Hubbard bed 4-003..)

Ray Monde… Ray of the World…
Linda Carter… Linda means “Beautiful:
Carter means a “Transporter of Goods” – via Conversation.. Consciousness Clarity.. Clear…Creative.. Knowledge.

Carter Name Meaning: English: occupational name for a transporter of goods, Middle English cartere, from an agent derivative of Middle English cart(e) or from Anglo-Norman French car(e)tier, a derivative of Old French caret (see Cartier). The Old French word coalesced with the earlier Middle English word cart(e) ‘cart’

Amoza Born told me that she had learned a great deal from my posts recently, after my not hearing from her for awhile, after yet again I was meant to be done.
Recall Amoza Born was Jean Dortsch…J.D… not any more..
A.B.. is the True ID of her Eternal Self..
She felt the play would begin in 1979, and worked and suffered for it to manifest.
97 was the year I proposed to the Nation of Turkey via an interview Aiesha Armand A-A… *Axel Anderson… the Festival of Sharing where the World would come to Turkey to Boogie and experience a 9 day interactive but elegantly and graceful unobtrusive awakening through Story telling and conversation in a setting which took you away from this world so that you could enter into that possibility.

Sacred Portal 79 is “Blue Print of Existence”
That is what was indented onto the Line which Amoza Born represented… 18 years later 1997..
The Plan-E.T was activated by my coming up with that Epiphany Idea which then set the Original Blue print into activation and with me suddenly in a WAVE… Activated..
The Elegant Nomad…
The Silver Surfer…
But as I went “Whoa!!!!! What the Devil… I found remembering Everything.. And realizing that my entire life was geared to this Awakening..
But instead of now moving in the Universal Script – Blue Print.. B.P.. Beautiful Pride, which I excitedly embraced..
I was Spirited Away Distracted meddled with the Doubters.. The Jealous… The Deniars.. Non Existence….posing as me.. my doubts, my fears.. Which was ridiculous because I had no doubt…
Not in myself or my abilities.. but most importantly, I AM THE AWAKENED One…
I.A…Icon Apparel…
T.A.O… Way of Nature..
Naturally Easily … effortlessly…

And I had done it before… This was for my Family to Rise as E by my recounting how I had first done it, so that each now, having an example could enact it Themselves in Their on Individual Unique way.. So that they would be as I.. Eternal…

Raymond Carter which Rahul brought to me as a book a few moments ago via the Japanese writer Haruki Marakami… H.M.
Whom I and this Script have mentioned before…

Meaning of name Haruki. Etymology : From Japanese (haru) “clear up” or (haru) “sun, sunlight” combined with (ki) “radiance, shine” or (ki) “life”. Saint : Origin : Japanese.
? (haru) meaning “clear weather” or ? (haru) meaning “light, sun, male” combined with ? (ki) meaning “brightness” or ? (ki) meaning “living”.

Meaning. village superior. Footnotes: Frequency Comparisons. Murakami (??; “village superior”) is a Japanese surname, 35th by frequency in Japan.”

Superior.. V…

Fritz Venneiq is currently in the Village, he reflects me in this play perfectly meaning that I was spirited away to the Village in the Spirit Realm of the Ancestors…
Enugwu Agidi.. E.A..Enugwu Ukwu.. EU.. My Mothers Hometown
Amawbia.. “The Visitors.. Strangers ” my Bio Families home Town… While here… A Spirit Village where a great War bewteen the Two was going on each representing an idea of Black and White.. Really Fair and Dark…
Transformed into Life and Death.. Memory and Forgetting..
Star Wars… Seers.. Shamans.. Dibia’s great Scientists, seen as Sorcerers….
See the Book from Rahul when I first met him…
The Sword of Truth…
Offor Ugochukwu Chidiebere
Ekene Offor
Stella Offorka…

By Good Kind… I am not Good and there is no Man Kind..
Just Beautiful and Natural…
Good alludes to something also being Bad.. Duality.. Good and Evil.. Kind and Cruel…

Beauty is Symetry.. there are no opposites to a Circle or even to a square.. Just identical sides…
11 11…
*Jamel 7 17 1984… 33
Blair …12 2 1973… 44…
Difference Age… 11…. 11 22 33 44 55 66 .44+33= 77…
77 14..( 49.. 13 M..4..D) 5… 5 is “Add” (Jose) takes us to the future present.. 4 is that past preset.. as 4…
5 4… 69… NN A M DI…/ ID MA NN..E

Beauty Naturalness.. B N… B E N E…O
T A O… That is the way of Nature..
B N… Beauty Nnamdi… Father of Peace.. Axel Love Axel Rio
A L L…E….A R E A R E A 51… 25 51.. 25 43… Sex Women Men.. Jimmy Kimmel…

8:08..p.m… that is the present…
16.. goes back wards.. The Past.. T P.. 20 16… 36.. 9…
I am present with Herman Hubbard.. Hesse… bed 4-003..
Jamel Blair.. all present embodied…
Planet Preset… The Ground Floor… Truth… G F… 7 6…
The Truth is what we walk upon.. and the Fact we are present in a body…

The SAMURAI SENSIE was inspired by Raymond Carter who he calls his Beloved R C…
Ana Raquel Cintra A R C.. E
Ana Leonardo Caixas… A.L.C O V E… Metropolitan Avenue ..

In his book memoir..”What I talk about when I talk about Running…”

Raymond Carters collection of Short Stories “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love….:

8:13 p.m.

Haruki Murakami… David Line.. Nnamdi…

Raymond, and Linda… childhood friend is Canada, a sister and brother combo which seemed to mirror my sister and I..
Her version… Raymond was okay but so irritating…
My sisters translation of me, if that is what it is reflecting as I entered my sisters world ( Linda was her Beast Friend)
Linda means Beautiful…
Ray means Ray of the World.. Ray Monde… R M…
Igbo Anthony Emeka… Ray Mike… RM.. ROOM…World View
Yes the play of Ray and Micheal.. My younger brother took the name Mike…
But his given name is Obumneme…
I was given the names Emeka and my Sister, Nnonyem..
and by our English Nanny.. Victor and Joy…

Nnamdi was born in England as were the two of us…
But Oboom was born in Winnipeg Canada…

And see that Her best friend was me… Because I am called The Beautiful One..
My brother and sister… Beauty… Natural Beauty…

We had no idea how Oboom would turn out he was different from us as a child.. very big as a baby..
But eventually revealing that he is as Us…

The Room was what she as the Visionary Seer my Sister represents.. saw.. Raymond seemed retarded.. but he required patience and was very good boy…

And so…
Raymond Carter… E R E C…. The Red.. Read… each of our impressions when he was born into the World..
Nnamdi and I saw him clearly… us…

He was is us…

He was born 5-20- 1973…
Blair G Andrews… 12-2-1973…
Tyrone born 1973…
Tom Bocek
Tom Benzian.. Tom means “Twin”
T 20.. 2O.. B..O.E..
Twin Beings..
Brothers… Identical.. but Separate and Apart…
Jamel Blair… J..AM..E..L… B..L… AIR…

Love Cees… Seers See.. it is not enough to use just the two eyes.. Use the One Eye.. Centered unseen but experienced to see beyond sight… But when you add all three See of the Material Cee of the Sixth Sense Espirit-Music…
Have… A B…
Amoza Born
Anthony Bienke

South Carolina… S C… 8th State..
Dwayne Samuel.. bed 5 013… E O M/ M O E…E O A C…
E O.. A and C.. Jamel Room A.. Blair Room C…
Jamel bed 5-003… Blair 5-025… 5 5 00 00.. O O O O… C.Y.
Allen Murray.. A.M/ M A… C Y.’S…
M A… CY.. Cyril… Cyril Echeta C E

Meaning of the name Cyril…
The name Cyril is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Cyril is: Lord, lordly.”

Y.C…A.M… E…
Yeshua Yes H.U.E.S..AH.. Christ… W.A V E S….
A.M… Abraham Madu…

“The Father of Infinity is a Person… Solid Real..

Angela Dawn A.D
Angel H. Downs A H D
Angela Marie Alexander A.M.A
Angela Alina Skyrah Lea Hotop A.A S L H
Angela Hotop A.H
Angelo Fronda A.F.
Michael Love A M L
Angelo Fronda A.F.. A
Angel A. Powell A A P.
Angelena Veno A.V.


8:40 p.m.

1984. Jamel 1984…
Emeka Kolo year of birth posted on Face book since 2008-9.

My coffee .. the number on it 673.. 67 3.. 6 73.. Blair.. E.T…
Jamel.. N.. Natural…
N E T…
And Moi.. E.Superior.. But I do not act superior to others despite the fact that no one can be the One who did what I shared with All.. first.

8:43 p.m


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