
1/17/2017 11:25 – Facebook Post

The True Story of The Impossible.

… Stating “I’M Possible.

By Emeka Kolo.

9:08 pm


Infinity Harmony.

Sacred Portal 98
“Diamond Hearing”





Quantum A-A.
A-A is Full Circle of the Alpha Bet (A.B)

27 years

Writing almost Non Stop to the Silence for the last 27 years.

Other people publish books, make films, use their creative skills to make money as well as reach the public.
They get fans, accolades and through the reception of their work understand how their art is received.

I was “discovered” as a Fashion Designer in Paris in 1993, and in the same year as a writer.
Susan Train of Vogue Conde Nast
Allen Ginsberg…

Edmund White .. “Gene Genet”

I met Allen Ginsberg just once
But with one phone call he changed the entire destiny of my Life.

Madame Susan Train (S.T… Sumler Traishon born 1993)
Made the first phone call, I was not present… I was walking along the river Seine as she read some pieces from the manuscripts.
I saw her through my third eye reach the phone….

I recall that as I walked seeking to deal with all the emotions moving through me that though there was quiet acceptance there was also an awareness that that moment was one of the saddest moments in my Life.

You see, I had just come back from the experience with the Light…

I knew what this all meant.
It is not what I wanted or desired.
I had come into the World to Dance.
Not to write.

I always knew how to write, but it was a literal tool of communication, not what it has become in this Reality.

Susan Train
Allen Ginsberg.

Edmund White.

Anamla Quayin…


S.T. A G E… W

(Double V, V V

Venkat Venkatesan
Vivian Lavey

“Self Born… Self Born

Amoza Born A.B

Anamla Qayin. D M I C T.P/K 115 A G E

Allen Ginsberg Emeka..
E.G A. LA. XY. Z. Eros. C I

A Q.A.

9:39 p.m.

S.T.A.G. E. VV. V.

All A Set up.

23 years,

It Was all a Set up to reach the Double V.
Vivian “Life”

Venkat Venkatesan.


Gato Kamaki
Cat with Spear
Spear Of Destiny.

Yesterday when I posted the 1:00 USD
At then saw it was 1:00 am
Then saw really read the code
# F.D Music Cinq
Fashion Design. MUS.I C .. Fifth Dimension M.U S… I C

S U M…. C I

Yes Galaxy 1101 IC is F.D
Fifth Dimension Music 5

D.F. 46
FD. 64

10 10

Time now 10:11 am

I knew.

All a Set Up.

23 24 ago
And it began in 1992
25 years ago

W Double V VV X Y

See code on the 1 Dollar Bill
BF 26
Best Friend Music Harmonies
I Dancer

That is what My Body and Being rose up to protest what was done to my life,
my Existence…

Original Angel
Five Movements.

Opens up portals
I Dance.

I Dimensions

D M i C
Dance Music
Infinite Consciousness
True Point
K E… Y

And so I am the Orb
The Time Traveller
And we are back to the True Version of

M U. S I C

That is How Quantum Mechanic Work

And I was made to do this
Through writing not dancing
Not stop Explanation Writing
EW (Gene Gene-T… 7 7.. 14. 5
By writing it down and doing the same thing using Explanation Writing.

10:25 pm

So so cruel

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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