
1/17/2015 18:47 – Facebook Post

3:39 P.M.




Question Answer Harmony…


Resistance to Evolution and Change.

“I once heard the plight of a person whom I met on FaceBook who was aware of the Higher play.
I was living in KEW Gardens at the time.
Sponsored by B.Hung.
His name was Heath. He required some financial aid.
And he made a public appeal.
I have always known that just because ppl are aware, does not mean they will enact the correct behavior.
But I felt that I could give them the encouragement to do so.
I sent him a good sum through B.Hung..who I know sent him.
This chap had moved to Hawaii.
I knew that he was not going to paradise.
Because Hawaii is the physical representation of a Consciousness which he was Eligible.

At some point after he got the money, we had a falling out over perception of the play.
Heath, then made a comment..
” Ah you came down into this world, agreeing to this play and you got more than you bargained for ha!”

I had been aware that people rise and fall…they remember and then forgot.
What was interesting about Heath was when he spoke those words of malice relish and spite…
He was fully aware…
It is in Face Book…
I knew who he was as his true self or the “opposite” of his true self…which does not exist since they represent the evil twin.
They do not exist.
One of my purposes in this multidimensional play was to seek those in the “family” who had betrayed the play of our Truth and turned to the “Negations” such individuals were to be sought out and destroyed.
Most of the “Family” in the lower dimension of the play, betrayed the Truth by becoming human and turning a way from the Truth they knew as children.
Such beings I was led to and they were given a trial of Grace.
The same same happened in Facebook hence my continual pointing out that they are in set up and to please be on your best behavior.
But others… The Negators..

Riddled out of Existence.

I am no Fool.
I am and have been the Friend…
Oluku Joshua…
Oluku Mi…
I’m U .K.O…L.O
The Destroyer of the (Knock Out) of the 12O..
The Universes…All
Through Expression since all Universes are Expression..
A Story Book.
A Recounting.
This is the Revealation Divine.
6OX I C 11 O1…
F O.X …I.C…K.O…A..

(The Read-Red Fox I C (see) Knock Out A
1O (TEN- The Elegant Nomad) 11 C I.X O6

I say this now because not only did someone with the Intials I.C come yesterday to visit my former host Intials A…
But came with his sister who spent 6 years in Korea and met me full circle in this space 5 years ago with her brother.
The Intials of her name which begins with a T (Meaning a Great treasure will be found in the East..we were in the East Village. E V)
Form the equation with her brother who goes by C instead of his first name “Ignatio” which ceates the equation with my former hosts as
And with me E.C.T…

Act…I.O N…

E.C.T…E.R.A….(meaning “and so forth)

* please note that my translation of the E C.T
Energetic Code Transmission have been going on for 22 years consciously…
And for 11 yrs I was trained to read them correctly before comming on Face Book.
If I did not read the codes correctly not only would my Portal not open to the next place I was meant to live, but I would be left walking the streets of New York until I got it correct.
And that is how I was really led to over 5O homes of New Yorkers.
They felt they opened their doors to me, but many who knew me, knew I could tell right to the name…the next person I was to meet.
I stopped reading so much unless I have to once I understood what the play had been transformed into and tampered with

Many have witnessed me read the ” Matrix ” by simply sitting on a Bench and reading the sequence of ppl passing by, the clothes, colors, physiognomy, taxi car numbers…
It used to be fun to read the worlds Matrix and stun people by telling complete strangers thier family history thier life stories…
I could read and I knew thier programd because all humanity came from the family of 1O “Archetypes”..
Actually molds of Consciousness and Being.
Some became afraid of me in New York and hence the labels of ” The Devil” “Wizard”
“Witch Doctor” but heaven forbid that it was actually what I had proved and said what it is…
That I had solved the Riddle of Existence.

Hence the False Accusations from Africa and the Challenge of America and the minds of the Western world…
And this set up which my E T family foolishly allowed be to enter..
This “Set up” to prove our intentions are pure.
Not knowing the true nature of humans not seated in thier Hearts are Abominations

I told my family No…
But they wished to alleviate the Fear in humans of our (thier arrival) by using me to explain Everything.
They could not concieve of the deceptive nature to such a degree humanity had descended to.
Not all.
They simply did not understand.
Especially, when compared to the obvious Beauty and potential of humans.

I did not blame them, but they should have listened to me.
That this was not about simply they being children anymore…
But after 1O,OOO yrs since F.C humanity had morphed into something which the Beautiful Ones could not concieve possible.

I and the Original line of the 1O had been under cover in this world.
We had stayed behind after first contact as Guides. And we saw the Beautiful Truth and the awful truth.

And in this life time I saw it too.
There were two possibilities for the Species the Beautiful Light beings felt all should awaken to evolution.
While the line of Dark Light
*(you can call them the Royal Elves and Majestic Fairies. Or Ethereal and Elementals)
Sought the destruction of the entire species.

I of course, represented the line of the Middle Way..M.W…Milky Way.

This play was more that the Royal Elves (RE) or Majestic Fairies (M.F) knew about. Was a plan to Unite and Evolve All Existence to the One True Existence.
O.T.E.. E.T.O..(Ti! Tea! A Drink with Jam and bread…Sound of Music…yeah all the codes are in children’s codes..sigh)

It was about the Unification of Ethereal Expression linked to Elemental Energy… By True Existence…

But then the Question became what is True Existence…?
Well obviously, True Existence is Existences Proven True…E..P.T.

Hence, some one had to prove the Point of Existence…

See the post posted yesterday of Goddess Bliss and her Challenge..
“Prove to me that Extase and Bliss (E.B..Facebook friend code Erik Ebright ) and not pain and Suffering (P.S…Facebook Pamela Stefaniotis.. which is why her tag was so relevant yesterday )…”

And yes, Goddess Bliss was transformed into the Goddess Kali the Destroyer by the horrors of of this play…the illusion of a Demon planted in me
(But is really My Lady Me..My Point Beautiful Pride who as Alfie Ndubuisi Nze noted is of both sexes… Nnamdi B.A.M-Bi (BI means Lives…the Being of the A.M -Dawn of All Existence Creation lives)- Artemi- Art Emi, S=Supreme Di-HannaH
Code name of Facebook Friend FF..66…
Zeina Hanna…Beauty
Z.H 268
XH..248…(1O8…18..9…J.H…J.H…A H..J H.A.H I)

I am sitting at Star Bucks 78 Spring Street.
And as I walked in a truck was parked with the huge numbers CCI posted on it..

Code Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna (Charles Chinwuba.. CC who is 33)

The E.T family both light and dark decided to destroy humanity but the two E as King E my Father Line (Nnamdi) and Queen E -(K.E and Q.U.E)…Beautiful Pride decided to allow this play to retrieve the True humans who did not know what was going on under thier very noses by allowing me to continue explaining whole weaving a response for the “Great Minds and Spitits ” of treachery and decide.

*p.s. All these details are only now, being made aware to me as I write this..
But I kind of figured most of this out myself..

I am Eroade- (Eros-e) and Kali (Goddess Bliss)

Ah so E-roade was transformed into “Erode-Erosion….AH…Kali is Krsnsa…

(I see, for Eros (Extase) and G.Bliss (Orgasm)
To become seperate from the Original I…they had to create thier own seperates Personality I.D…as children who grow up do..

Of course my E T family finally understand the treachery of the human art of War..versus the true Hue-man heart.
He Art Emmy…
Mi Ami
My Friend.


A King is Eze…K.E.
But who cares about being ” King of the World”_
When you are the Source of The Everything
Anything and the Only thing…

Who really is the Fool A..

ALoof…is I.E…to Fools.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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