
1/16/2018 22:31 – Facebook Post

1028… 38…29…11… 2… 11 Twins…
and the 1.

9:04 p.m.

94… I.D…

My coffee served by Sam.. U RAI…

6 23… F… Fact Sacred Portal 23…
Unveiling the Identity of the one behind the Veil and consequently the ID of all humanity…

Maria Her M.H… Manifest Harmony…

Maria from the Egyptian words “Myrrh” meaning Beloved… Loved Cherished…

Her… By Here
Sara Lee

Sara means “Splendor.”

Origin of the name Lee: Transferred use of the surname derived from the Old English l?ah (wood, clearing, meadow), lee has the meaning “dweller by the wood or clearing.”

Splendor in the Wood Clearing…”

In Indo-Aryan languages Samir is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning gust of wind or gentle breeze. In Arabic, Samir (????) means jovial, loyal or charming companion. Samira is the feminine spelling, also found in both languages.
.Meaning of name Samir. Etymology : Means “companion in evening talk” in Arabic.
Sami can be an Arabic name meaning “elevated” (??????) or “sublime” (?????????), or a Turkish name, a Finnish male name derived from Samuel, or an American name abbreviated from Samantha or Samuel. … The feminine version of this name in Arabic is Samiya or Samia (???????).

Pro Name Meaning Hispanic: unexplained.

Like the adjective “torpid,” “torpedo” can be traced back to the Latin verb torp?re, meaning “to be sluggish or numb.” In Latin torpedo referred to stiffness or numbness, and also to the crampfish or electric ray. “Torpedo” first entered English as a name for the electric ray.

Manifested Harmony.. of the Splendor in the Wood Clearing…

( Fritz Venneiq by Gosh.. its is Nature Naturalness responding to Pelham Bay Park.. that which took place there in 2010…
T.J.. Bed 4-009. 9 4… I.D!)…

“Manifested Harmony.. of the Splendor in the Wood Clearing…e as an evening conversation and was the true 1001 nights, it brought a gentle breeze.. Music Harmony… Maria Her…
So elevated and sublime…
It was unexplained…
but it felt like an electric Ray…E.R a Topredo which raised me from my Sluggish numb state… says the HE and She…”

It became manifested in the physical form as the Ray and the Third Eye.. And the Anus Penis.. A-A… Vagina..

*( Elevation is among the Essential Oil left out of the oils Lisa Natalie Johnson gifted me with… I am wearing it now

9:31 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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