
1/16/2018 17:44 – Facebook Post

1/16/2018 17:44 – Facebook Post

This is what I see when I come here to Starbucks..
Sacred Portal; 52 is the Authority of Existence granted by the She’s of Existence..
The number 29 is on my computer..
3 Ladies are here, 3 one is Brenda code 29 holding court to a what is going on here..( a woman had been talking so loudly on her phone to social security.. its intense)
Brenda Latoya Jennifer… And I the only seat around..B.L.J..E.B…
The B is for Blair…
52 As you know is 25 backwards.. a perfect reflection in a mirror would be 52/ 25…
52..is E B… Emeka Be….25 is the portal I was delayed getting,and one which I did not even realize I was being asked to reach….Blair G Andrews ..
-And a play took place in which I observed as Blair was set up to reveal that he had the knowledge of my level, but perhaps less refined.. because he is my past not caught up but it was extraordinary…and sad.

And then look at the two numbers on each side 5 5…
Do you see the Pyramids of Color- Blair mentioned yesterday.. Square and Triangles…

The image is above to my right is Sacred Portal 24… Letter X.

Blair was speaking about the X Men undercover in this world with powers which the Worlds at present are doing everything to find a way to destroy and keep from the publics awareness.. Yes Evolving Beings… whom these unseen tried to stop me from completing the Collection of the full circle of all back to me…

4:43 p.m.
Ah that is the number on the cup from the Arab Bodega.. 43.
Yes, E=CMe4/3….
Yesterday Blair called it out…

4:44 p.m.

This is how I am being communicated with or forcing the Unseen to reveal their meaning and themselves… and the play by Talking To The Silence as Death.. Silence.. yes, Joseph Carey’s portal….

There are 5 post…

All 5 likes… See there are three sacred portals…

24. 99….53… Then Height Depth….
24 is Ritual of Rite of Passage…
99 is Victor Victorious in outing the factor of Contempt.. Gossip Hypocrisy and remaining Silent…
53..”One D.A.I Has Come…
53 is EC… 5 C… E 3… 555… Three Sacred Portals…
and is represented by both Jamel and Blair.. Room 5A Bed 5-003, Blair Room 5C, Bed 5-025..
Jamel Blair.. J.B..
Jamel White
Savannah Blair…
X Cross reference…
J.B.. Jaymes Bond 007…
W.S…. WAS/ SAW… My past.

Do you understand..?

It is me from Bed 49 T, Jones… who was all over me today..
Bed 4-009 Linked to ,my first bed 49 in 2015 B R C… ( 35..C E/ EC.. 88… 16..)
He called me “Daddy”…today and I left today , just in front of him..recall he is code 2010.. 8 years ago with Fritz Venneiq.. and Fritz and I were in contact yesterday as well as Lisa Natalie Johnson and Amoza Born…
J + L= 10 12.. 22..V…Venne I.Q….”Come Infinite Quantum” ( Not meant to be a test of my intelligence I.Q.. it can not be measured)…
V J L A H!.. LAH..
LAH Entertainment…. LAH E

From 2015 to Present,
I manifested into life that which IS…
T.Johnson of 2010…to The Twins.. Jamel and Blair…linked to me…

Each recognizing me…Even the one when I was in bed 49…next to Keith Grant Bed 53 who I recognized as an Aspect of myself as Dark Elf Father of the Story.. rep by Eric Lile Brown who I met in Savannah Georgia ( Blair )… Blair G AN-Drews…
Drew Reyn.. D.R.. Death Ray..
I Drew them Forth…
And yes One Raps and the other Draws… R D…
Music and Design…
One is fair skinned beautiful Lion..
The other is of that beautiful Black…Panther color..

And both have the rage… They were all seated in the front row with Raheem.. He in Brown Cap, Jamel Black.. Blair in Red…

I Quantum… Manifested myself from 2015 July to November 2017…Jan 2018…
7th month to 11th month to completion 1st month…and to T.J…
That name has always been in my consciousness.. T.J.. I knew it was the mame of my son.. Two Jays.. J.B…Sons… J.. 1.. and B.. 2… and then 3..C…
Clara.. C..Onuabuchi…

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