
1/16/2018 1:40 – Facebook Post

1/16/2018 1:40 – Facebook Post

11:56 a.m

Today is M.L.K day……

And last year, I went to the portal of Starbucks on 86th street,
two of them actually but one was opposite M.L.K monument.
I passed through Prince Panthers portal…
As well, the Anubis named server at the Starbucks where I encountered Rahul and his friend.
I also passed throuh 86th street with Rob Barr to go to the MET.
And before that to meet Patrick Okolo on 2nd Avenue 86 street crossing.
Which I noted was linked to Joseph Carey who lives on 2nd Avenue between 4 and 3rd…

86- 4.. 82…-3.. 83…
38 Minutes of Sheer terror for the people in the 50th State in Hawaii…

Sacred Portal 86.. H.F.. Hindsight Fore sight.. Harmony Fact..
680 Usd from Joseph Carey.. Reaching David Roman Nicholas Line code… and my mother .. 11 22..
but by coercion and force.. you saw the play.. Delay of three days.. C… Cecilia.. David..
C D… 3 4/ 4 3..

Blair G Andrews just saw the riddle in that of the Q.R.. Quick Response….

*Many of you reading this have undoubtedly seen a QR (Quick Response) code by now (the thing pictured to the right), but there’s just as much — if not more — confusion surrounding them today as there was a number of years ago.

He gave a super quick response which was the exact eqation of E=CmE 4/3…. Square Root.. Full Circle…
Square Root.. S.R.. R I S E../ D E S I R E…. Life… Awarness..
Full Circle.. The Panorama, the correct View.. Persepctive… Circle of Life.. Awareness..
Dharma Santana… D.S…

He linked it through his Cee immediately…

I made contact with Lisa Natalie Johnson through Amoza Born..

And I just completed a conversation of a Noni Promise code which Fritz Venneiq had to recall and fullfill… because of the ancient ways of exhange of a gift to the Shaman ..
He is in the Village now, seeking to leave…
N P…
The Spirit World is Nature.. Nature is the Mental.. the break down of Nature.. Art is Science…


Art Science.. A.S..

Alicia Sieferd…

Alicia means…”Origin of the name Alicia: Variant of Alice, a name that has evolved through a series of variants of the Germanic Adalheidis, a compound name composed of the elements adal (noble, nobility) and heid (kind, sort): hence, “noble one.”

Last name: Seifert. Recorded in many spellings as shown below, this is a Germanic surname of pre 5th century origins. … The name is derived from the elements “sigi” meaning victory, and “frith”, peace.

Siferd- victory and guardian’

A.S… 1 19…
“The Noble One… is the Victorious One, the one from the 5th who brings peace…. The Guardian”

This refers to sacred portal 86.. Victor over the 3…The Triangle.. the Pyramids… T.P.. 20 16… 36… 9… I E…

Albert Sanatana Dharma.. is me.. The original one..
“Noble constant stream of awareness… ”

I bought a pack of Raw Rolling papers today 1.49 usd…
That is what I woke up to as the play of the day… and the code 914 A.I.D…
Which Amoza Born linked and has and is sending A I D.. One Last time..I.N… I/N.. E..
With lighthearted startling humor…

Allen Murray confirmed that Edwin Dominic likes to start Wars.. Conflicts rile people up…
It was what I had been waiting for for weeks, his on opinion.. for the play.
But I knew that he represented to Source of Evil in the World, but it is indulging it, not calling it outr..
“It only takes a few Good men

*”It only takes a few good men to do nothing to let evil prevail. Edmund Burke (English philosopher). “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” J.R Oppenheimer (American theoretical physicist and physics professor). Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.’

Edmund Burke.. E.B… 5 2/ 2 5
Edmund B.U.R..K.E..
Edmund Kent Friedman… E.K…F..
Emeka Kolo Fact…. Yes, I have proven that a Fact..

I bought Raw today, 1.49 usd..
Sacred portal 149… ( 19) Alien Father Alpha.. Supreme Sway of the Supreme Play… Cosmic Egg… etc…”

I have 19 usd left in my wallet.. all happened naturally…

I am incredibly Raw from this play.. 16.10 years in the usd…
28 Since 1989 When I began my Log Talking To The Silence..
T T T S… 20 20 20.. 19… 79..
See saced portal 79/ 97..
Amoza Born in 1979.. thought that the World would awaken saw it and fought for it .. and paid a heavy price when it did not manifests…
Being a Fairy Seer Supreme like my Mom and the lIne of Queen Ladies.. is not enough it requires Embodiment to add to the deepest Knowing..
Embodiment Knowing.. E.K..
Not necessarily Experience… Embodiment.. meaning Exemplification…

I do not see anything else to add,
and truly see no reason why this play has to continue…

Evolution Awakenimg of the People and the Planet achieved sucessful.. Victory..Victorious… yes or no..
I am tiredof this role, this place and this script and not being surrounded by Beauty…

12:40 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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