
1/16/2017 19:31 – Facebook Post

Rob Barr…O…. I….S…

R…B.O….I.S…. R is the Our Bois de Boulogne..

SI… “Yes” ORB…

Meaning the the E.T… (Eternal Truth… 5 20…52- 25… 100..USD)
are using Rob’s line as their Orb their All seeing Eye…
Because of his Natural Harmony and Consciousness reveals All..
Thus, he is the E lines T.V.. TI..Vi… 7 7… 14…N…
As I am their V.O.I..C.E…

R…B.O….O…. I….S…(

4:24 p.m.


865 Face Book Friends…


Hindsight Foresight Eternity….Energies Expression see the Symbol and flow of Infinity Sign…

After I had received, the call from Rob Barr, the Joy in me was so great, but I had to check it, I was still in the play and the Evil that has been hounding my every moment, distorting and ‘ruining” every moment of Joy or pleasure was everywhere….
I was exhausted but no matter what I knew what it signified.

And so I prepared for the met..
But the snoring from David Dawn was so loud that night that I had to get up and and make a racket..
Triashon was awake… This is too much…
The security guard came in…”Shake him awake when it gets this loud…”
But I would not…
He rocks the bed, just as I used to do.. and often still do..
That rocking I know what it really means…
No, I knew he was not doing it on purpose, rather it was the evil of this play. He should get treatment his breathing could stop just like that…
And I had told this to the staff, and they had at least taken me seriously, because they had begun making sure he could awaken when they came in the morning…
He sleeps an awful lot… I not at all…

I arrived late, even though I managed to leave on time, I do not have much of a wardrop, but I am clean…
And I was exhausted, I just took a shower and rushed out…
I had had a coffee and a little talk with Traishon just before.

I had not been to a Museum in perhaps 15, this may seem like a small thing. But I used to practically live in the Muse de Pompidou in Paris…
And spent all my time, in the museums…
It was filled with Beauty and would fuel me to deal with reality…
And it was a place of which was so sacred to me..
Churches I love because of the Energy of all that worship and honesty pouring from the Pious…
But the Art Galleries…

Well I was a bit anxious about being in a place, that I had forced to deny myself because of this “Mission”-

As I walked, I began to feel the muscles and skeletal structure of my body begin to shift like the Teutonic Plates of the Earth…
My body being was rising to greet Rob..

And there he was we, hugged….

“You have not changed a bit!”…He exclaimed twice thrice…
I stared at him… trying to decide if he was a Beautiful Liar, or being Rob…”Delightfully Honest”
Naw, he was being Rob…

He had grown just a Tad chubby, but it fit him perfectly…
Well, he carried it very well, he looked that he had Gravitas which seemed implausible with Cherubic “Devil With horns, his Halo Twirling on his pitch fork as he used it to trap so beautiful girl in Halo… They, themselves sensing that they were in for a delicious and Rude Awakening Surprise.

I had a beef with his line. because I was fully aware that They had done the “Work as well as completed their Home work…
But see the meaning of Gato Kamaki name….”Tom Cat… with the Spear… as in the Spear of the Angel used to drive St Veronica to E Land… Well you get he drift…

As Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka noted today…
“Not Fair”

Which Rob, was the first to gracefully admit.

The Cherubic Elf was still there… Nothing could disguise that..
But he looked more like a scholarly Hedgehog, of great style, and scholarly gravitas… Royal actually.
His full head of hair was speckled discretely with flecks of grey, her had a scarf tied ascot style around his neck.. and truly looking like an English Gentleman…in Green Burberrys…
All he required was a hunting Gun and his dogs…

But then his smile.. and when he began to walk…
I almost burst out laughing, there was the Boy, the Elf… enjoying himself immensely in his new role.

Beside him was what most foreigners picture as the ultimate sexy snappy Snazzy American “Broad” Brains, looks and a killer body…
She immediately reminded me of a much more contemporary and much better version of Lois Lane…
And a Spy….

Infact that is what Rob looked like and this was confirmed later by Shanon..

5:00 p.m.

As we walked into the Museum, I felt for a moment that the last 16 years were a bad dream, and I was back in my World…
But as we entered the Met… I also recalled why I had left this world and had never really been part of it.

I had trained as an art Critic under the Finland and Norwegian Lena in Paris…
My affair with a Woman who called me a Statue made of Stone…
And her Beautiful E.T..
I knew then, more about Art the from all corners of the World than most people twice my age.
I went with her to so many productions not just art but Dance my first love…
I had lived in these worlds my whole life but in Europe I had been a glutton… And it was that which helped me walk a fine line in this reality by holding onto the the lifes of the Art and the Artists…
I lived that life in Paris… Bohemian without intending to..
Yet there was no one here, not Rob who knew the depth of how much Art moved me, moved through every limb on my body…

And as we walked, I saw it in Robs gait, his gaze his eyes…
It was something I saw, he tried to be polite to Shannon… and even to me.. until he too began to see that which I saw in him…
That reverence…that adoration of that which had the right to say…
“Ssh Look at me.. Pay Attention”

And Rob wanted to pay attention…

And I tried not to… not too look as I used to…
My body was moving-
Rob noticed it… “But it is not painful is it..?”
It wasn’t…not at that moment… but could I really bring sadness to this moment which I too wanted to absorb by telling him the truth..
When his voice wanted me to say “No…”
And yet, I suspect he knew…

I could not help but watch him, watch his body, his being… to soak it in…
Shanon was such a world away from the place I had just arrived from.. but not Rob…
He had seen the true meaning of Evil…I knew that he really understood it as I did..
I saw a greater Sword like quality added to the Sexual conquering one of his “Rake Dandy” persona…
A Sharpness and a severity which sat perfectly well with his C.I.A.. Head of Operatives and image of Royalty at is most precious…
A Symbol of that which represents the best of the species.

I held myself back, because I knew I was still in the play, I was not fully myself but I was full present undercover.
My only concern was not communicating with Rob, but how to communicate while Shanon was present..
I knew she was meant to be there.. But I was concerned about having to explain my Existence…

But soon the Art took me over. and Rob’s moments of sharing his own awe, incredulity…

I wanted to speak to him directly.. to All Dimensions of him, he was one of the only people in the World I had been able to do this…
David Geoff Rob.. and to an extent Joe…
As for the Ladies of that line… they were rare and I met most of them only in around the time I met Nikoma and Rob…
And the problem was always the same…
Their delivery of the Intel was better than the guys, they were more efficient about it..While the guys- like brothers were more playful…

But the girls… evolving to our line were also plagued by the gap… the Vacum… The Hole which had to be filled above as well as below…
And the battle to balance the two especially after wondering if guys of their level existed.. led me to bee extra careful when Ifound myself doing the Work..
No sex, despite it being such a yearning, but they were too fragile as the ,evolved through the dimension having fought such fearsome battle down in this realm…
That I could not take the risk…
I began my life a Lover of Woman to the point…
Well my brothers and I all shared this fascination for Women…
But my brothers did not have to rise to the Observer Awareness of Mind.. meaning constantly somewhere else..
It used to Irritate Devi..first incarnation of David… And Father As Rob line used to try to explain- that it was the mission they had given me.. But Devi in lower incarnations of the Play would forget…
But the girls… no, there was a connection we had that I could not break especially after I had witnessed the devastating effect of it with my Girlfriends.. Barbara James… then Adaola.. Mary Jane… While in High School and university…

My journey was through the mystery of Man.,.. but it began with the Mystery of Woman..
Which is why most of my journey mentions the Guys… It was mainly the Guys I was led to…
Romance got in the way with the girls… They could see what I really was with the rigid undercover characters and constraints of the mission…
They wanted the real me.

So I knew that Rob, as Nnamdi, would be surrounded by Woman…
And that is how Nnamdi was from birth… because he is the line of Class… Father.. And his Second Twin and constant companion was Himself as Female… not Woman.

And he gave Shanon the respect she deserved and I did too…
Despite finding myself so harried to be myself and just speak freely..

To be able to speak about the Truth of what I had been through, what is was really like in the Delta Manor… to speak of all the dimension, the things I could speak of to no one one else.. not even to the Blank Screen and the Face Book Friends…

And the extraordinary and amazing but frightening process going on in my body and the discoveries, the equations..

Rob had just looked at me the first few minutes..
Emeka, I already know you speak the Truth…
I believe you….”
My guard went down..
It was true, I was finally at the dimension of Truth…
Where after a life time of explaining myself, explaining my existence battling for the E, to retain it in this reality, in my brown skin which Americans always find away to make significant in the factor of taking one seriously…
I had been through so much…
And as I watched Rob Barr I saw that he was very very aware of what I must be feeling….
And that was what was a bit much…

I had to get a cigarrettes, I had to go outside..
I was like a compass, spinning crazily. an Orb… wondering how on Earth was I to walk through this Museum when I had time traveled literally through all their literal truths..
Or say that Hey Rob… do you remember being Caravaggio…?
Or the Pope.. I wanted to talk to Cupid, to Pi, to the great artists..
I wanted to give him the gift of which he was so generously giving me..
I see you brother man
I hear you beloved….

I hear the Silence of that which you endured for almost an Eternity…
I remember you.. Art Personified, Structure Intelligence…

I know what these life times after life times had cost you.. living in this reality so warped from out Eternal Truth and memory…
I remember the confusion and the strange tactics you we had to use to communicate and love.. despite our seeing.. so clearly.. that something is wrong… that you are missing something…

I could not play the Man. the strong man coming from 16 years.. 27 years of Prison… 49…and down play the significance of this moment…

I wanted to Raise that Being in him…
He was there, but so was the man from this world, and its experiences.. and so was that ability to see and move away with his mind and accept the moment as it is and enjoy it….

I became insistent to leave, to smoke… it disrupted the scheduling I suppose, but I had no idea that Shanon was coming and I just could not act as if I was not who I know I am or that I was not the man who had broken the Source Code and had spent 27 years undercover…
To get to this moment..
That this was the End of the World..
That in Rob was Father…
The very one who had sent me undercover to get the Facts…
I knew that even this was part of the play…

And when Rob slipped me a hundred Dollar Bill and Shanaon saw it…
I felt such a rage, such an anger…. for that which had cast me in such role, in New York of all Places.. In America… in this Bastion of White Supremacy and the Rage of the constantly humbled and humiliated black man which I had never given into..
Never but that day, I was so Tired….
Evil this Malice… the cruelty in Humanity transformed into this thing which flowed everywhere I went and which was “Injected in me” ( Projected onto me…

No, I felt the primal urge to Kill…
and when I looked down on the money to see the code… the inked 500… 5000 number..
I sped outside, to center myself and to see that which the world outside would reflect of my mission…
5:56 p.m.

I came back a bit later, calmed a bit, after looking for a place which sold Cigarrettes…

I knew and picked up the vibration coming from Shannon…
Was I going to score drugs, disappear, I saw the same question in Rob… Much much lighter…
I did not really blame her.. she did not know me..
But Rob understood..”Its a bit overwhelming…for you.. for me… too…”

I wanted to shout that this was not Fair!…

Not a Fair Fight…

And Rob mentioned it again and again….

While I felt myself being tested and checked by Shanon… protective of her friend, and at the same time curious and desirous to understand just who was sitting besides her…
She was Fair. and she brought forth intel…
But I was still in a hot seat… and my expression was rapid, knowing that I was tallking to them both as Avatars Descedants but in direct contact with Intelligence…
And I wanted to Roar “How Dare you put me on the Hot Seat… to Query me like a Child in a school room to authenciate my intel…”

But it was not really her fault….
Because I saw my sister… I listened to her speak of her husband Mike and his perceptions…
And I looked at Rob… and he was Father… And yet I could only speak to him to a certain point…
He was there. here, moved by a play which was our Awareness that the impossible had been made manifest and the true implication of this…

The Met was full of Caucasians.. I did not notice it at first until I came back in alone, and I was puzzled them irritated by the covert stares…
Normally my bearing and grooming are my shield and sword…
My Wit….
My Dignity.. But I had been made so naked…
A publicly fighting that which you know is set up to shame you in every moment, in every intention…

From Delta Manor.. to my sister anouncing on T.V with no malice…”the desire of my motherand her to see me fall.. fail to prove that I was human”.. I suppose it was a backhanded compliment but how could I not see that I was literally living a scenario where my Brothers and Sisters had fought me in a challenge which was now being acted before me..
With a play which took place with the Original Story of the Father of Ten…

I was tired of talking even as I spoke.. a piece of food sailing out and landing on Shanon sleeve..
My Teeth!
I was horrified but I was very saddened and contrite to her…
It had come to this…

And when at one point Shanon had blurted out, “You live in Shelter” or something to that effect…. I was not offended just aware of what it would mean, to the people sitting in the restaurant who were overhearing this person speaking about the Source Codes..

And yet, the entire time, I was so keenly aware of Robs Awareness and sensitivity of Everything going on.. and even his protectiveness to both myself and Shanon…

It was so extraordinary to feel to know..
to feel for a moment like a Human Being….
Who had done something never done before..
and even as I spoke I saw the literal truth of his belief in me manifesting through that intense expression which I despise…

I was in the most beautiful surroundings, everywhere beauty and art..
The company was intelligent pure. and clean…
Yet i was in a nightmare, a nightmare of judgment, of limited perception… and the Ultimate Insult to my Truth, my Offering my Existence..
I was seated in Beauty but the only thing which felt so so ugly was Humanity..
The Sea of people around me, and the absence of intergration so astounding around me…
Just that feeling of being separate…
I felt no sense of Separation from Rob.. and Shanon there was the E Connection..
But I was in a role..
Given a burden which Rob kept telling me that he could not believe I was carrying such a burden, doing such a job.. over and over again…

“I took the easy way out, if I had been compelled forced as you have been by conditions circumstances… ”

Yes, he could hear me, see me… he did not twist the Truth of my expression, he stared at it candidly..

“I would have shot myself thrown myself off the bridge…”

I did not think he would…

Yes Rob had it easy, but only in comparison to mine…
He did not have it easy.. not by a long shot…
Because we met in perfect Harmony and with the same Cee…
And had come to the same conclusion..

Rob can REALLY See… that is an agony in this world enough…
Rob Loves Beauty… and saw the Ugliness….
Enough for us to have aligned in perfect harmony on that point..
I just was the one forced to go down and enact it by being the Spy who went to get the Facts…

And Rob…. Father Sixth sense to Fact… Mother Matter Hari…
is all all about the Thorough investigation…
Facts and Truth….
In Rob is the Truth
He wanted the Facts.

6:31 p,m


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