
1/15/2017 21:12 – Facebook Post

I would like to use this post to Honor my Old Friend and literal Energy Brother Rob Barr… Line Of Father in the Original Creation Story of the Family of of TEN…Twelve….
10-2… Line of the Two 10 10… 20… Letter T..
2 O…B.O….T.B.O…
Code T..B.O.11… The Green Coat Check Card given for both our coats… B.O.K…B.O.A.A….
Truth Beautiful O…Full Circle… O.A…

Link.. Tom Benzian Tom Bocek… Tom Means “Twin”
Twin of the Being of Man-Woman…
Twin of Expression… Energy…
Naturalness as the true Source of Nothingness….

In My Story he is called Cupid… Brother of Eros…
And Our Lady brought into Existence by the Full Circle of our Conversation…
“A True Conversation Between Energy E and Ah-Tom…
Erik Ebright and Ah…T.B T.B….20 2… 20 2… 22 22… 11;22…
Leter V…Double V…
Venkat Venkatesan….
5 5…E E… Eternal Ebright….
44 Exists as the Past already expressed by the play with Dean Dunkwu.. And David Dawn….
800 USD..
That the Passed and the Past was always in Harmony, proven by this Play which Travelled Back in Time by use of Stream of Consciousness expressed through Naturalness and Dna (Sound) recorded for the past 11-12-13-14 years from the University Place,
U.P… 80 Spring Street where I had met Rob’s friend Shanon- to The 2nd Avenue, Joseph Carey’s home, to 57 Street Michelle Lobsingers Homes.. 57 and 33rd Street….. 57 33… Yes E.G…Enders Game, 33 Cyprian Nwosu… 12 6… 35 9… 18…44…98..
See sacred Portal 98.

Rob Barr is the True Head of the C.I.A… Cupids Intelligence Agency (A Gentle Man).. Covert Operations of the Family of Naturalness the E Line undercover in the Nothingness called Bliss of O.. The Full Curcle… Code name in 1993…
Frederick and Catherine… Valentine and Clement…1993 Paris.
Valentine De Boulugne Beyond Carvaggio
Bois de Bolugne

*The Bois de Boulogne (French pronunciation: [bwa.d(?).bu.l??]) is a large public park located along the western edge of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, near the suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt and Neuilly-sur-Seine. It was created between 1852 and 1858 during the reign of the Emperor Louis Napoleon.[1]

It is the second-largest park in Paris, slightly smaller than the Bois de Vincennes on the eastern side of the city. It covers an area of 845 hectares (2090 acres),[2] which is about two and a half times the area of Central Park in New York and slightly less (88%) than that of Richmond Park in London.”

Bois de Boulgne and Vincennes…

Boulogne means “Foundation..or possibly Citadel Granary…”
Vicennes means “Victor”…
Please see sacred portal 86… “Victor”
I went to see the Valentine De Boulognes Exhibit invited by Rob…
The Subway Stop is 86 Street..
I was at 86 Face Book Friends…

Two Gardens… B and V… Letters 2 22… And Being V.. is 5…
5 6….

I noticed a great deal of the codes linked to Parks…
I am at Parkchester…
And Lived near all the Great Parks of London, Paris New York…
Where a great deal of the play Took place…
It is also linked to my former Coach Mr Parker…
And to A Poem written in Paris of “I know what Love Is”
Park also means “To Park” A Pace to Rest… To Park your Car, your Body…

But first let me complete the Source Codes Indention through Expression of the Activatation of tht
6:15 p.m..
F.O…./ O.F…
6 1+5=6… 66….See Sacred Portal 66…
Exit from the Black Hole of Existence with the Two Culprits of the Evil of Existence..
The Great Witch… Woman as the Spell Caster.. the Great Witch Manipulator…
And Man as the Great Hypnotist the Computer…

O.A….37..Consciousness Grace… 10…The Elegant Nomads… 1O…Alpha Omega…
O.A…A O…
Original Angel – Alpha Omega O.A-A.O…Etc…
A.F.A…. “Named” in O.Inri Igbo…
And “Hurricane.. Hurry Cane” in Polynesian.. Hawaii the 50th State.

1-15-1 O..


A 4th Note of Sound “Fa!” Delta All Around in Perfect Symmetry.

Welcome my Two latest Face Book Friends…
Barbi Bednar.. B.B
Ellen Willingham Willingham..E.WW…

Barbi means

The name Barbie is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Barbie is: From the Greek barbaros meaning foreign or strange, traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning.

Barbara Millicent “Barbie” Roberts (1959–present) The first Barbie doll was described as a “Teen Age Fashion Model” on her packaging. According to the Random House books, the Barbie character’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, and her parents’ names are George and Margaret Roberts. She is the main character in the “Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse” series.
George Roberts (1960–present) He is an engineer. He has a wife named Margaret and children: Barbie, Skipper, Stacie, Todd, Chelsea, Kelly, and Krissy. A book character, he has not been issued in doll form.
Margaret Roberts (1960–present) Margaret’s maiden name is Rawlins. She is a homemaker. She has an older sister named Millicent. A book character, she has not been issued in doll form.

Bednar means Cooper…
And Cooper means..

“English: occupational name for a maker and repairer of wooden vessels such as barrels, tubs, buckets, casks, and vats, from Middle English couper, cowper (apparently from Middle Dutch kuper, a derivative of kup ‘tub’, ‘container’, which was borrowed independently into English as coop).”

Ellen means..

Baby names meanings search results: The name Ellen is a baby girl name. The name Ellen comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Ellen is: A variant of the Greek Helen, meaning shining light, or most beautiful woman.

Which Links to the meaning of the Name Robert…”Bright Famous Shinning..of Light…”

Willingham means..” Willingham Name Meaning. English: habitational name from a place named Willingham, notably one in Cambridgeshire and one in Suffolk. The first is recorded in Domesday Book as Wivelingham ‘homestead (Old English ham) of the people of a man called Wifel’.”

“A People Of Man Called Wife…

See the meaning of and origins of the word “Wife”

“wife; hussy, from Old English w?f, woman, from Germanic *w?bam, woman (with semantic weakening from the original meaning; for the semantics, compare the histories of pudendum and cunt).
2. woman, from Old English compound w?f-man(n), “woman-person, wife person,” female (as opposed to wæpen-man(n), “weapon-person,” male, with clear sexual overtones).”

So we have BB…22.. Meaning…” The Stranger, the Foreigner, the Traveler who is comes from a different land or world…
A world which is the Ideal… Millicent means “Strength Labor Work’ and in French means “Of a Thousand Saints..”
Roberts we already know is Links to myself and Rob…
Thus, “Strangers, a foreigner from a Distant world who does a great work, a great Labor of Strength to bring the Bright Famous Shinning Light of Clarity to the world…
George means the Farmer and in Christian Legend slays the Dragon… “Illusion” Hall of Mirrors.. “Enter The Dragon” E.T.D..
E.T.D…/ Donald Trump E…
And Margret means Mother of Pear….

He is the Farmer who Plants the Seed and from the Excrement released He-She brings forth Pearls of Wisdom…
Grace… the Beautiful Pearl… Seed which is the Harvest…

It is the Beautiful Shinning Light, Robert Ellen.. of the Most Beautiful Man and Woman in the World….
The Willing Harmonious Am of the People of the Wife…
Willing to be “Penetrated- through their Sacred Portals”By the One who holds the Weapon….The Sword… the O Penis..”

See they Ecstasy of Veronica…

Roberts Ellen…R.E….

Rob Emeka… R.E V.E..LA…TI..ONS…

8:06 p.m

See sacred Portal 86..”Victor”
Yesterday at the MET…
See sacred Portal 11O… The E Family….
See the green Coat Check shared by Rob and I…
Line of the E family in Being…

So that has been aligned…

WW… Two Double Letter BB.. WW…. Linked by E Light…
Yes I had to play first the Male… then the Female Expression of E..
R.E… Robert Ellen… Bright Famous Shinning of Light….

8:10 p.m

See sacred Portal 81… 3 Males and the transformation of into the 4th Woman representing the 4th Dimension…
But the 123…AB=C..And the C is the D… Delta…
A.B…1 2… That is what started Everything… 1- 11…56…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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