
1/15/2016 21:29 – Facebook Post

5:OO p,m


477 Face Book Friends…

4 77… 4..14..5.. 4 5..D.E…9 2O….I.T.

D.E. I.T../ T.I!..E.D…

Tied my Body.. yep that is exactly what it feels like.

47..7…11 28..39..C.I…L.C. O.H.E…7 G.. G-Ode
“Ti Violet”

D.G.G/ G..G.D…


Graceful Expression (G.E..75) is the highest note in which a Voice, Voi-C.E,
Way, to create Cause Effect, Effective Change to Quintessential Harmonious Individual and Collective Transformation.

Hello, my name is Emeka Kolo…. Chukwuemeka Kolo…

And I have been moved for the last 46 years to Inform and Demonstrate, the truth of the I.D of the H.U.M..A.N.N.A ..M..H.U.. Species…

Which is the Hum of Grace and Favor to land (“Anna- in OINri Igbo), on the Manifest Harmonious Universe…Do Re Mi…

-A Beautiful Hearts Expression..

Which Moved All awaken while still asleep. your Spirits moving in a play while in Stillness, your bodies were a sleep. while we traveled around the P.E and P.N of world in 😯 days..and almost 6 months of using inner compass and sixth sense,linking then anchoring them all to solid fact in Hindsight..
Which all could see…and witness

5:15 p.m.


All those who paid attention to this play at least…

As most are aware todays play focused on Music aligned to Obi Ckc post
to Gay-Marie Bradshaw…
And to Jonn Blackwell playing Sebastian Bach..Bachus..Back US…
See the Buddha on the Back of the photo shared on my recent pictures..

Which of course, links to Jonn’s sharing of Five musical titles which formed a code.. each linking one after the other to from a stream which reached its destination…
Which links of course, the Blue H.P Stream Personal Computer I am using selected by Jonn Blackwell.. with the code “Intel” on it…

*Please see the back posts where I and the equation linked to the Music of Sebastian Bach…S,B…BA C.H…2 1..3 8…

Meaning of the name Sebastian…

The name Sebastian is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Sebastian is: Venerable; revered. The twin brother of Viola in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. A third-century martyred centurion who became St. Sebastian patron saint of soldiers.

Venerable Viola…VV Double V in French.. language of the Free Person-Poetry.

Venerable Violet.. GG Note 7th Note…77
Observe the number of Face Book Friends right now…77…V=5..55
57/75..55 77…12 12..33 6…35 35…7O..Violet Ti Note “G”


See Gay-Marie Bradshaw share..
I called the Twins, one on the Piano and the other on the Violin..
I call her Harmony..aka Beautiful Pride…
And her Soldier Boy, brother the Beautiful Youth Death…

Bach means..

Surname BACH. USAGE: German. Topographic name for someone who lived by a stream, from Middle High German bach meaning “stream”.

Twins…VV and a Stream!

What is Streaming through Jonn… From Eddie Grant E.G, (Gimme Hope Jo’Anna”) to Peter Gabriel P.G, “The Blood of Eden “The Forever Song”
-(James Dean… East of Eden… From here to Eternity).
to Sebastian Bach…

*Pls. note, Blood of Eden, book series by Julie Kagawa (J.K..1O-11 Ga la X Y Z..C.I.X 1O-11/ Nasa classified as Galaxy I.C X 11 01.. Portal Energetic identified months ago, as the portal to the E realm Expression Consciousness Evanescent Luminous Clarity)
Her Book is called Immortal Rules…
Immortal Technique..
Keeping alive the Blood of the True Eden line flowing through your veins
D.NA (“And”-Drew) drawn forth to reveal the Aria D.N.E of Eternal Beings activated in your Blood Stream, through Inhaling, Absorbing through Osmosis Breath Inspiration(A.. O.B.I..Heart) the Something in the Air and everything..
Power Freya Reign
Guardian of the “Golden Apples G.A-7-1” of Immortality according to Norse mythology…

E.G..(G.H.J..7 8 1O../O 1 87)

S.B…19..2… 21… U…B.A..C.K…U.S
U.S.A O A-1.

Obi Ckc

I have a new Face Book friend..
Welcome Cathryn Kenyon Bonetti…C.K.B…
Notice the alignment of the post of “Musical” by Obi C.K.C
aligned to the initials of my New Face Book Friend…



Ankh Cle…

5:47 p.m.

Cathryn means “Pure Unsullied’ P.U/ U.P.

“The name Catherine is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Catherine is: Pure, clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. It was borne by a number of saints, including St Catherine of Alexandria, a 4th century martyr who suffered torture on a spiked wheel.”

Pure Clear Stream of refreshing water..
crystal clear expression… B-Eau-Ti! Full
7 note Full Circle

Kenyon means Ennion’s “Blond..White Haired Norse man”

Which leads me to a curious indention of a memory as a boy of 8 of watching the movie “Moses” and him coming down the mountain as Charlton Heston
(C.H) and his hair turning white.
And my instantly seeing myself coming down from a mountain with my hair turned white after a conversation with God.
What was peculiar about my thought process, was it was not my audacity or confidence that I would ‘meet God” but my concern that the code which identified that I had spoken to God would my hair turning white.

I began to imagine myself with white hair and began tailoring my visual representation of it seen through my third eye, into a look which was pleasing and fit me…
My grandparents line, especially my maternal great grandmother and sisters had silvery white long flowing hair, and my mothers immediate younger sister was so fair complexioned and her hair, that she was often called blond..
So after checking that it was also in my D.N.A, I began to construct a visual representation of how I would look..

Hmmm, yes, I was a rather strange little boy..

My hair has turned completely white…
And when healthy it is beautiful white silver…
But I dye it black with a bottle of Chinese dye labeled 58…
Yes, I realized even me Hair color and dye was already scripted which is why I have always known that I would morph back into my truest self, hair complexion, body after I as all of you, complete the roles we had to act out based on what Humanity as the Children had represented and mis represented of the Roles had chosen to enact undercover in this Human time line to get the Human Babies and Children to evolve to Eternal Youth.. Consciousness Immortality Eternity…

Why do I dye it?
I suppose I am moved by the Roles I am playing,
what has been done to my Teeth “Eze’
and Hair (Antenna), as well as my hair, are indicators to me of what role I am playing and what role did Humanity assign that consciousness and of course, the process of transforming and proving the reason that consciousness or Character came into Existence, by revealing Its true meaning.

And because, I am not sure I am comfortable yet with the look,
its is flattering I suppose…but I do think it is rather premature..
I designed that look for when I was in my Seventies…

Strange Kid.. chuckle…
Strange Man…

Back to the codes and the deciphering of the Transmission from the “Original Truest Self”

The name Kenyon, also means “Ennions Mound”…E.M.
E.M/M.E…Sacred portal 55.. ‘BACK US EMME”

E NN IONS…Mound… Montes..

5 28..(Hertz) IONS… “Love Frequency…”

Represented by Nadee Nakandala born 5:28…

E Montes..

Code represented by Ritz Montes…

Ennion means ‘Anvil” Steadfast, Stable… Upright and Just
a Stable ION…
Stable of Divine Horses, Pegasus…H.P. Stream.. Horse E-Spirit ..wind

One can not but help link this to Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hephaestion, Alexandre Bacchus

*(Sebastian Bach..Stream…Bast.. -“Hemp, jute fibrous material from the phloem of a plant, used as fiber in matting, cord, etc.
the phloem or vascular tissue of a plan.. Derived from the word meaning “Expand”..the Body the Tissue of the body by Stretching Massaging and Breath)

Cupid Dionysus Erose Freya…A.B.C.D.E..F…. Greek Roman – Celtic Norse Slav..Moors…

Bonetti..is Italian for “Good, A Kind and Compassion Person, Generous…”
In Italian it means “Good, Honest, Excellent..Favor’
In Spanish it means “Pretty, Cute”
In French is mean “Bon…”Good”..”Ah Bon’
In Scottish it means ” Pretty, or Beautiful”
In its masculine form it means “Goodness”

Code represented by Sean Bono portal into this dimension… Recall the portrait of me done by his friend…very well done but not very flattering to my true I.D..

So here we have the code of my new Face Book friend..

Cathryn Kenyon Bonetti…

“Pure, Clean, unsullied B.Eau-Ti-Full Circle of knowledge drawn forth from deep within and beyond, at at the same time absorbing intel from every where of a Stream- River of crystal clear transparent knowledge, of the “Immortal Technique” of transformation of D.N.A back to D.N.E of The Blood line of the Originals, of Eden and East of Eden where Eros Rose with Lady Hawk Eye Aphrodite from the Blacksmiths Black well, of deepest Night and mystery before the Dawn,,, Behind the Scenes in the Dimension called Cloud 9 of the Supernaturals, beings of Sixth sense and the Inner compass moved to find the One True North (NNNN..N.E.W.S)…
T.N. True Nature of Mann-e. The Many line of E..

Forged by Thors Hammer in the dark reached of Uranus, Neptune Pluto Hades… A Sword is Forged of E Truth, now tested to become the Immortal and Eternal Truth, rising like Excalibur from the Mists of Avalon. parting this Mist of the Red See, to reveal the Original Beautiful Ones, origins and First Ancestors of Humanity..
Of the first note of Do and R.D. and pathfinders of the Truth of our I.D..
E line E.H.U.E Mann beings of the Adonnai..
The One Alphas…
The E NN (28-1O D.J..D.H..Alpha Omega) I.O.N
En N…In Nature Naturalness is the Secret Ion of the Awakening…
Honest, Excellent, Good, Favorable, Beautiful…
Pretty Cute..P.C showing the Inherent Goodness in Man..
Give the Sword S-Word of Excellent to Lance Alot
who always comes forth with the seed of One which nourishes the many, bringing for new life to the Banks of the River, which have been restored by a Rich Harvest of Inspiration to restructure, restore and replenish the Store of the Human Espirit to create Temples, Bodies well fed, well nourished to spring forth from undercover and like Saplings, Eternally youthful bodies and being, now out from the Soil and growing in the light of dawn of loves cee…
Transforming all as this great Serpents Tale and river, this land by pointing out the Beautiful even as He-E, makes his way home to the E line family…
The Beautiful View…

Your World is transforming,
your bodies are transforming..
evolving rising..
Breath it all in…
It really is Time for me to go Home.

7:37 p.m.

7:45 pm

7:46 p.m

7 (3-4) 7 5 6

*Jonn Blackwell just put up a sign at the base of the Stair in the Basement where I sleep…

I just gapped at it as I read the code..

It is says…

Subway… S

Grand Central…G.C

42 Street Station… 42 SS..”What is the meaning of Existence..?… 42..

S 4 5 6 7…Lines…Supreme D, E. F.G.. Lines… (76 45 Supreme)

Each letter and number are color coated

S Grey..Thought… Mind Grey Matter..Black mixed with White

4. 5 6 are in Green…ROYG B.I……4th Dimension 5-6 Expression Fact..D.E.F/F.E.D..
FED the People/Masses with Definition Evidence Fact of the Divine Nature of the 4th Dimension link to the Consciousness; 7 Chakras Rainbows, Sound Letters..From Heart to Expression to 6th sense Full Circle 4 5 6= 15=Letter O in perfect Symmetry -Harmony Full Circle…

7 is in Violet…. 3-4 dimension of clarity of the 1-7 creating 3 expanded by 7 to 21..3 Universe.. U.B.A.C.(Personality), Christo Krishna…C.K..Universe Supreme Radar -Awareness Harmony….U.S..R-A.H…U.S.A..U.S.S.R..
U.S.S.S.A.R…E…”Sao A”

Code U.B.A.C.K..U.S.R.A.H..

All through Thought, using his Brain..

8:O5-6 p.m.

Not his Mind…

To transform Grey Clouds into Blone White Haired Clouds
of C.I…Evanescent Light representing the Individuals
The Line of E…
The Beautiful Original Expression
The Blood of Eden..

Portal to the Immortal Rulers..
The One True Measuring Rod..
of Value and Worth..
or Bar…

8:O9 p.m

Haun Jonn is obviously reflecting and mirroring the Ethereal line of the Crossing Guards of the Portal and Road to the Elysian Fields of the Fields of Forever, linked and aligned to the Basement…
The Base of All Existence which is the portal of the E..C.K.B…And the Family of once just One then two but because of the CEE, O.U..
Now they are Many..EEEEEEE..

From Here to Eternity…
J.D..Jonn (Haun) Delguidce “Evan Blackwell”
Has Linked and been moved by his Original Self to His Truest Nature..
And Lady Hawk Eye… Twin Full Circle is the Witness..
Hawk, the Owl…And now the Eagle,,,

H.O.E… Tiller of the Earth..Called the Human Body..
“Medicene Sans Frontiers”

Doctors without borders..
Doctors Who treat all patients fairly
with Gentleness Grace Respect..Compassion…

8:18 pm.


Me…I am the representing Manifest Destiny…
Designated Origins of the E…

Homme-Z-e H.e

8:2O p.m.


8:21 pm


8:22 pm



Harmony Victorious
5 V 8

Jonn Blackwell affirmed it 5 V 8


Ask Him or Lady Hawk Eye..

8:24 pm

H.X…H B..D

The Twins but of Individual Different but Full Circle O the same Expression…


8:25 PM


8:26 pm


H. Best Friend….





8:27 p.m


Harmony Blue Green.. Harmony Beautiful Grace..

8:28 p.m..

Aligned to the Birthday of Donna O’Sullivan
Lady Cee Hawk Eye..

8:29 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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