
1/14/2016 0:56 – Facebook Post

8:26 p.m.

H.Z… Zeina Hanna… Z.H/H.Z.

*Zeina your code keeps on popping up in play… I can only surmise that there is such a blessing in store for you…

Todays Date Code

…A.M.I….A.M Infinity. A.M.Individuals, A.M I…AMI (“Beloved Friend- Harmony” B.F..2 6..8)
A Mi..Awakening Mi the third Note, the 3rd planet from the Sun the Cee of Consciousness..
Awakening Planet Earth.
A.M.I/ I.M.A

“Friends I Mann Alpha”.

M.A.I… / I.A.M.

code Luna-Soul Maia

Mai represents the 5th Month…. And is the month my youngest brother was born 5-2O-73….E.T.I…E.T ..I Infinity…

E. Ti…Ti is the 7th Note…7th Color Wavelength Violet V, 7th letter G, Gode,
7th Chakhra; Crown Chakra 7th Sense- Clarity Enlightenment….

7 Expression 7 x5…

*See the current number of my Face Book Friends

12..35..47..11 28…39..C.I…12 27…L.B.G/ G.B.L

Code Budi Lass, G… Gonzales…

.And the 6th 7…Is the 7th Wonder of the World…”The Star of Wonder, the Beloved.”

“I AM.

A.M.I..the Friend,I Mann, the Beloved Alpha, the E.T of infinity, the T.V of God’s Grace…
From the 5th Dimension, arriving out of the Blue…
The Royals, the I.E…Dawn of the 3D dimension to See the Consciousness of
I..A.M…Dawn Quintessential Existence…
The Lad the Boy…Star of Wonder of the Beloved…

D.B.B.E..add I.E….DEBBIE…


I have three new Face book friends

Raillumira Neo-tech SupremeAdept… R.N.T (Nicholas Tesla- David Bowie)..S.A/ A.S..T.N. R…As True Nature, R..18..R is code for Robert name meaning…

Rail Lumira Rail Road Line of the Enlightened by the Evanescent Light, of the understanding the Brotherhood of Man is the way to Enlightenment..and out of the Matrix NEO, and to the Truth of One, is by taking the Transparent Pill, which parts the Red See and the Blue Moons portal of the 5th Dimension…
to ENO-One. Moving the four corners of the Matrix of the 4 Elements, the 4 Directions into One Expression, which creates 441/144 “Ascended Masters of Balance of One, 81 Harmony Awareness of One, and 9..Knowledge of I, brings knowledge of Infinity
9 represented by Hades Pluto…H.P. Blue Stream, Intel Sound Studio…
Harmony I Plan-E.T…
To link Pluto to Earth, 9-3…I.C..
to create a response and activation of gene of immortality through the Immortal technique of Completion A-Z, beginning to end represented in this Solar System, Star System, Milky Way Galaxy and its twin named Andromeda..really one I individual expression of the all seeing I.
Code Erik Ebright…

I.AM..MI…3rd Note C..GeeZ Us!

Creating a Manifest Victory of the People who still reside in their True Nature and Natural Truth…through utilizing technology, to teach the True Expressed Consciousness Harmonious T.E.C.H…of the Supreme Adept…
which resides “IN”, the meaning of the name Stella Antley…

9:14 p.m..

Debra Knapp Rinaldi…

Is some one I met at Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan, whom I already recognized not only through the codes, and anchors..
Two lawn chairs I sat upon all Summer were blue and the other of mainly primary colors, One labeled Rios… Alluding to river and represented to two very important beings of this play..

Nikoma Rios..and..N.R..I.N.R.IOS…IN the River there is light love and laughter…R.I,O..”River” Naturalness….O.R.I.O.N…/ N.O.I.R..O
Constellation Orion.. The Hunter..

Noir Means Black… Code Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan Name Black, Mercedes Benz Black…

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions… R.D..R.S…Road of the I.E..R.I.S.E…
/S.R.D.R…Stone Ridge David Robert-Donna Ruth…

Code Road of the Examples RISE, and A R.I.Z.E..A.L.L begins at area 51, dimension of 6 Sense Full Circle- Stone Ridge for the Supreme Truth St of ONE..The Stone Rock of R I.D..G.E..75…
*I am at 4 75 Face Book Friends…
7 Seas and Five Continents…
in the 4th Dimension. The frame of the Cee of the 3D play as a Circle, is the land which frames the See represented by the 5…E, which is linked to the 4th because as 69..6=33…9= 4.5…54…They are all the same thing..
69 Sixth Sense Individuality….

Sixth Sense gives you an indication of your I.D..
And 6 senses moves it to fact when you have completed the Full Circle of exploration the indication of who you are until it is stamped with the Approval,as Fact that this is who you are…

And who stamps that approval..?

Why the Unseen Private Sense..U.P.S…
Universal Planetary Source…
Supreme Portal Universe…
Will Affirm…And move people to Recognize your Identification as
Truth Fact.. T.F..T=2Oth letter.. 6…26..A-Z…8 Harmonious to that fact from Here to Eternity H.E (James Dean)
Here to Infinity H.I (Erose..E)

9:37 p.m..

The Colored Chair was labeled Rios…

While the Blue ones was named Deb…./Bed…
I recognized it as the code name Debra a name which has been an important code name in the play by my meeting people named Deborah’s since I was a body…
And Evolution of the many females I met with the first letter M..
That pattern of meeting M and C’s shifted in this almost 15 year play in New York City….When I met Donna O’Sullivan..A D! and then Debbie…and Dawn…
And finally Josephine….
DD…44 8..Balance… J..
DDD…444..12..L..LUCY!..12 3..L..CEE!
All of Donnas world…

Blue is the Fifth Colors.. Fifth Note…

Code of Donna is 57…/ 75….
She represent the 5th Dimension line, Standing on 5 Continents or the consciousness of the 5th Dimension which all have witnessed, and aligned to the Seven Seas 1-7 of Do re me as well as ROYGB..IV..RR DD RDDR…

Donna has perhaps the only one in 15 years who has not only actively and discretely investigated and observed my condition (Your body is having problems literally grounding) with compassion but has done something no one else was able to do (or perhaps bothered to do, because quite frankly, because it was not happening to them, it certainly was not their concern…compassion was very scarce.. Not that I required anyones compassion, but always knew that was the natural to be compassionate, curious, and investigate what is an anomaly singularity…Such as one so obvious as mine…)

She found a remedy of using the by product of WE.E.D to make a tincture which has provided me with much relief and aid.

I had addressed this issue, these Elephant in the Room many many times even as I lived in so many places, which a person in my condition becomes an absolute nightmare…
Which I still had to navigate because I had no choice..

The Truth is no one even cared…
I was so shocked and stunned because I was stunned by the absolute refusal to acknowledge something which some one was going through, especially when I figured out and was affirmed right the thesis written by Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions for her University thesis about the activation of the body literally waking up and either fighting to rise or awaken to attack the Host…Being the true Holy War which people will manifest, a fight with their True Natures…
The indifference and cruelty, the ignoring this evidence I presented caused me such shock, that I vowed that All must taste this experience…

1O:OO p.m.

And that I would be indifferent to those who would succumb to it,
but in Donna O’Sullivan there is a possibility brought forth by herself who literally acted as a Human Being…
She showed literally empathy, wonder and curiosity and then sought to investigate cures and remedies…
Ah Human Response at last…

I will never get over just how cruel and selfish people have become, not wishing to be burdened with anyones problems while they expect you to solve their riddles, answer they questions solve their problems simply because you have no ‘Home” thy believe or Wealth.. but you do have power and wisdom…
Vampires of the worst kind..

Anyway, I and this play have made sure that it is Everyone problem now, and when that time comes, and believe me it will…
At least in Donna O’Sullivan, in her tinctures and her natural knowledge and sixth sense of Lady Harmony…
People can find relief in her tinctures…

A Compassion I for one do not believe people deserve based on my 15 years in New York… Watch the Road within with Robert Sheenahan…R.S..
Mine is much much worse, though what comes out of my mouth is poetry and non stop posts…
And times when I can not stop talking linking…
But I spent over 12 years, discipling it and refining it to put others at ease..

But I spent the last 12 years looking for a cure even though I knew exactly what is was.. but did not wish to fully acknowledge this play of the 4th and 5th Dimension in this 3D play was created intentionally for me to live, to measure the Truth of compassion in the world..
Which in my first Article Essay about New York, entitled The Elegant Nomad…
I had noted through direct empirical observation and experience that in New York and hence the world True compassion, the true clean pure one was almost dead… Just as I had not published my Journals in Paris in 1993 for the very same reason when I wrote a piece to All who about to make me famous that I could not go ahead with publication of my Journals because they were filled with peoples stories and thus had to be handled compassionately…
And my noted sadly that True Compassion in the world was slowly, dying…
It was entitled, To Those Who Would Hear”..TT WW..H 1993…
And then The Elegant Nomad 2OO1…

And yes both times they kicked my ass…
In Paris I was left to the streets to Die.. was very “weak but happy to die anything to escape this world and my this play”
and the same thing in New York.. but I was not weak in limbs any longer..
I just had this crazy intense extraordinary condition and all I wished was to speak to someone about it…
But people made It and Even me feel invisible…

Because they did not wish to get saddled or have to express from the Heart…
Yet they would feast on the blood of those in such a vulnerable condition.. Which made me understand the experience of the disabled and the old and the very young and innocent…
People had become predators of a cruel and indifferent genre.. not of Nature..

In my story, the line of Donna and Jonn Blackwell in the world,
Jonn who came to fetch me from the Shelter where he was not even aware that I was set up for him to find me there in a play…
And Donna the Doctor, Jonn the professor of Health and Musicology have brought to the ones who will rise painfully struggling as I and my line did…
A Divine Mercy to the Species… Which I would not have given…
I do not believe in mercy…or pity…
only Grace Blessings Consequences…

Truly, you do not know what the Universe forced me to witness and experience how far Free Compassion had almost become extinct in this world consciousness of the West…
And the price I paid in 1993 as well as in 2OO1, when I said no, out of logic and common sense..
I was punished by society everyday of my life since then…till this very day..

It never had anything to do with money…after almost 15 years living on the edge and frame of Existence, not knowing what each day would bring, one moment I am living in a great space and the next on the streets, on metro cars, forests…I was always provided for in the style and manner of a Prince, but not a manner of y choosing.. More like a Prince on a perilous mission, under cover of the Hood of New York..
And I am a literal prince, in this world by my maternal Grandfather and my Great grandmothers line, to my bio fathers line to even the meaning of my last name..
And at this point I have earned the right to that title…
Because a Prince is of the 5th Blue Dimension where Being i exemplified in the contributive nature of his being to the Whole so that they can see.

But I have never ever once regretted my decision once…
To be true to my nature, but was shocked to my being at the price of being an Individual cost…
Your literal Existence.

Funnily enough the name of the person I cited as being an example of true compassion was a guy called Alberto, I meet in Washington Heights..
Who has the same name as my former host for 4-9 years at 268…
And to the Book the Character in Sophie’s World…
Aligned to Donna and Jonn…

Albert provided shelter and did the Work..
While J.D did all and proved the Truth worth of Money being simply Paying attention to what is happening in both Worlds, Outside and Within…Linked by what these two representing all humanity of this wave band, Love even if they can not at first Cee or articulate the words which mean Love…

The Meaning of Debra..DE-BRA Arb Of…is “Bee…as well as Victorious Song”

“The name Deborah is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Deborah is: Bee. Deborah was the Biblical prophetess who summoned Barak to battle against an army of invaders. After the battle she wrote a victory song which is part of the Book of Judges”.

Linked to Donna and my Face Book Friend Peace Bee…

11:11 P.M

Knapp…K-Napp…P PAN K…Peter ( code Pierre David) Stone Rock (R.S) of the Beloved .
K..PP..ANK…PP as in Peppermint Park London where I met a 19 year old Jon Lee, (English Celtic Javanese Descent, ) who I first came to New York Lower East Side with in 1999) Code Belsize Park London, Pelham Bay Park London…

PP 1616…32.. See my Albums Sacred Portal Eros Kali…E.K. is the Ank
E-Ank “Key of Life..Cee Gee!”

Meaning of the name Knapp…

“Knapp genealogy is typically German or British. In Britain, it is a locational name deriving from the Old English word “cnoepp”, meaning a hill or hilltop, which subsequently lent its name to a number of places in Devon, Hampshire, and Surrey. When German, the name originated as a nickname in the Rhineland, derived from the word Knappe, meaning boy or possibly servant. In this way it could have been an occupational surname for a servant. Knapp family history in the United States includes a number of early settlers, such as Nicholas and William Knapp, who settled in Salem, Massachusetts in 1630″

A a Hill Top, a Boy not a servant ( See code in the meaning of the name Budi Lass).. playing and sounding his Horn with Song…”

It also means a Dextrious and Skilled person…

“In the 15th century this spelling acquired the separate, specialized meanings ‘servant’, ‘apprentice’, or ‘miner’.German: in Franconia, a nickname for a dexterous or skillful person.English: topographic name for someone who lived by a hillock, Middle English knappe, Old English cnæpp, or habitational name from any of …”

We have satisfied all these codes, Apprentice Miner Code Sean Bono, the magician apprentice, the hill-lock…Pelham Bay Park..

But the one aligned to this play is Ziggy, which means “German”
David Bowie..Beloved Bow.I.E, whose line of Death the Black Star always called me Lad or Boy, they were my Sensie”s (Who really knew how to piss me off), they are the line of Death… in its true meaning…
End of Transformation..
Before he left left a message for me just as my brother did…
But this time the message was Victorious Dawn…See conversation with Eno…

And the Franco code which has been defined by the play through Chris Franco..Which means “Freeman…Code name “Valerie Freeman”

And this is all about Freedom…and the Boogie…

And so its Dexterous or Skilled person…D.S.

And Rinaldi comes from the name Reynolds

Code Jason Reynolds P.S Congratulation on your Award,…

Reynolds means “Power Powerful Ruler.. Counselor Power Ruler…C,P.R)

Bee…Peace Bee the Victorious song of the Lady Ma-Donna…The Companion Friend of a Vision of Exquisite Beauty….of World Peace…
manifested by the Boy skilled and dexterous from hill top playing a Horn and the razor edge of Lords of Black Beauty.. the Black Smiths of the Black well of the Moors…
A Power, full yet beloved power of Counseling, Power Rule is denoted by the measure of a Man and how he treats his Wu-Man, his mirror, which indicates a Gentleman Lady… Alpha Onega… G.L.A..O!
The Goal…”Siddhartha”
of One…Neo…Peace-Harmony…
by I.E.

Antonio Gonçalves Joaquim…

Who aligns to Goncalves António Lack…
Paulo Andre Simão
Drew Reyn
Andrese Harris Burton…

1-7 at 1O..Balance…

“Antonio” is Andrew, and means ‘Manly Warrior, Brave Noble.. Strong…”

Goncalves which is also Gonzales means ‘From the Battle Fields of War…
Battle Genius Elf Warrior…”

Joaquim which is also the name of the mother of Jesus, Father..
The Madonna Father…
And means The Lord God..L.G..LOG..G.O.A.L…
“Has lifted, and established…his Strong Hold.. his Kingdom Come in this very world..”

Hence, ‘A Manly, Warrior, Brave Noble… Strong, has emerged from the battle fields of a great war in an invisible dimension, a battle genius, and Elf Warrior, and has lifted up the veil to Cee, and the might Stone, the Rock, the Cube and the riddle of Existence… including Gravity…Immortality….and has established his strong hold and his Kingdom Come here for all to Cee in the 3 Dimension aligned to the 4th the 5th the 9th..3 9…to the 12 Dimension which moves us back to Cee…

Code name represented by
Christain Edwin Edwin


11:55 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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