
1/14/2014 17:29 – Facebook Post

Conclusion 5

The Dragons of Existence the Dinosaurs and I
The Memory trail.
Fore sight
Center Expand
To the Imaginary point
Beyond Infinity.and Harmony
to prove a vision Real Will And Truth True; TT.

Obviously, from yesterdays play of the West East – Kimberly and Eric Brown and Brown.
My intials Backwards- we are still in a script, and have not finished at the 4th Conclusion C.D..or
3 4..C.4…
Bc my.intials are BB E.K.
But I am not home yet still imprisoned in the Spirit world of Mind solving these equations and still residing in my own space and consciousness…One can correctly assume that I am still imprisoned in the pyramids with the Dragons of Existence.
The consciousness of Dinosaurs and the Monsters who have no respect for the Being Existence or the Laws of Existence.
Elemental Creatures who arrived after the Light beings as representations of Elemental nature of Chaos as currently mirrored by humans.
Thus, such primodials representing the first two illusions of Natures perception.
Respond to only to primodial instincts.
Carnivorous Predatory and Vegetarian complacency.
Survival without reason.
Respect for power strength size and Fear.
Which of course, becomes usurped in that “Play” by intelligence…the Omnivores…AKa the Middle Way.
And yes, I.E was present.
So was Harmony my little sister brother but they were dreaming as the begining of understanding that both were the part of me.
Father Mother left and right.

The two Extremities of Predatory and Complacency (which does not necessarily mean weak *See Tryantosarus.and Brontasaurus ) were represenative of two equations of Existence which had to naturally balance out.

*See Volcanic Age Lava formation of the Earth and Ice Age..Game over.
As currently being duplicated in the current state or idea of Global warming…
Induced by man and echo response reverbration by Nature.
Thus, fore warning another “Game Over” as I have been personally eludicating on Face Book with Lucidity of my personal way of seeing things.

Of course I am not really trapped but the play of going back in time and space through heart and mind is the real deal. Even though the Illusion is that I am in present day New York explaining through linking backwards 13.7 billion years ( Billion is 9 0’s illusion of dreaming) back to beyond Time and Space reflected in Universe and on Earth through the Hi way of Energy Vibration Memory linked to Cause and effect and Affirmation of Stimuli-Expression Original Ibtentiin from within me, and Echo Response Affirmation outside of me..as demonstrated by Kimberly and Eric Brown yesterday.

Thus; passing through once more (after repreating the same process 7-8 times through Story telling religion, imagination, The Stars, the Nether lands or regions-Subconscious, the Landscape journey Pangea, through Film and finally through Science of Evolution Harmony…

Thus, the Dinosaurs and the Pyramids represent the begining steps of Creation. In which the steps from Point a Big Beautiful Bang outside of us and Big Bang Volcanic Eruption from deep within the Sea, formed the first land..
And the Big Beautiful Bang within the Cave mens awakening Dream to the Beautiful Big Bang of “Time Travellers” as light beings making Full Circle First Contact with themselves as illusions of their true selves..
All align to create one Story of Non stop Full Circles, which of course is why I am here making the point.

That the steps of pyramid represented in Kimberlys message is a straight line visually represented by a pyramid relaying the steps Forwards Backwards through the Nether world (Netherlands..Den Mark..Kasper L Serup) or the Dreaming to its furthest point which is 8-9 then O which we passed through around April May last year-The Holy of Holies. We then began retracing ourselves back from the furthest edge of Existence 2012- 32…back (after avoiding the Hysteria of the End of the world but which was really the End of the Human story.
Having gone as far as we could go..the furthest extremity before self annihilation. Which he had to pull ourselves from the edge of my the sheer will power of the I and I..The seers and doers called the Individuals who were aware that it was a dream or holographic scenario which we as a species had to chiose Yes or No.
And also the begining point of Evolution by moving back from
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0 or OI-
(we managed to chose OI through this play)
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1..
So we see Kimberly is in the present
Eric is the Past
Only 32 is the present
3rd and 2nd Avenue the Cafe Bean
And 3 2 C.B Chukwueneka Brown
And A. Eienstien my host just quoting those numbers while I am writing this post.
Thus here in New York am I E in the Full Circle in the present while Eric Brown is my journey past. EBB.of the K and now the BBE of the
So in truth the EBB of the O.K was my journey from age 23 which I knew was the story of destruction which I knew I had to turn into Construction by restoring and restoration of the Past which was halted March 20 2001 (03-20 -32) and 911.. Ground zero.

Which thus ended the EBB K or 11 and Began the Journey of BBE K 11 1…Beauty Beautiful Expression of the Doppleganger in one.
The One who is both 2 and 1.
I. Eye.
11 1

Expression of the equation above.

6 54 and Eric Brown affirmed with seeing the number 23.l everywhere which.he will.turn that age this year.and is also the.age I began my Journals 1989.

6 54 and 23 one going up one going down or 23 456…one is seeing from one view or coner.of the I and the other from another..654 23..as a folded paper…the normal progression would be 123456 or 65321.. but its is obviously two.sides of a pyramid its not the.side which reaches 9…23 is 5 and 2×3 is 6.
thus the apex here is not 99
but 66…the 99 inverted from the two extremities of Hieght and Depth.
We now move to Expanse..
A Diamond Centered Anchored in the Present.
We are still in the scripted play.
Meaning that since each person who is responding or recieving transmission which created a coded meaning we are not yet home free.

Kimberly affirmed by coming here at this address at 6 54pm that in the ascending Descending Pyramid where I still being held prisoner in the spirit world in a play akin to Dungeon and Dragons and the A lien Egpytian Pyramids of the Gods.
Pyeamids which occured through out the Ancient world that the steps 12 345 678 9 87 654 321…Will Bribg us to 111.111 111×111 111 111.
Which of course aligning and proving that all the steps numbers are one.

1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 9
8/8 7/7 6/6 5/5 4/4 3/3 2/2 11 1 Oo (Landing on Harmony Infinity)
Which is the H.I of welcome by the beings of planet Earth now awake.aware of who they are and who I am underbcover. After having understod the steps to reach that consciousness of remembering through the ardous steps back to that startling clarity called home potrayed so well in the film “Limitless” achieved through walking through what many called untrustworrhy memory.
Memory is not decietful it is our own subjective experience of events which distort the truth of actual.events.
The Memory game is a road in which we must go backwards instead of forwards hence the code 123456789..which is really going backwards not forwards. This is to link that.where we are and how we got here is a straight line of the cause and effect of each action and decision.
If we can establish in the present point the origin to present as affirmed by Hindsight and and aligned to Fore sight that they are one.By linking back to the very begining and even beyond to ascertain that Our point of origin and our point if desrination are indeed alingned and in one.

Meaning from our point of Origin beyond memory we walk to an unknown destination beyond knowing.
From the Very Begining of our Existence we move to the very Edge of.Existence to find that both the point of Origin and the point of Destination, P.O.D. are.the same thing.

But.to affirm that are view is correct and not an illusion created by Foresightband Hindsight as F Action…
Objective not subjective we have to provide evidence..to say the Observer that we have reached the correct destination by correlating through the Memmory as alinged to Cause and Effect linked to a straight line,the Arrow of G.OD (POD) ).), Cu (321 3= C, U=21 * 321 code)
P.ID l’s Arrow.that the two extremeties…of the Diamond Pyramid- the two.peak.apexs.One in the Nether World and the other is the “Seen” Foresight are indeed perfectly.linked.
As one might walk to tje furtherest point of the past to the furtherst point of the future as 2 9 or 99.
And through Memory and Knowledge walk back and forth through the two exteemes..As one.might.move ones eye ball to the furtherst corners of each side of the eye,.which creates an Arc…Curve.
(Yes,this is the Energetic Equation of C through the all seeing Eye or how it was constructed.

Now that Memory.has.linked.from the furthest point of Origin where lady Echo.Exists the Twin of Lord E Exists at the point.of Origin.
And one Finds Expression from point of Orgin.exactly the same expression at furthest point to be exactly alike…Even if in different form…Male Female though the vibration is the same, one may accept that they are one and the same.

Meaning, 9 9 are added and create 18 expanded by itself 9×9 =81..
18 One Harmony
81 Harmony.is 1
Thus the two extremoties of the arc, represented by seeing.the corners of the eyes..
Point of Origin and Point of Destination E.E now proven one is centered to 81 and 18.
Forming a Diamond as the Pyramid with.the apex no.longer being the corners of the Eye as Fore Sight and Hindsight…Past Nether world Future Future world.
But rather It is now centered and grounded at the base of the pryamid at I Oo infront and I oO behind which linked to the two Extremities, the Curve allows us vision.from forming a Diamond square an Oval Circle..Like and Egg. formed from a Circle.which allows infinite Vision of Harmony all around. Back Front sides All One.

Thus the 18 and the 81 Expansion and Addition.E.A
A E…Exrtemties of Expression Origin.E.O (5.O-15) and Expression Destination (E.D-54);
A.E.E.A.E.O.E.D..are all in Harmony to Infinity.
And All.representative of.Going.even beyond 8 oO Harmony.Infinity, to the 9th Gate…
To the Imaginary point and Beyond.
Seeing Beyond.the Vision Mirage to.piercing its viel to see its truth

This is beyond Lord Original E or Lady Echo this is done by only the One I And I…The oned Centered in the Middle and Present btw the two.
Where the All See I or Individual Exists as the source of the All Seeing Eye.

Cause and Effect.
Consciousness Expanded
Through Fore sight and Hindsight to arrive of the one true view…Vision real.

Evolution Awakening In Harmony to Infinity and beyond sustained and Maintained because of E Consciousness Perception True to the PT.

This is the Equation of the Rare Stone of the Eternal.Ruler…
(Kimberly means “Rare” and Eric means “Eternal Ruler” and Fritz F=6 means Peaceful Ruler. P.R.

K=654, E= 23…for he is the missing step of 32 and 23.
23 where he began and 3rd 2nd where his journey did end at the Cafe Bean in Manhattan the lower East side N.Y.
23+32 is 55
2 EE.
The two Extremties Lord Expression Origin Infinity
Lady Echo Harmony..
All are E.K
C.K all are C.E.

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