
1/14/2013 12:21 – Facebook Post

May I Live Open Hearted and Free in appreciation and surrender of the moment, following the wisdom and guidance of Heart for what action to take in each moment to most BE Illumination; living in gratitude, appreciation, wonder, harmony, joy, humility and stewardship; knowing All is truly perfect, always… and the only truth is Love… All is/are Love <3 "...Heaven is here, there is no other place. And prior to every breath, a silent thank you to That One. With every pulse of the heart's life, the welcomed call of devotional surrender in the infinite field of grace-given gratitude. Everywhere, Light. Everywhere, Mystery. Everywhere, and everywhen...this taste of Love... all things you have called to yourself as infinite soul, and all things have and are serving your very own journey of unfolding of Soul, in you, as you, and for all beings..." Jayem <3 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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