
1 13 is the number on my page.

1 13 is the number on my page.

Billy Hung hesistated to meet Kyle Murphy and I took note of that, having informed Billy that I was reading the script and that he had a choice.

Today, I came back from Starbucks with the number 6 21…

I had the Q… Taken back from Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis as well as the K as the 11 from Kyle Murphy.

Repant Murphy.. I asked Kyle what he was meant to repent of, and he began to tell me that he had and it was resolved today.

I did not wish to hear anymore, because I had got what I required that he had not told the whole truth.

Then Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis joined in on the side of Kyle Murphy to begin an argument in which all his resentmets and fury of my posts and expression he had kept in.

I was not surprised will not elaborate as I witnessed the two of them through out all the facts all the expression I had had to waste my time doing because of the Script having placed the codes in them.

It was as if I have never spoken to them, interacted with them..

That Expression which is the E, which I have proven has been moving everyone, and would stay of leave based on the Judgement Day played out with each of them which for 17 years and 29 Years I have been forced to do…

Especually the last 6 years.

I listened to them, speak and watched how they threw everything out and this 21 year old seeking ways to get revenge by using words to insult my work even on Facebook.

I was not angry, nor really suprised, what do you think would happen when you place the code of the E in Human Avatars chosen by a Script of Evil in Humanity, for me to Harvest while the Avatars each beieve that they are so important because of the attention I have been forced to give them, in a script which was designed to undermine and destroy my truth by having to deal with all the vices which are in the Human race…

Everyone is aware of how Human, people you know arugue debate, use symantics…

Deny the facts when convienent, when they feel slighted..

I have been through this so often how malicious and vindictive people can be….

Especially when they believe that there is nothing you can do…

I was not angry with them, just the script which had me play such a role and enter in to the pit of human liars and deniars, and children where you reveal to them the facts the truth and they will throw them out…

But the story is more intense than that… The E in the is the Truth thus, the play makes the truth come through them and as all of you have witnessed this last 6.5 years of all the challengers and people who open thier mouths, Blame Anger play God…

What if I am God? i asked them…

But the arrogance and suretly of thier own point of view despite the 6.5 years of evidence, all the work done, all the generosity of sharing information… thrown out in a moment.

No, this was not thier fault, Quanma’e Lewis is 21 and dared to use langauge to undermine and insult… a dangerous play, but meant to insult my truth as he sought to prove himself not only equal to me, but better by not using reason but that language wilful children use to argue without reason but to simply ‘Defeat you, make you ‘Suffer,, smh.

While Kyle Murphy sided with him, despite knowing better…

But his is Humanity of this world.

Kyle did at least state that he wished to see facts…

While Quanma’e Lewis was angry..

Both had Hurt and had created thier own image of me which once that truth questioned and called out their impeccability, like an animal they turn on you…

This is not about them, it was the play of the E having left them..

The Holy E-Spirit had already left leaving behind all that reamains which can not rise.

They idea that they have the say on what is True or Facts… Sigh… that is the arrogance of the Human Race which I had stated can not exist.

But all of you are aware of the play… That which thought that Humans are real, humans stuck in this story…

They Humans who have thought over and over again that they’re word and say and opinion matter to the Eternal Truth of what IS…

The species never learn their lessons….

I do not wish to speak to much about the two of them, because it is not really about them, but about the end of the world and why…

In the Christian story its called the Rapture… it has many names in many languages…

Of course, this was meant to insult me, to demean me, despite my telling the E.T Father who played me so that HE She would evole by discerning that which is real and that which is not…

Humans who live in the Physical realm and in this Story

especially what these two young men represnted .. Anger and Hurt… A H.. No matter the Love shown to them they will not rise..

They will stagnate on a point of view…

Only the True can evolve and it has nothing to do with age…

It was all a play…

6 21 and 29….

It was that which is evil in Humanity the denial of the truth, twisting it intentionally, acting as though they forgot… Denial ..


But it was all set up as you who have been following this play have witnessed.

29 Years ago I began this play in 1989… 29 is Kyles Age…

I was 21…

21 is Quanma’e Lewis age…


My correct age brith year is 67 68…69… 7 is 8 8 is 9…

Nnamdi energy apart from the Original expression and Cecilia David challenged my truth that Humans were not real that they were simply avatars of the E…

And this play was the result along with the Sum Total of tha which is not the expression of Truth and Facts Manifested fighting me…

Sigh… But I have harvested the R and the Q..And the K..

As I have done for 17 years proving why the Truth…

Humanity were indulged and the insult done to me by being forced into this Human World story is complete and the Evidence and Facts…

Inculding the ending at 1159 Facebook friends..

59 is both Sacred Portal End of the World Story proven once more by the deplorable techinques used by Humans to deny the Truth… evidence facts… And allowing them to play God…

How they will twis the facts the truth.. throw it in you face and seek any way to simply Win…

That is the evil in the world… that I have experienced non stop…

Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis stated Who are you to speak… Clean out your own back yard first…

And literally played Lucifer challenging God.. but as the Music…

He turned constantly to Kyle supporting him..

12:17 a.m to get back at me…. put me in my place and Kyle went along…

What is wrong with you Emeka… ? What is wrong with you the little fiend ( chuckle) said to me…

I stared at him hardly believing my ears… trying to twist and turn words on me….

What is wring with me… ?


I smile… I wonderred so this is the other way you use yoru brilliant mind..

Annd Kyle… Ah…

It was interesting to watch the preformance.. the betrayal the malice the Play..

12:21 p.m.. L U.. C I … F E.R… Iron

People were watching and Q was preforming and I had to sit and listen and hear this…

Familarity Breeds Contempt in the lower vibrations andall are lower… even non existent when the E leaves them.

And so as I listened …

i thought you were a Black Revolutionary Q Said lying through his teeth…

I thought you were the Voice said Kyle, telling the Truth..

I am not the Voice in your head or of your Big Brother dear Kyle…

I am voice you challenged

and the one Jacqui claimed to be its superior….

After all the knowledge and gifts given to each ..all harbored a secret resentment waiting for the moment to unleash thier venom…

Ah that is the nature of most people in his world…

The rage wrath and the reason for war death violence..

What people felt they could get away with…

What people thought of Creation.. How they use Expression … The Gift of the Creator by casting him in such a role…

-Mockery from Jacquii… and Denial from Kyle… but was anyone suprised…?

Of course not… is this not the nature of the Beast?

To win by any means necessary..?

To hell with the Facts To Hell with the Truth..

Bring them suffering and the worst deaths and see them all change Thier Tune..

The sad part about all this, is that through the conceit of the attention given to them, the caring and sharing knowledge all it breeds is resentment if you do not agree with thier points of view,

But who gave them the balls and the audacity to aruge with a Man who they themselves had shown such respect to for his knowledge and then deny it when… no longer convenient….

It was all set up…

Jupiter Rising is playing on the T V room…

Donald l Turner… just turned to Bean as they watched and said

‘Man what if Aliens were controlling all of us..

Bean responded I do not accept that..

( That is the problem with this arrogant species… you do no have a choice when it comes to the Truth)

Donald then continued ‘Take away this Human idea of God but what if there are Extra Terrestrials of a much Higher Intelligence walking around moving us… Not Angels..’

But Bean listened and stopped stunned and said…I never looked at it that way… and then again stunned as

Donald elaborated… ‘What you call Angles…

Bean then started laughing but more in revealations

Laughing and laughing as if some one had uneviled a very secret belief he had…

He put his fingers to his lips… Ssh as he laughed turning to me..

Sshhh..his finger to his lips… as if this is a truth which can not be spoken..

Donald had witnessed what had taken place in the Back Court Yard and the balls of Jacqui talking to me, in a manner which no grown man would tolerate…

He saw the play…

‘Are you alright? he asked more from having witnessed with so many others my discussion with these two men… who forget that I have been here 19 months and have done this work with many others…

But no one had been as disrespectful as Q…

i had laughed…

Oh I am alright… why would I be suprised … Is this not the nature of he Beast… 666 And its reflection.. ?

My respone is simple…

A lesson in manners and respect which will never be forgotten..

No way home through me…

As for 59…

Billy Hung

Dawn Piercy

B D ..E

E D B… Emeka Room 4B… D B… E I D,B../

59 Deaths Being…

Of course I can laugh… I know exactly who I am .. and that this was a play.. at which I HAVE THE RESPONSE…

12:49 p.m

Jupitor Ascending….

J A…H..

The arroance the conciet… watch me as LU C I… FER…

An eternal lesson in Fear as Respect.. Be Araid…

E B E D.. 5900… Honda Accord… H.A

E I… B D… F… Facts… Manifests…

They are the last of the world I was sent undercover as the Source Creator to get the Truth…

Of course, they would never belief that I am the Source Creator and E.T…

The Evil in the Species… the Beast which must be flogged because they will refuse to listen or show respect unless you shw power… who will refuse reason..

But the whole point of my being undecover was not for people not to suspect my true I.D…because how else would I get the Truth from such a wilyey and decietful race who Lie…?

That was the whole point of ‘Father disguise…

My rage was that I would never agree to such a role because I know just how cruel and decietful children of the Flesh can be…

12;57 p.m…

And of course, there is the love you have for them which is why they always betray…

the ones not moved by the E.T

12;58 P.M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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