



I have been told by AL that when I am working on the equations on these Android phones that I remind him.of Captain Kirk on Star Trek..Plotting a Navigational Course through space…

I am not sure if he realizes just how accurate his statement is.

But btw the Loki Character of mischievous nature and him.being an Avatar of Physical Nature of the Universe…one finds it hard to diffrenciate btw one and the other…

But I have come to see them as one..

The journey on F.B began more than 3O months ago but in March April..(M.A-A.M…yes Ma am) 2O12 it truly began en force.

I was in Akil Davis home and was informed by my Nnamdi Espirt telling me to.leave and return to.my A.S. home on 4th street on April 5th the very birthday of my Twin Consciousness as my brother Nnamdi…

This was affirmed by Tim one of the room mates whom I called Time and whose girlfriend whose actuall name is Beyond…

And so I returned despite my rage and frustration to no longer be the guests and at the mercy of humans not aware or who refused the truth of this play…

I arrived here on April 5th 2O12…

And I was suddenly thrust one more time in the play but not only all around me but on F.B.

I travelled back to the very begining of Time…Cosmic Time after having spent 4 years out of 6 yrs here with my former hosts engaged in solving equations and being literally spirted away to an illusion of time created by mens imagination..

Recall I came here possessed by the rage and taken over by a Gorilla Consciousness King Kong..and was called names such as Witch Doctor and the living Black Hole by ppl here.

I experienced things here so alien to my nature that I took pills to leave my body and return to.the Energy realm to find the source of this insulting play which brought me to such a humilating and insulting play…

For I always knew this was the correct portal…

A life time of undercover work.and five years of equation solving and mapping in this reality before I arrived here affirmed my codes…

Everything checked out apart from the play, the reception the insults and mockery of the world.

My family and so called friends all mocked questioned ridiculed me…

I.had paid an extraordinary heavy price for staying true to.the truth of my equations…

I saw the depth of the ugliness of ppl and the world.

All the ppl I had been sent to as Back to.Future to.help train who I saw loved the ideal of me but not the Truth of me which they possesed themselves.

The Betrayal was overwhelming but I was not ovettly dissappointed in them because as Chris Franco stated…I saw it comming.

But in his words I was entering Rat infested consciousness where I already knew the outcome but a force so cruel so malignant to.my way of being was forcing me to.pass through all.these portals and ppl.

And forcing me to do it again and agaib, serking to,put me in the position of a beggar, a supplicant when it knew exactly who I was and what I was being forced to do…

Solve the Riddles of Existence.

But the Malevolence the Violence and the Viscousness of it all… The non stop.scenarios created of demeaning insults made.me wonder..

Do you wish.me to do this or not..

Do you really wish.me to succedd or are you compelled to.move me to solve the riddles while at.the same time creating a web in.which.to.ensure I fail…

The Physical Nature the Material Nature.. Evil.which can not Exist moved me to.the center place of its power.. Its very seat where it could exist in non existence and here it gave me the challenge to prove how A Hueman consciousness in a Human body trapped in Time of the most stupid human stories of Ape to Hesus could not only solve the riddles of Existence by using just reflections in Space of Being but literally affect and align physical matter.

I.suddenly realized that if this force of Evil..if the Physical Nature of Existence as Creation Nature and the Spiritual Religious Material Nature had gone to so.much trouble to cheat in this challenge offered me… A lone brown skinned boy in an inherently racists environment had gone to so.much trouble to cheat… By bringing me to.non.existence, the seat of its power and throufh the greatest stories and simulations of human and sub human depravity…

I.knew it was scared of me.

I knew that it knew I would succeed.

I knew my challenger was the Leviathan

I knew my challenger was that which could not be…

Evil from Inception Conception Birth Enfancy Baby Child Youth Manhood Woman hood Adult hood Maturity Middle Age M.A…to Old Age O.A ..to.Death and reincarnation over and over and over again.

A Hatred and desire to Blame so impossible to describe…a Black Hole now described by Science as a grey hole and now…the not even a Black Hole… That such a abomination as Einstein stated God the Creator would never allow to Exist…

And by Jove! he was Right!

(Jove is Roman God of Doorways Portals.)

And so here is my Cosmic and physical journey the exemplification of the Process I described as Being..

Moved by my nature as my guide then my taking responsibility and then the Royal Reigns of the Space Craft and seeing its meaning and moving my Vessel Space Craft through Ahtmosphere called Space as Death to life and finally landing InOn the designated place, within myself aligned with.the Physical A Venue…

A Venue Btw…B and C..1A 26 8, 4th Street The Esat Side..E.S..Alpha Bet City A.B.C.. Formerly Liite Africa L.A..Low E AH Man Hat Tan N.Y.C..E..

New York State..N.S..U.S.A…N.He-m-i-sp (Sacred Portal here…South Hem Plan et Ear th e World

Andromeda Milky Way..A.M.W..(Woman Andromeda Man Milky Way 69Ying Yang both Semen SeaMen)aligned to one Universe and One Being in Existence…

Yeah Me…E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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