
1/13/2014 21:40 – Facebook Post

Of Kymberly Brown…
Message From Lady Echo. Harmony Onu (I Heard) C.

As many of you might be aware, that I can not go home until something or someone representing an aspect of Existence affirms each equation.

A week ago I got a message from Kimberly Brown who I met in my the home of the Host I am visting. That she felt she had a message for me or that I had one for her.
I have not seen Ms Brown in about 3-4 years but knew that she sensed right for reason I will not explain here.

If you recall her Daughter Cornelia was borm they day I testified that I woke from my “Coma” in Paris 21 years ago opposite Le Gare (train Station) de Lyon in 1992- 21 yrs ago. Where I had recieved evidence of the Existence of The Light and the mission-I sought so hard to foget that.

Kimberly testified to having contractes Bell syndrone on the 25th of Dec. 1992 before giving birth to Cornelia meaning “Horn” on Jan 2nd.

Her Daughter Corneilia and Kimberly K..Browns intials form C.K…My Initials

Also Brown which is my cimplexion and also the last name of Eric Brown as well as the Equatiin E Bright or
E.B/B.E. also 25/52.

A week had passed and I heard nothing from her but nevertheless continued posting knowing that this play is on it last leg and that everything was Harmony including the C.O.N Test with Chukwuka Omenigbo Nwafor whose name implies that the Creator and Emeka used the Igbo way to break the codes of the Riddles of Existence which I rejected as incorrect.
Which result in a challenge recorded through texts.
A Challenge already resolved.

For the Creator and Emeka did it his own way which the Nri ppl not Igbo used and maitained the Creators way and no one could claim a Technique, Art or Science created by the Creator as their own.

Today, as I wrote todays ppst a summation of my three Conclusions affirned by a post of Eric Bright with (EB3) post he shared… C3
Three Conclusions.
And the Final one today C4 meaning an explosive one.
I recieved a text as I waa writing..As if she or her Spirit Consciousness had been waiting for me to wrire that posts before contacting me.

She stated she had come on Saturday but was not sure of the address or my new number.

So we both were conned until I had written my.posts on C.

Here message she said was a series of numbers which kept appearing each time she mediatated.
I knew it was a transmissuin she was recieving and the message was for me…

“111 111 111 x
111 111 111=

12 345 678
9 87 654 321.

I Was jubilant
..the last post had already explained the message.
It was, is from Lady Loves Expression…Lady Ifun.nnanya E.

87 is my code for the present while 78 is for the past
45 represents the Birth of my brother Nnamdi Twin Spirit of I and I born in Easter and passed on Easter at age 13…
(today is 01/13/14)

36 45/54.

The rest of the code message is simple..321 C U.

Kimberly B. Further sent testimony that she came to see me on Saturday…
the date and time?

111 14 at 6.54 pm

Code 654.

I was wearing a T shirt on Saturday with the number 6 and my host bought a Light fixture which said on its package..A.M Light 54.

12 345 678
9 87 654 321

Of course, this is a pyramid. Ascending Stairways direct not spiraling, reaching the Apex.
The 9th Gate.
The All Seeing I of the Individual.
The Son of G.ODD.
Descending 98765421..

Sat Ur Day
Kimberly Brown came to visit and 6:54 pm.

Meaning that I had not landed down the last three steps of the Pyramid.
I had to post the three last posts called the Three Conclusions
Todays last post on is landing on the ground
Called Full Circle.

The pyramid is a Diamond so I went to the Underworld.
The Nether regions first and did the same journey before ascending descending.
8×4.32 Steps to reach 2 9
99…And Align then to one.
9+9= 18.


Thank you Kimberly Brown so very much for the message and for being so clean.

Chukwu Emeka Kolo.
Creators praise and appreciation of Creating the steps of ascensions concrete solid..And for a Job well done.

Time for wealth money and time to go home.

12 345 678
987 654 321 is O
And I..O1 is
111 111 111 x
111 111 111=
I and I=I
The Individual.

At Om..C4
AHT Tom…the twins 1 and 1

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