
1/11/2018 22:46 – Facebook Post

At 1018 Facebook Friends..


I owe the Arab guys at the Bodega 4 Usd.

I am Delta Manor.. Delta means “4”

– 4 Facebook Friends from the Height reached as 1022 Facebook Friends.

I have the monies, and I should not be owing anyone since Joseph Carey sent me inn perfect harmony and efficiency, another 60.00 usd.
160, 100, 80, 60, 60, 60… 60…It would make it a grand total of 680.00. usd.
( I am good for it, I am worth Energy Money.. Infinity….I am wealth).

The Time now is 7:24 p.m.

I am sitting with Peter… It now is 7:26 p.m.. I paused to listen to Peter Nyarkô tell me about about Space…
Referring to the seating arrangement at Starbucks- how they have crowded the space by adding more tables so that people can not flow.
I arrived and moved the table, and he said he could now move flow which he demonstrated to me…
I understood what his higher self meant.
I graduated from University with a professional degree in Urban Planning and Architecture as a minor.. which I studied the latter more, and privately with Architectural Students,

And it was aligned and linked to the Universal Script, and where we are..
Blair.. B..Air… Belle Air…Fresh Prince of Bel air…B.A…Blair Andrews gave me confirmations so aligned that I literally grew stronger ( if possible ) in my stance and the rock solid foundation of my Truth and expression despite what has been done to my life, my existence and the price paid.. and the illusion based on how I am treated by the World People and addressed.. apart from the people who interact with me on a personal level daily.

There is a certain respect I have earned even here at Delta Manor by people experiencing me.

When you block circulation of the blood, the stream, the roads, the channels of communication, Air stream..Air circulation.. distribution…. you transform a Health body into an unhealthy one, a healthy city, Nation, World.. and Universe into a Sick Diseased Devastating Decomposing Self Destructive Abomination of Itself- so horrified by its own Transformation that all it seeks to do, is cease to exist.

Peter Nyarkô you recall is 22 years old.
He was here when I had to loudly address the Starbucks manager of the manner some of the staff, especially the girls, treat people, despite the instigator being the ass manager called Steven.

He was here yesterday when a play was set up for me to loose a dollar, arriving in perfect timing yet again, as he had on the last occasion.
He saw the Tamika girl refuse to give me the coffee, and Brenda’s response, and then Wills innocent and elegant response.
Will had also made a comment that all the staff had changed.
True, but not the girl who had served me yesterday the codes the last number she had served me was 638.. F.C..H..
Full Circle in Harmony, which means that whatever is moving here is aware that I am the full circle of Harmony.
Before that is was 22..V.. and before that…

He is here now, but was here when I arrived, late as you can see, from the time I usually begin posting and now.
I was not able to pick up the money today, and obviously, I had been set up for this to take place… owing 4 usd… – 4..
-4 Facebook friends..
Minus the 4.. The Four Controllers ruling this World behind the scenes
Minus the 4 Cardinal Direction C D..
Minus the Box… The Cube.. The Matrix…
Minus the 4 Igbo “Forest Peoples 4 Kings Shamans Wizards Sorcerers, Scientists.. And their Female Counterparts paying Gods and Godesses..
Minus the 4 Elements…
Minus as in Negated into Non Existence.

7:49 p.m.
G.. Sacred Portal 49… Existential D.I…Multi-Dimensional Death… Death Ray.. By a Look.. and Awareness.. Looking at you physically or simply looking into you, at the truth of you…

Victor VIctor.. two men opposite me just stated reading from some book, “Victor is a Dangerous chap” the read.
I know them both, one is the one I helped with his wifes immigration papers, the other is a guy who I like even more, he is always pleasant. He is seated right in front of Peter Nyarkô.

Peter remarked, that he is a Pure Entity… And that he does not assoicate with those who are not clean, who do not see peoples true value but measure it through money.
He added, people his neighbors etc.. all leave their doors open for him…
All doors open for pure beings.

..I have lived in 55 strangers homes in New York, one after the other. And 24 in Paris.. 16 in London…and in Barcelona…
They open their doors, their hearts.. and even their minds.. those secret places…

Peter told me this, after I had detailed the play of that Coffee Starbucks, Sirens banshees.. who use sound a pleasant smile to lure men to their death destruction, transforming into Medusa… Rage horrors at the last possible moment.. the mask of deceit allure, beauty.. all that you desire in a Woman.. or a Man they make possible.. then use that illusion and truth of their truth beauty to reveal that there is a rage behind it for what you value and how you valued the Beauty….
Peter remarked not only his comprehension of the full circle of the play to the present and my not having money to but coffee.
But being able to buy Coffee from the Arab Place, and seeing the code Number.. 25.

*Blair G Andrews by the way, is in Bed 5-025.
Room 5 C…. E C.. 8 in a Room.
25 is the Y chromosome is Male…
Christmas Day…25… C.D…
C.D/ D.C…

…New York Times….today…

“An Unexpected French Kiss Off
Led by Catherine Deneuve … CD.. De Neuve.. as New Man Paul… means “Of the New”
some French Women Denounce the #Mee Too Movement.

I was just thinking about the Hypocrisy of Women.. as well as men.
And their Lure as Sirens…
I was just telling Peter why I prefer France Culture and why I will end up moving back there once this is done.
Franco… Free People who speak their Mind.

It is article “Topping the Globes
Won’t be Simple. Can Times Up’ keep pace?
And will the Men Speak Up?”

( Golden Globes.. G G.. 7 7.. Breasts..? Ass Cheeks…Balls..Two Full Circles)

I do believe the answer to that question has already been answered in the Script…

Oscar is one of my code names it means

“Divine Spear.”. D.S…
“Gods Spear.”.. G.S.

Possibly means “deer friend”, derived from Gaelic os “deer” and cara “friend”. Alternatively, it may derive from the Old English name OSGAR or its Old Norse cognate ÁSGEIRR, which may have been brought to Ireland by Viking invaders and settlers.”

Life is Love, and Love is Living”
Peter Nyarkô’s favorite quote,
*His higher self just gave me some intel. he told me as he observed a departing bus, that he can never see to catch that particular bus..

“What Bus is it?” I asked..


I was quiet then told him that I am in Room 4A.
..And apparently he did catch the correct bus.
MIa is here, she is Robins sister.. I met her first though, but we hardly speak. She and her brother remind my of the dynamics of myself and sister.. even to looks and expression.

Blair G Andrews said to me in a beautiful declaration which sprung from his lips..
“Life is Awareness”
L.I A…

“Those LIARS”, then are not aware are thus not alive”

“Yes he responded, fervently.. Tall Lanky graceful in an akward way.
Just like Jamel…
His street name is “Artistic”… Creation is Art.. Art Poetry, that came first.. The Science… the Sketch.
Jamel street name is Sketch…. The Big Sketch. ( yeah I rolled my eyes with a twinkle of laughter when he informed me..)

On the same page of the New York Times,
Art section it screams
“A Nation
Is Hanging
In Balance”
It was written as above… “A.I.I”…./ I..I A… Yes , I am wearing my Icon Apparel black knit sweater…
Tone Knits.. Men can Knit Weave…Tell Stories..Men can even give birth…
See that new play “Mankind” – a World without Women.. ( which I state is this current World…)

I opened my computer to read the numbers 3 7 on the top page.
37.. See sacred portal 37. “Sophia Laurel”.. Line rep by Sarah Lagrange…
2017… Still competing that play…

I spoke to the World about the Sixth Sense humans have naturally within them, and how they have sensed that something has been meddling with them.
Which evidence has been manifested in the governments spying on its citizens “Big Brother is Watching …. and meddling..”
Just as I stated this about the Spirit world.
Those behind the Matrix..not in control of it but more like a bunch of Phantoms of the Opera…
*And yes, I still using the Server Opera.
And yes I did work in the Opera Garnier in Paris ( Old Opera House)
and the Opera Bastille ( New Opera House)

*On the same page of the Art section of the New York Times, it reads
“Starlet Becomes an Opera Diva”
It shows a woman Screaming face mottled in Anger Fury and Grief…
it is called :Acquanetta”… A C QUA…NETTA./ AT T E N….A U..Q.C…A…
“A one act of Deconstruction, in the horror genre.

I told Blair last night that we should go an cash the code today…
He decided the time… 9.00 am.
* See sacred portal 9..
Joseph Carey last text to me before this current play was at 1.44am. I immediately was aware that once more that I was in the play of the Ancestors who call themselves the Ascended Masters… A.M.
Allen Murray who have I saw appear this morning downstairs and then in the breakfast room. He never or, I have never seen him come down for breakfast.
Blair was nowhere to be seen, but I was not disturbed, I had witnessed how tired he was light night, and knew that there was no way he would remember if he was in that much a state of exhaustion.
But I sensed the meddling.
It was that obvious.

144.. is 9…
It does not complete at 144.. 12 12…x… but at 9..

“All there is, is 9 and after… 9 is 8.. Infinity…98.. 17.. 89.. Infinity 8 symbol is 9…

9:00 p,m right now.

I did not say anything to Allen Murray, the play was over and this was confirmed by Blair, declaring “it was all about seeing how far they would go and allowing them to go there until they got lost…”
..and me following behind to open up the chasm the jaws of death… Yes, Peter is with bag which looks so much like my Sacred Portal 47… and another…127… I believe.. but I will check.

I felt the sixth sense of being meddled with but instead chilled..
And waited controlling my irritation.

I eventually went to the staff and asked if they would locate it for me, which they did.
He came down, apologetic and surprised “I forgot”
I laughed.
And so we walked to place and I talked but hardly had to he was already there ..

…Sigh there is conversation going on now.. Mia is reading a book “The Art of Seduction” by Robert Greene…
Author of the 48 Laws of Power…
Scott is here… Mia ( Emeka) Peter Scott… M.E.. P.S…

We got there and i asked him if he wished to go to the Atlantis Station or to the St Lawrence station…
but before I got the words out he said Atlantis..That is out People…!”
Forte Lauderdale… 2012.. Atlantis… Aqua Man… Mer Men.. Pius Nduka.. Peter Nyarko..
We entered but to my astonishment, but not surprise Joseph Carey had used the name Allen Murray, even I had written twice in my text boldly Twice his name…
So aware of this meddling… even to spelling mistakes.

I sent him a text, and for the first time he did not respond with Alacrity…
We waited and I told Blair what was going on…
The meddling of the ancestors.. I saw a license plate with the number N.142 A.M and had pointed it out to Blair on our way there…
And now I reminded him of it.. N Nature.. 142.. N.B… A D.B…
Awareness is Being Doing…
I railed against the depth of Cruelty Evil of the Ancestor by daring to break the laws of the physical world by meddling…
That they Truth had moved Allen Murray to be there as if he were fully aware that I was going to the Western Union today..
He could have read it in my post.. watched me from the room.. but I see the play through the Spirit and E-Spirit… all cause and effect come from there…

It really does not matter.. I knew that he was being a chance of Grace, to prove that he was innocent in the set up.

Joe contacted me moments after we reached the Shelter and I had received so much confirmation from Blair including the Ascended Masters and how far they went to get power to get someone us to get us to save them from the abyss and how far they went into evil to get us to do this..
Kemi Sara will recall that story.

He said that he thought the name was a new name I had assigned myself?
I tried to keep myself light but I was Ceeing.
I asked him to change it which he said he could not do so today…

I sent a message to Allen but he was at his doctors and read my text about what I was reading.
I told Blair and we spoke some more..
“Isn’t it as if some one was eaves dropping on our conversation…?
That is how we had connected, he had overheard me conversing with someone else “Rey” when he had politely interrupted saying “I do not mean to Air .. something..a great expression..”
And said that my knowledge was something that was Beyond, higher that this realm….

I did not wait, a minor inconveinence not being able to buy coffee with money..
I simply wished to watch what would transpire, he said he was coming and would let me know..
I just wanted to know the Time he would be free, instead I got the response that when He was ready he would contact me..

Very similar to my relationship with Joe in a way and his answering machine. He chooses when he responds to me.
I am not the Source, the Creator.. The script creates this sense of my Worth being measured on how I have to ask for monies, aid etc… through the people.

But I have my coffee at the Arabic place…
Then Chris was here… W.A V E S.. He handed me a coffee and charged me with the card.. 54..
The number… 625…

I have 620 USD is the amount I have spent from Joe.. 60 I have not collected will be 680…

I have another coffee, 677.. but for some reason I placed the cap of 625 back on this one…

The Note Book is what Mia is speaking about..
T N B… 2014… Beauty.


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