
1/11/2016 22:45 – Facebook Post

From Nassim Haramein…

Via Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

Who privately texted me asking me what I thought of this.

Ideas are like light bulbs discharging current -Electricity in the Air..
It creates a Current a Wave band a frequency in the Air which anyone living on or near that Wave length will eventually access that Wave Length and Cee….

This Coincidence…no…

Our world and universe is of Expression- Logos Order “Voi-ce” Energy.
L.O.V.E…Harmonious Expanded Victorious V.E

Evolving Harmonious…
(Even if humanity are most completely unaware existing in band waves so low that they can not read the true writing on the Wall… or Listen to anything if it is not for personal gain)

A Constant Harmonious Idea CH.I.
fill the Air Waves, the nearer you are to God- Grace Ode, the more you realize that all of these Ideas already Existed by the Source who already expressed everything that can be and IS…

That is the F.M Band of G..1-7…
God’s G-Note Ode..

And the Ode is to the E and H… M.D…Q.H…
H.Q…Harmony Existence Manifest Destiny Quintessential Harmony Infinity Eternity Immortality…
But only Individuals, I.E, Examples are allowed to flow of the Band wave of Harmony Infinity…
the River which leads you to the I.E

Meaning all knowledge is copyrighted by the E line..
The Original E, but the expression is for free, because each rainbow band wave broken down into colors ROYGBIV- IE…And Do re mi fa sol la ti Doe..
All move you to evolve to the E.
Which was the point of all the sharing and you get credit for rising through these Sound and Sight waves….To be inspired to create new Ideas..
It is not for your Vanity but to move the World of Wave forward to evolve man…
Until he reached full Circle Light and the completion of Sound…Do-Doe…

But it all leads to the E…By the I,E’s Few though they are left in this World..

See the code Egyptian ANKH…E.A..51.. Area 51..6

Nikolai Tesla.. N.T….N.TT.N…
Electric Oscillator E.O….(Axel Love..1 12…3…A.L.C..

Code name Ana Leonardo Caixas…AL.C..”Portuguese”)

N.T..Natures Truth/ True Nature.. N=14, T=2O… 142O-2O14…34/43…77…
14..5..N=E…77 49..D.I..I.D…
Sacred portal 49 is Existential Death…13 4..M.D…Q in Harmony…(Quantum Degradation in Harmony until there is nothing, decomposition of non Being, back to nothing at all)

NT=G…34-7/7-43…One Portal with Two end points True Life Sacred Portal 43.. or 34 C.D, The Compact Disc of all you did and said which proves that you are no longer vibrating on any thing which is of Existence,alive or Dead.

See the play at 3-47…7-43
See sacred portal 47 “Destruction through wrath and justice fury vengeance..

And Sacred portal True Life…7 43…

N.T…=7… 4 3….7 12 19 84…
E,O=5 O… See sacred Portal 5 as well as 5O

7-5…12..3…L.C..Lucifer Ceclia… Son of the Morning and Evening Star..

E.A= 51..Area 51..6.. Portal 6… PI.ZZ A…

67-5…/ 5 76…

18 -18…



What It means all Ideas came from the same Source WAVE
whose source IS, and now are the E…

Only those who access this Wave length can Cee thee point of all Ideas
are to Evolve all together, through these Individual Examples
who have accessed the Source G-Ode and its Father-Mother..
The line of the source of Existence

“Open See Same Me”

The Source of the vast number of Ideas,
all contained one constant, and that was to Evolve..

And you can not evolve with out ascending
and speak from a beautiful heart, the being harmonious
called harmonious expression.

9:44 p.m

I 84..44..Balance.. I,D.

/549.. E.D..I

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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