
1/11/2015 4:02 – Facebook Post

1:32 A.M.



Hello I have a new Face Book Friend.

Jeff Payne…


Thus should make you my 235 Face Book friend.
Meaning that I..we, have sucessfuly passed though Eshe Chuki Asale (my 234 F.B friend, whose name meaning “Life..Life’s Echo is True Nature T.N…T=2Oth letter and N=14…

7th Chakra
7 note…Ti! Te…
7 Color Violet Purple.

Chuki Means ” after passing through Hatred and Strife”
Asale Means “Speak”..

And so after that play affirmed publicly by Lady Asale…

We are at Jeff..

Jeff’s Means ” Gods Peace”
And Payne comes from the words “Paeine” which us of course the God Pan…
God of Sex Mischief see my post below of a share by Neel Akash about Astral Sex…

Pan also means “All”

Passing through the portal of Lady Asale represented the passing through the symbolic rep of Universe as the Egyptian Goddess Bast to herself as Goddess Afro-dite Bliss…linked by the great serpent as she Eve passinng through the Umbiblical Chord, to the God Tree to the journey bof Woman…
And finally Lady Echo Existence Energy Embodied and informed.

From night to dusk to Dawn…
See the portal photograph in Red River
(R=18 A H…RR…AHAH, AHHA..36O°)
By Joshua (meaning “Saviour Deliverer”
Thomas “Twins”

Before Jeff Payne (Pay NE…See yesterdays post on North East Nnamdi Emeka…EN YA..P..
Yes, I met her in New York…and yes, aligned..
Enya Planet P=16..2(8)…)…

I was in a play in a page where I saw the share of Joshua Thomas.
And a set up…(set ups are Plays of the Energetic realm I am connecting to…the truest deepest you…who call the thier hosts home, or to testify, deliver thier messages as I pass though thier portals of this realm and they pass through mine.
Also ppl are brought forth to me judged.

This was the case with four ppl Alison, Tony David H and John…code of Intials AT..D.J…
A portal I passed through in 2O 12 on my way to Forte Lauderdale with Ravindra Singh
I met a David John the same day I met Billy Hung…
Who whose mother was in a Lawsuit with NASA…murdered later…
And whose son was aware of the Consciousness of the Annukai as well as HAARP…

I do not give much cognizance to fear
The Supreme consciousness of the play allowed all those plays to manifest so people could discern truth.

The three four…Especially the three rude..
But it was a set up, witnessed by many on my page through out the last 33 months.

I rarely, have to weave Consciousness out of Existence and face Cause Effect dictated by the Source who set them up.
That immediately carried out I saw my new Facebook friend request…
I went out laughing in incredulity that I am still being set up to cut out hideous Consciousness especially with the landing of the Dove in America..
New Mexico…N.O.M…
(The image is a circle)
I had had a conversation with Paschal Anah and Michael O’Hara…but I was reading thier code of thier Harmony represented… P.A…M..O.H…
H.O M A P…
As well as the one then three more antagonisrs ..
I was incredulous, am incredulous that I am still being used…even now…
Living in a state and play so insulting to the truth of the E.T line Infinity Eternity landing Energetically in this realm under the noses of a sleeping humanity…
– Fighting to prove that they are the ones awake and in control and that the E True line do not exist.

Of course, even now, I am speaking more to my Family within and outside using a human consciousness as the transmitter..
A play that is so awful because the human consciousness and thier Spirits minds and ancestral D NA memories became the greatest impediment to evolution..
Babies spoilt babies of constant distraction…

Caucasian and Afro orgin… Male the worst ..
I can never begin to express my loathing of what has been done to the Exquisite play of the human right to Evolution. Merited and earned by bringing it to such a platform where Fear cowardice rudeness conciet all the worst traits of the species…Insufferable unspeakable Arrogance Self Entitlment and Selfishness ..
Racism Superiority…
All the evils sending this species out of Existence are all allowed access to me and the right to address and challenge me in this under cover role designed to pacify human Fear of the Evolution Awakening Revelations E.A.R..

Listen for the one who comes speaking of Harmony..
If he is consistent and true..know that “he is the Deliverer of my Message”..
Not Savior Messiah..

Hermes Yes Edward Eceinco!

Instead apart from Siththy Ameena who called it out again and again in 2O13.,.”Authoring Harmony!”

Hardly anyone was interested in that message and Evidence only I prove provide evidence not complain but give the people whatever they want no matter the Cost…

Only that what is in it for them someone to solve thier riddles, to blame and to crucify to the point of draw dropping mind blowing cruelty that I finally understood and accepted that which In had read a long time ago, in first reading the script…
That this species not all would have to go to hell.. Burned out of existence.
Because their Consciousness had become so putrid, their bodies so infected with disease by it that they had to be burned out of existence.

All I could do was laugh and swear that the authors of this play of “Pacifying the Humans” by offering me and my kind and this play as a peace offering..
Even when thier Sacred Scripture to modern movies proves that they are fully aware.
And know what they do…with relish
Cause they think themselves so slick
Can get away with it…
And some Conscious which betrayed my trust agreed because it wished to save the ones true who were being held as hostages…

He She…did not trust me, nor my best friend Harmony…
A Woman…did not trust
Line of Mary Magdalene
Joan D’Arc…

So here we are at Jeff Pay NE..
Pay Nnamdi Emeka for the Gift of Peace of All Panorama view..
At cost of pushing me..allowing all to push me to a violence rage…beyond murderous…
Just because they knew I was bound by the play ..this J C perverted play of peace.
When even He promised to return with the Sword and Supreme Word..SWord…

This Wild Woman Line of Mary De Guise the Mother manipulator as Guide…
Thst line male and female shall rise but never return to E or Eden
Banished and lost in Space until they fade from memory and Existence in all but me.

I have not yet recovered to my true Estate and for this affront…I have so much more to say.


Being Cause Effect.

B.Chukwu… Emeka K..
The 1 2 in 1 Being
Bud Ah


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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