
1 10 is on my page.

1 10 is on my page.

Its 6-46-2020.

Yes, The 64th Portal in 19 years aligned to 46 Sacred Portal 46

VI -IV… 16 P.


Yes Infinite Harmony in 1.Awareness.

And now that I know, and checked, that Arden is perfectly fine, I can relax from playing the role of Big Brother, and allow him to be the equal that he is and represents in you all as Beautiful Youth E.

Knowing that he Arden is Fine.

Jeron is fine automatically and as is Aurelia and of course All the E Family

And so, I am fine too.

And finally understand why I am here at 29 street, as if still waiting.

So let’s address sacred portal 84 which shows a Demons face formed in the backdrop of the two persons : a man and a woman.

And the relevance of sacred portal 51.

which is the basis of where Arden and I are connected.



Area 51.

Which is called the Sex God Lord of Creation.

In 2004 while living on 57th street and then 33rd, I met Geoff LaCour who did the seemingly impossible by entering into my being and coming out and going back to Sarah Lawrence where he attended University ( along with Hunter College) to write a book in which he detailed everything he saw when he entered my Being.

He wrote about me being all Light Energy and how there was a great demon planted in me, by jealous brothers, he said who were jealous of my light. And had set me up with A Demon called S.E.X.

– he described how its teeth were, and about a White horse…

he spoke and wrote of many things, all which manifested as the truth.

That was the year 2004.. 2005.

22 00 00 4 5.

I am sure you get the picture.


4 full circles… transformed from Zero to O… 4 O..


D O E.

Dragons of Existence..

Doe a Dear.



Jessica Doe…

Jessica Doe is the only Doe I have here.

no John Doe or Jane Doe.

John or, and Jane Doe is the expression used for an Unknown person.

Both names mean: Grace… God grace…The Creators Grace which is course free will and the choice and chance to Think for yourselves, meaning that in this incarnation you are Independent and not linked to a collective.

Independent thought is thus, that which releases you from a contract of being connected to the Collective as the E.M Field…

– The Unified Field O of the Full Circle.

Yes, your Body is the expression of the experience of that first Big Oh! My God.. H-Ode but its journey through the 9 months planets was that journey of becoming and I.


An Individual which frees you from that connection to the U F O.

or the Unified Theory of Everything.

The UFO becomes the, C F F

( 3 66… 3 1 3.. and the 1 or I in the center as one has a spinal chord- vertebrae, unifies the two 3 symbols or C on both sides)

Unified Theory of Everything once proven not a Theory but A Fact transforms to Unified Fact Of Everything. ( U F O E)

O E Represents the 5th out of 50 states in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze.

Recall the code of Geoff Lacour who I met coming out of Cielo Meaning Sky… God.. or Heavens

The year was 2004.. 24 E.M.F=24.

The letter X.

Yes, my portal through Generation X Gardens which took me 61 days to find ( F A.. Ferrill Arden)

X Factor.

X Men.

The Factor of the Unknown such as John Doe and Jane Doe.

The Creators Grace as the First Note- last note depicted as the color Red… but really the G Spot.

The note of G..

7= letter G.

7th Chakra… 7th Seal.

Purple.. Violet.. Lavender…

Purple and Red… 7-1


R.P River Phoenix ; Arden age 9.

When he became I, and Individual he told me.

1.7..85 71 4 29/ 92… 4 17 58-7.1

Vision Crown Chakra

Instinct Sex not as Darwin states Instinct for Survival- competition for natural resources, competition with each other.

No, it was instinct to have sex, intercourse, dialogue.. Pleasure Delight to penetrate the mystery of being alone, yet not alone.

Seeing .. beginning the journey of seeing your Self in everyone.

And attraction Electric! Magnetic- on the Strawberry Fields of Forever and ever.

Geoff La-Cour…

G L..C.

G L… 7 12… +x… 19 84.

Leander Gemino…L G…. LOG OS

1984 George Orwell Big Brother is watching you

The ones I was watching over…?

E E E… T W O….

15 ( A-E) T Double V V. O.

A E T D V V..

A E T V V..O.

*Link Mission Impossible 8

represented by Kim Arthur Hines and Kamora Herrington


K H K H… 11 8 11 8… 22 16 V P /P V Purple Violet.

Perfection Victorious.

* See Sacred Portal 86 and understand the play of Arden and myself both as A and as E.

The Sex Demon was not mine, or Ardens- it belonged to the E.M Field..

That grace of the Creator.

that 7 and 1 in one to form 8.

Infinite Harmony in the Individual

Snow Flake who merges all e to form snow.

And yet this Demon did come into me, there is no question about that, but not to destroy me, or humiliate me, but to restore it back to its original truth.

Its is how humans came into Existence as Creation from that Big Oh.

Orgasm not a big bang of fear… thrown into a unknown realm and said to fight for ones survival .. and by any means necessary when it came down to it.. Better you than me… be sacrificed…

..You understand my meaning?

It began with two expression which you may call men or males but really they were the two in one.. Everything in One and thus defy that limited expression in this reality.

But for the sake of the play code…

M A L E…/ E L A M E…= 36=9

M E N / N E M E 32…=5

A M A N… 29.x 2= 58. 13

M A N= 28 x2 56. 11…2.. 11 1

My possession by a very conscious and aware force called this Demon was yes Satan Lucifer Lilth Ava …yes was real, so much so that I was startled but though it was a Demonic force sent to me.. but to transform back into its true self.

I was aware that something was doing strange things to me, in the spirit realm but its true expression arose from the E realm.

Most of you have had an experience or an example of what has been done to Sex in this reality.

To penetration of Truth and Trust.

That is what was sent for me to clean up, and even forced to abstain from for two reason: it was not any longer familiar to me what I experienced of it here, and its use as a power tool and tool of domination and control…

Need to feel alive.

But more so, by that which is its true beautiful source not permitting me to one for personal reasons and the other I came to realize, until it was clean up by it using me, and I being willing to allow it to express on and through my body all that was done in its name and experience it by going through it all, using my own purity to endure and transform that which is was doing to me in rage of what was done to its name and true meaning.

19 years have I been aware of its and of its savage brutal play which often left me bleeding and body deformed.

I knew who and what was behind it, I knew.. but it took so much out of me to agree, because it was, has been an experience i am not sure i can and will ever talk about to anyone… except maybe one day the E Family.

I saw its truth through my years walking through this planet and what had been done to sex.

I saw its truth rise in my drawings my sacred portals

Look at sacred portal 24 and 57…

All the sacred portals are sexual.

Creation is Sexual.

But as the Pleasure Principle.

Not Power.

The Sex Demon is in sacred portal 84…

Yes 8 16-1984 is Esteban Miguel Filgueira birthday.. the Demon linked to a man and a woman represented by two persons Esteban and Athena – E A ?

Not really more like a code of Stephen and Sarah S S in which it was a representation of the play of Sex, its power plays .. unequal plays, uneaqual pleasure principle of that which has been in the world.

E A is 5 1..

S S= 1 38 138 is the age of this Milky Way.

but 38 = 11….1

1 11 1 yes One who becomes Two and the Two align as 1.

8:16 p.m

S E X Stephan Emeka E.M.F =24 X.

E=Crown E as X Factor 24 Being Doing -6 =F.


South Carolina 8th State.

Charles Caroline- Meaning Free Man.. Free Woman- Beloved and Valuable

Arden Aurelia Autumn Smol

Ferrill Reilly,

Liberty Leander

Charles Caroline.

C C Carbon Copy


S E F. Stephan-CrownEternal Family

Sacred Eternal F-A…C.T.

9:00 p.m.

I O O South Road.

9:01 p.m.


9 61

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