
1/10/2017 22:10 – Facebook Post

About what is EVIL…

6:58 p.m.

854 Face Book Friends….

85 4… H.E…D…

8 55 was were I was last night, and 85 5…

But I tried to post evening day, at 8 55..
Knowing what it means and thus, what would have to manifest.

H.E..E…And Harmony Sacred Portal 55 The Harmonious Resurrection of the Past.

After the delay with meeting of Rahul, and then what took place with my room mate last night, his demanding the Intel that we were meant to meet, and then he started glowing,,,,
Rahul had a cold and wished to meet tomorrow at 4…
Delta…Is 4, it was meant to be 6.. but moved to 4.

Now, if you had invested interest in truly knowing the significance of the what is happening, you would understand the relevance of the move from 6 p.m to 4 p.m two days later.

But you have to be invested in this story, this Revelation..
But that can only happen for most people not out of investigative curiosity of such claims, or such intelligence… but rather as a matter of life and death… or personal gain of immediate needs.

Which leaves us with very few… very few apart from those who already know what this and prefer to keep quiet to make sure I get to the end. And of course the Unseen.

Its is literally like being stuck in a Fantasy Story of another dimension who are in a massive war…
And this war going on in that realm believe they require you and worst still, believe their World is Real…
Just as this one as a Story does… but none of the are…
They are True, but not real…
And the only way it becomes really is merging the two Stories or Dimensions together to bring forth the Real True World.

And right now, to be honest with you…
I have had it….

And the Weave is way too long…

Oh is is real alright, in some kind of way I hoped that it was not,
it would be preferable to the fact that it is all true…
And I really do not know how to deal with that fact anymore.

Today I opened up my Facebook account after speaking with Cassandra my case worker, and I realized that I am not interested in this Equation anymore..
The Beauty of what it really is has been so corrupted and diseased by the translation of it into this reality that, if I had not placed so much trust in the Eternal Truth I would not even consider dealing with this truth…
When my room mate last night went into what I can only describe as a state of Ecstasy… And insistence that I share the knowledge..
There was no iota of desire to share, not with him..
but one can only be denied and made to endure so much.

I am not interested in reading the patterns, or decoding, or completing whatever requires to be completed…

And to feel this way, to be moved to such a place…

So when Kim Marcussen posted a question about Evil, and I saw it was also a question directly asked of me by the Unseen based on the “Kolo Journals” and Sword of Truth..
Please recall Erik Ebright in Miami, and Izzi Creole…I.C..
And how I met her, She was talking about “Kolo” the Dance.

I responded to the question out of instinct and my body would not let me rest…
So I answered it to the Unseen “A Traverse” Through you- who are unaware or not even sure what I am talking about or how could what I be saying I am doing be literal True..

I no longer have the desire to call to your attention the links, the synchoncity, the Manifestations the meanings or have to tell “Avatar Descendants experiences and expressions in order to show you how you are being moved.

My response to Kims post was something I never thought as a Scientist, of logic reason, would ever have to conclude…
That Humanity is Evil…

This is not an emotive response rather it is factual based on my sent to investigate Evil…
What is Evil…
And since I know evil does not exist… I could not even begin to understand what I was meant to seek out when thrown for the last 16 years into this play of letting go of Everything to enter a play to prove Harmony through 1-7… Instinct, Imagination-Civilization, Logos-Order, Heart Balance, Expression Music Intuition, Reason 6th Sense E.S.P…Then to Vision -Vizion just completed with Nenad M. Djurdjevic’… and then to Harmony….8
The “Proverbial 7 Ages of Man… 7 Colors of Spectrum to bring Him -Her back to 8.. A light Being…

But this.. 50 months, undercover incognito for a life time…
and all this work…
Explaining… and explaining….

This is the meaning of Evil Kim Marcussen, if you put yourself in my situation for a moment of seeing so clearly the Two Stories and being forced to Weave the True Story into Existence through non stop torture, exhaustion….
It is a reflection of what Humanity did… created of their world view.
Torturing the messengers of Light…
Look at the movies.. X Men District 9, and look at our reality and the interface it with what is happening with all these people loosing it and gunning down people..
It happened in Miami while I was there.. and it then happened in Alaska…

People refusing to see themselves other than Good People,
all being a point of view.
People are Evil, when they are anything other than their Natural Selves…. And the Natural Self has no true understanding of Evil because it does not really Exist.

I found out what Evil is only in the last 5-6 years…
With Evidence…
And it is when one has intent and expression which negates…
Negates the Truth, or the True Sincere Expression and Experience of another…
It was done to me to highlight what it feels like…
I do not care, what people think of my Experience or Truth,
I was only interested in Manifesting it, and found myself being forced, cornered to prove it on a public forum, manually while watching the circumstances of my body and my existence in this reality degenerate to a point of…
Being brought to the Shelter system to be killed…destroyed…
Which is of course, not my reason for coming to these portals…
I have already proved what Non Existence is.. It is the expression given to a Homeless Person- by Society when society created it..
Same way with the Prison System..
It is the use of Pharmaceuticals to control peoples minds, it is giving people few options other than where you want them to go and be..
It is mind mapping, programing, stimulation of people on the sub conscious level…
And most of all it is the indifference to these facts..

People are so filled with Hatred, grudges, the desire to teach a lesson.. the power to Unfriend at a touch of a button, or to gossip about a person at the drop of a hat and the obscene pleasure in others misfortunes all covered in a veneer of political correctness…

8:00 p.m.

This equation was meant to have manifested, a long time ago.
The equation the play even the Game is complete..
But it is the Nature of the Game.. “Mind Games” which has revealed the Nature of Humanity as Evil, not naturally but LEARNED…

The refusal to take responsibility or to think of anyone but themselves and if they do try, they do it only through their point of view.
People sitting besides me where speaking about the destruction of Society and the species and began speaking about Kolo.. as in the Community, the Group… the Family.. And how it has been destroyed and that the Family, the Group used to support each other… And that everything is about the Individual..
The I..
And I marveled at the Twisting of Words, the Fantasizing about the Grass as being Greener, and why and how the Individual has always been the Source of the Community…
Always.. and how the Individual was the Hero, the Messiah, the Savior, the one who battles Evil..
And is respected and elevated, only for that community, members of it would immediately begin plotting their down fall..

This is the reality of the Cain and Able Story…
the Adam and Eve Story even to the way the Presidential Elections take place.
People get confused about what is Good and Evil…
Good does not qualify itself as “Good” person just as no one qualifies as an Evil person…
All is a point of View…

But this pattern and equation and response I have discerned is a perfect reflection of that Artificial Nature.. Evil…
Which people now call Life, Existence.. because they are used to it.
And only see the end results as the agreement as Evil.

I have no desire to speak about what happens in Delta Manor..
Its point has been made.

No, I have realized that this manifestation of Evolution Consciousness is manifesting through the literal personality of the Human Species….

And it is Evil Beyond any definition, not because it is me, but anyone who seeks to rise with Truth..
Or goes into the Wilderness sent by the little Sister Harmony who asks “What is Evil?”
Where did She, it See Evil.. if it does not Exist?
The only answer is that it can only Exist in the person who perceives it…

And Evil is not an Embodiment like Truth is…
Solid Fact..
Evil is An Expression that destroys Value of that which has value, it declares that which is of inestimable value as Worth as worth nothing. It is so malicious intent which people now justify…
And if they have no reason they will create it

I have seen it everywhere… it is a plague in the world..
A Button a trigger which people have which unleashes Expression Actions rage…
Is it inherent in the Species..?
Of course not, but it is a Bad Habit that I recognize as do so many others who would rather die than live in this world…
Who the others call with slight ridicule “Oh he or she is sensitive”
No, that is not sensitive, it is Truth…
You are just used to it…
And say grow a thick skin…
I am impervious to it…
But it is like being in a cesspool…
Who wants to swim in Shit…

People lie…
About things so fundamental.. no line is drawn that they will not cross…
Rage fills the Species…

I loved Humanity, really really… Case in point…
Se how far I went…
And see the response…
Not to me personally but to Knowledge, to a Voice, to a point of view which does not conform…

No, this is not personal to me, this is the Fact…

Evolution is already here,
This challenge which I found myself moved to accept…
blind sighted, has nothing to do with people having to love me or accept me, it was about accepting the evidence…

And making a decision…

That is all…
Not about race, background, education, being accepted by you…
And this is not my play…
Because it is ridiculous to pander to culture of Hatred…
Who deny the Self Hatred within themselves and enjoy infecting others with it…

Hate is what people carry within them- reserves of Anger they have stored away, at that which was done to them, or to those they care about… it is not rational but my word it destroys…

And the Entire Human Value system is infected with it..

And the Individual or Individuals who stand up…
if you thought it was bad in the Time of Christ…
Now everyone sees themselves as Special or Entitled and the simple fact that you have and they do not gives people in their minds the authority to hate and throw malice at you so extreme…
I observed this every where but in the Shelter it is focused and concentrated…

It is this which the Governments and secret agencies who gather intelligence always knew… use Hate….
Peoples Hatred…

This has never been an emotional deduction…
In a way it has been an investigative inquiry of the nature of Evil…
which was never intended…

Nor am I happy with this fact, but it is what it is…
Knowledge and Investigation brings out the facts…
There was a purity in Humanity… but it if it was so pure how is it that it was so easily transformed into Evil…

The System.. The Majority Rule.. The Group….

A True Family remain family for Eternity….

Love See’s and it sees Cause and Effect to Eternity….

I read face Book, and watch from afar, as an Observer..
And the World…
And I am not the only one…

Do people intend to be Evil…

But they do know when they are doing it expressing it…
And believe me it is true Love comes Naturally and Hatred is Learned…
But people here reach for what they have learned..
Because to do what comes Naturally publicly will get you tortured and killed… To Love.. so it is better to be Complete and See and have the power of the Death Ray….

It is better to be A Beautiful Devil.. when people declare themselves as Love, Good, Awake, Aware… Examine them, then Test them…
Why should they mind of it is True…

I went through all your tests…
16 years…
55 Homes… And I passed through them all even twice a Shelter and a Mental Health one before the entire world…
Living of contributions.. and continually on the Edge…
While posting….
And finding myself representing Eternal Law… Santana Dharma and that which checked me was Truth which responds…

So why should you not be checked and scanned for each of your declaration of I.A.M.

I answer only to the Truth…
The Beautiful Truth…
And if the Truth betrays Truth..
Then I answer to the Beautiful Truth within me manifested outside…

8:55 p.m.

Both realms are Evil… Spirit and Imagination because the Hypocrisy is beyond belief… and is accepted…

Evil is not in the true meaning of the Individual…
They may unintentionally create evil through a mistake but when it is pointed out they are horrified apologetic make amends are graceful and contrite and never forget what they saw themselves become…

In this reality… is it is more.. That… thats nothing…
Then quietly they will plot your destruction, and like cowards they will spring it on you when they think you least expect it…

I am not sorry when this species cease to exist…
Because they do not understand that the Individual is the true Source of All…
All find their Truth and it is the same truth…

9:00 p.m.

This post is obviously for the Unseen..
The Future Present…
Not for this present…

Myra Mason
Mallam Alizeni

Myra means…

Myra /?ma??r?/ together with its other orthographical version Mira is a feminine given name with varying meanings. It is related to the Latin and Slavic words for “wonder”, “peace” and “wonderful”. It is also ? female given name in the English-speaking world. … He possibly based it on Latin myrra meaning “myrrh”

Mason means “Stone Worker.. and Maker…”

Mallam means Graveling Soil.. Sand Bank…
And in Arabic ‘A leaned Man, a Scolar”

Ali Zeni means “Lofty Sublime Beautiful Elevated….
Zeni means ‘Full of Grace” but also Zenith.


1 13 13 13… 1 39….
40… 4O…

This is for the near Future…
Not for after my Death….
But after my our transformation…

9:10 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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