
1/10/2016 16:54 – Facebook Post

From Drew Reyn

To be or not to be..

To feel or not to Feel that is the Question…?

No, there is no question Feelings are the reason
you know that you as an Individual, rather than a People Collective
96% Dark Matter..
Q..Quintessential Quantum Ingredient..
4 Dimension I.F.E.E.L…(Not Fell)
4 D is the Spirit Realm.. Feelings made manifest…

1OO%Brain Use
Meaning for Q= 17 to transform into 1-7..then 8
you must make Music Harmonies music by understanding all the Human expression of Existence, through the Human time line, and since everything in Nature is De Vine, and Divinely music and connected..
The person who wishes to pass through Death or Nature or the Blackness of Shiva the Destroyer Kali representing All the cries of the Dead manifested into feelings which became Spirits some Angelic others “Demonic full of hatred and rage for humanity” that each of there songs must be heard even the greatest evil and rage, the song of the wicked, translated and transformed and then turned into light..
Until A-Z you transformed all their Experiences and expression which felt like chaos and that you will go mad from all the screaming voices who try to hurt you, haunt you… but not if they see you are the friend who restores their blinding rage and hurt of being betrayed back into the Song of Light and Justice for the Living and the Dead..

This was my experience, own my way home…

3:52. pm

Transform the Blind Fury to the Light by expressing All in Verse.. a unified verse to the Spirits of Hurt feelings until they all Laugh along singing along with your song…
Love Light and Laughter..
And Mischief Fun 2

3:54 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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