
1/10/2016 1:00 – Facebook Post

9:19 p.m.


DI Meaning IS.. IS Present… I.P. Mann..

Amit Dhawn has left us for the 2nd time.. chuckle…

*So much about this Physical Education of E.P..
E-Art-Harmony Plan-E.T.. is about the last man standing..

Am it the Actor has gone..

And so we are left with only that which claim to be the For Real standing with 469 Face Book Friend…
4 th Dimension Nature -Nnamdi- Father Is Present as the Wind… Breath Air…
69…the First Note come from the from the 4th Dimension called the D.A..4-1
and that first note was Do Full Circle 1-8..Doe Doe Deer Dear…until it became 44 8…444…12..3 .4444..16..7 .And 44444…2O…The Two..
8 .37…2…See sacred portal 37…

8 21 T.VV.O…
Harmony Universe
Harmonious BA!
Harmonious Being Aware of one Cee..
the Fifth Dimension F.D..64 88..64 1O…
First Drop was Onu Nnamdi…
Who C.D become the form of my Sister and Mother..
David Cecilia… Beloved 6 sense in ON…

See sacred Portal 46 First Drop from the Phallus, the Private Dick of the undercover N=Zorro…The Beautiful One Echo Narcissus…
The younger Twin now Twins EE…
Line of my Original and Absolute Ultimate Beloveds Alpha..

46 9.69…15..54…..See all the sacred portals..
All aligned finally after 45 Months and 33-34 since my brothers passing in 1982 at 13 years Old…M.D…

All aligns to the truth of the play between I.E and He…which we know E=HE-HE..Same thing at that the code is ADD…
And that the code is 2 8…28.. 4 Dimension in Clarity 1-7…4 7…11 28..56..11-1 2 8..IS 1O…

Donna O’Sullivan was born 8;28…I was born 11;28…
47 D.G..DO G.E../ E-Go-de..EG-Ode..

I have three new facebook friends….

Shyam Senthilkumar…

Hsen Hsen

RA Sool….

The arrived together as three
just as triplets…

after Christain Edwin Edwin…
*My former hosts at 26-8…(9 years 4 of them constant) as called Edwin Albert Rodriguez Santana… E.A.R.S…Code EA RS…Area 51 R.S..I.E…
R.I.S.E…Rose I.E Well…
After hanging out with Royal and Reign his Sons..RR..18 18 36..
Already full aware at Chris Franco..Word and W.A.V.E of the Free Man (F.M), that I had already completed the Full Circle…
And why was I being forced to go back into the Matrix through the Shelter System all over again…

Which led to Jonn Blackwell and Donna..
And on the 19th of July …7-19.-8, I found myself with a New Face book friend Chris Forrester..C.F..Circle Filled …yet again…!

“Finding Forrester”..FF..linked to me as 66…but why was I being Evilly, Cruelly asked to proof what I knew all over again..
Finding Forrester, that was me and I am not 16 any more 88…
nor a Fictional character 66 is me, and no one was looking for me, not in this dimension, except the Family of E..

And so through portal number 6, I found myself to shock doing this riddle again…
Leaving Generation X, Gardens 268
to relieve that process again..
But instead of Ritz Montes…
SHE had evolved to Donna..
R.D…N. E..B

BEND It like BE. C.K..H..A.M..

To find myself challenged and in a terrible battle and play with what was a friend now a foe…
Facing yet another hurdle of how on Earth can this be the End play
Solving the riddles turning Myth Legend- Fiction into the Fact…

Finding Forrester…FF 66..99 96..69…12 3.. 18…9… 15..15….66…
3 9 15 15…3 9 3O…C.I.C…OH…L.C…12 3O…L.C.O
Code name Chico Loco..(a.k.a KK..11 11)

I left his space and arrived in Stone Ridge S.R.
S.R.A.E….18 Mountain View.. 18 = A.H..R..

E.A.R.S…S R..A.E…S.R..15..O..6..F…S.R.O.F

18 Stone Ridge is O.F U….Universe (O.I.Nri point of view.. O.F.U means ‘One” in Nri Igbo…Representing Nature as the Deception Betrayal.. of Humans acting like God..
O.F.U…Had to be transformed from this great world Evil betrayal of a World and people Alpha Omega and the Dead or the Ancestors setting up their descendants whom they now depised because as I, they could see through their Actions Expression and thoughts (That which people hide, but to the E see is all revealing…)
O.F.U had to link with the 9-4 Years (I.D), at 26-8 Zeina Hanna…”The Beautiful Ones, Grace Favors…”.. not Will and Grace…

Hence linking the Z.H to A.H…S.R…DE..I.E..creating DE S.I.R..E..Sacred Portal 8…8O… Desire and the Twins Mother Daughter…
Supreme REAR View…
Uranus A NUS-Sun…
From 😯 Harmony Infinity Eternity completed full circle for almost 6 Months I was sent back down into the pit of being treated like Nothing asked to repeat the process of 1-7 in 4- 5 6 months all over again..
When I was aware that I had completed it in 3 Months..

And yet it would seem that there is a Satan Devil consciousness so Evil and Powerful in Existence that it Challenge Existence Truth to prove it again anf again 66 99 96 69…Create C R. O 54 54…EDDE..DEED O.H/H.O

(15 15 54 54… 3O.. 1O8..John Haun, 18 9..that it is really I over and over again…when the code is Add not Expand, Add Stretch the Truth Beautifully to become a rubber band, bend time and space.. Not Expansion Exaggeration disguised as a Contest of Fact Finding truth but really a Ruse, and en evil excuse to deny the Value of E…
Jealousy Cruelty Evil Expression
J.C.EE… Right to the very End…)

Christain Edwin Edwin…

Andrese Harris Burton
Donna O’Sullivan linked to Andrese.. Sisters prove in Deed
The One True Divine De-vine DD I.E
Which from beginning to End the lie of The Planets as the source of meaning, the Physical Material Word so riddled with parasites and disease wished to strip me once more of my I.D..
By giving me material comfort but expression of imbalance insult to my I.D all shrouded in a story of Shelter, Housing.. Which is not our I.D

For The Elegant Nomads the E Line be, until All of our family are Free to rise from this death as 9 planet Pluto as Death.. Hades…
Satan Devil as Evil beyond Even the Beautiful Ones..
But beyond their one I.E…
Yep me…

1O;46 p.m

1 O.. First Drop..

And though I wondered how could this Be, a play so evil, catching one ayt their most vulnerable and then setting them up for such a beautiful ending but instead taking great pleasure in destroying daily, with expression which strip one of one dignity, and Existence which with deception they pretend they do not see what they are doing, ranting raving denying…
And quietly you sharpen your sword, quietly wondering how could this set up be…So unfair and how could any one take advantage of a persons being moved to solve an equation which profits everyone but he..

And though I post on, deep within me I know there is something so evil so wrong, just too wrong in this set up and in this challenge..
Where I am at the most extreme disadvantage in every dimension right to no home no body no space to relax to solve the riddles of Existence..

It did not take a genius to see that this set up was created for me to lose, Nnamdi as Well as his Twin She.. Nnamdi Nana Nadee Nakandala David Daniel Diana Donna…Esther Eric Erike Eunice…Edwardo ED Win…
I. IFA Oracle
I, Note of Fa..

Witch Craft and Voodoo Hoodoo
Representative Magic, filled with such hate and fighting with such Malevolence to the Bitter End…
What has the Human Conscious Expression truly become.. Shudder
And yet the one that was Quiet was so beautiful.. the Ba the Wise Child and the Eternal Youth, Eternal Truth residing in you.. the one From beyond yet equally present the one who I speak to Namaste…
Shane Michael Robinson Sr….Who sent me this test at 1O:23 pm

A.O.B.C… W..

“I hope you can do this with me…HEALING PRAYER. Try not to break it, if you cannot send it, let me know … I know I chose my twelve people well, may we receive strength and Divine Light.. Our Father who art in heaven, as you walk into my home, please..”

12…People…12..Lucifer Satan Devil H.D.EU..Death and Destruction ..
I the Demon of the End…?
Christan Edwin Edwin… CEE…
13 M..D…E..
Notice I am going backward From Michael Frazer to Fritz Venneiq 2O1O..
To E to D…Donna Cecilia…Cee
While linking to F to G, to H to I..O..
Haun Delguidce Jonn Blackwell…9 O.. I.O..See sacred portal 9O
E-Spirit E…
And The Being O T.E.N…
Ten + 9O…
T,E,N.I.O E..D.I..
/ I.D E…O.IN..E.T

All that was really missing was the I and the I.D..E…

Shyam Senthilkumar SS
Blue Black… as Krishna as Masculine and Sita Durga Kali,-Parvati wife of Shi-va…Krishna Kali… Chico Loco Kwahlita Kwahala… KK 1111…Meaning Female Deer.. Do a Dear…
Krishna .. code name
Sadanandam Krishnakumar
Yeshua Sananda Daitenku…

The great mystery of Night and twin brother Day turned into the realm of Beast and Animal Nature of the Vet.. War on Animals War of Man..
And the challenge of which was more deserving…?
The bestial consciousness of Humans Versus that of Animals -Nature…

Instead of my being in the Home of Krishna as Christo who sees, the ultimate Sensation Feeling in the Dark Sensual and sexual Healing and preening, alone in that mystery secret smile.. Which keeps everyone else in the dark, even they understand the message in that secret smile exchanged…
And this is what was done to the darkness
Vegetarians versus Meat Eaters…
Telling I.E the principles of Existence…

And tell me the meaning of a Human..
Tell me what is 6th Sense,,
And tell me what they animals you so love..
tell me have you taken the time to really learn their language..

No such creatures who create such parodies and parallels
have long since stopped being called Human Beings..
Who brought me here, to a story, which the three of us here still managed to manifest a Harmony, in what represents to me is of a Evil Hatred so stupid that such consciousness will receive the ultimate lesson, as to what right do you have to lecture or spout the truth of Existence when you have not even left the Park where you have been so protected…”

And you dare lecture me about Existence?
And move to a rage so obscene…
And so that is why I came with the E to cut you out of Existence
but first you must all walk in our our shoes full Circle since you know better than the Originals, the sources of Existence…
And the sources of 6th Sense..
Creators of the Animal World…
Spirit realm of Play Imagination…
And the True Beautiful Story of P.IE
Sharing..Orien La plant E..

Shyam Senthilkumar…

Senthilkumar.. means Youth… Of Lord Murugan…6 Faces…
Ana Leonardo Caixas dream yesterday of Peacoks… Lord Krishna I said has landed from the First Drop with Parvati his Feminine Aspect…

King of Pentacles (5 Pointed Star) K.P.. Drawn for Jonn Blackwell today…
Krishna Parvati his T.V screen of Truth within is reflecting on the Actors T.V The true Amit Dhawan…Vast Boundless unfettered by Malevolence..

Malevolent… What a Strange word… Males Volent…
Meaning the Masculine Principle Flies….
Not a Man or Woman..
But any activated consciousness of E Flies…

So how did come to meen Brooding Cruel Evil Hate and Revenge for being “Better” than they…
Your betters only because they made a great Effort to help their fellow man even if they remembered that they are not of this world of Animals where being of value are left to sleep in the forest and people watch do nothing because it fun, it T.V and this dude or persons just are too good to be real.. So lets just leave him her them on T.V and lets see what they will do next…
Ti Violet G…T.V.G…sigh…

The several names of Murugan of Tamil origin would include the following, Seyon, Senthil, V?la?, Kum?ran (“prince, child, young one”), Svaminatha (“smart, clever”), Sarava?a, Arumugam or Shanmuga (“having six faces”),[2] Dandapani (“god with a club”), Guhan or Guruguha (“cave-dweller”), Subrahmanya, Kartikeya and Skanda “attacker”.[3][4] He was also known as Mahasena and the Kadamba dynasty worshiped him by this name.[5]

A.KA..Kartikeya (Sanskrit ??????????? K?rttik?ya “son of K?ttik?” Tamil: K?rttik?ya?) (/?k?rt??ke?j?/), also known as Murugan, Skanda, Kumaran, Kumara Swami and Subramaniya, is the Hindu god of war. He is the Commander-in-Chief of the army of the devas and the son of Shiva and Parvati.

Murugan (Tamil Muruka?) is often referred to as Tami? ka?avu? (“God of the Tamils”) and is worshiped primarily in areas with Tamil influences, especially South India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Réunion. His six most important shrines in India are the Six Abodes of Murugan, temples located in Tamil Nadu. In Bengal, Odisha and Maharashtra, he is popularly known as Kartikeya.[1]

Historical development[edit]
Sangam Tamil literature[edit]
Template:Kumaran The Tolk?ppiyam, possibly the most ancient of the Tamil literature, mentions Ceyyava? “the red one”, who is identified with Murugan, whose name is literally Muruka? “the youth”; the three other gods referred in the Tolk?ppiyam are M?yava? “the dark one” (identified with Vishnu), V?nta? “the sovereign” (identified with Indra) and Ko??avai “the victorious” (identified with Kali). Extant Sangam literature works, dated between the third century BCE and the fifth century CE glorified Murugan, “the red god seated on the blue peacock, who is ever young and resplendent,” as “the favoured god of the Tamils.”[6] The Sangam poetry divided space and Tamil land into five allegorical areas (tinai) and. according to the Tirumuruk???uppa?ai ( c. 400–450), attributed to the great Sangam poet Nakkirar, Murugan was the presiding deity of the ku?iñci (hilly tracts). The Tirumuruk???uppa?ai is a deeply devotional poem included in the Pattupp???u “ten idyls” of the age of the third Sangam. In the Tirumuruk???uppa?ai, he is described as a god of eternal youth: “His face shines a myriad rays light and removes the darkness from this world”.[7]

Other Sangam period works in Tamil that refer to Murugan in detail include the Parip??al, the Akana???u and the Purananuru.[citation needed]

Shy A.M *Shi Va.

Nuno Ordens Miguel got it correct almost immediately…

Sent Hi L Kumar…E… (Yep White Castle W.C.C.W…W,O.W…
Code…Cecilia Wiebers

Kumar means “Prince”…
Prince Panther..
Black Panther Transparent P..
Prince of Existence…

Hsen Hsen Means ” Beautiful Handsome’ in Arabic

Hassan Hassan…”Beautiful Handsome” 4 times.. B.H..28 is the Correct code
B.H Bee Harmonious…28…1O…which leads you naturally to Evolve through the C of Being Harmonious…play Fair

Ra Means Sun… Ra Apollo.. Amadioha, R.A.I.N..R.A.I- Ments…
Sunshine Rae…
Sun Shine Rey E

Doo Re mi…
Dore MI
April OPen IS Door Emi…

It also means King… Ra Ja

Sool as a word means to Harry as Birds might harry a Large creature, to worry to create anxieties, to attack…

But it also means to urge on to incite…Yes Nnamdi…
And Sol Soul… The Fifth Note and the Son Song Songe Souls Pool the Source Reflections
Spot Light

11:59 pm



Welcome my new face book friend to this Aria DNE END Play Script


12:OO a,m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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