
1/1/2019 0:39 – Facebook Post

1/1/2019 0:39 – Facebook Post

11:05 p.m

This is what the Truth Looks like.

It’s not how I want it to look,
It is not how you want it to look,
It’s not what we Hoped what it would look like

It is How It IS.

And this is the Truth of how the Awakening is taken place, irrespective of our wishing or creating an alternative narrative of how we wish it to be.
We are given the Truth which we created, and an entire species can stick to a delusional illusions idea of what it “Should be like” that but that does not change the Truth manifests as Is…
Cultivated by peoples own response to a truth. A truth which would manifest no matter.
But the “How” and “Why” it even come into Existence.

That this way it is manifesting was the product, and is determined by people’s response, what people acted out through the Cause and Effect of what each acted out with The Message and The Messenger.

The Truth Responds by showing you
and giving you all, the reason, the minutes, to the miniscule detail, as to why it came into existence that way… which most understand in Hindsight.

Thus this is the Truth
Christopher and Emeka alone on New Years Eve.

Chrises Mom “Lisalynne G.. maiden name B.
L.B..L.G, sister Brittany came earlier.
L C B… Lisa Chris Brittany

Lisa Levine. L.L. 12 12..24. 6. F.
Lisa Tylor. L.T. 12 20. 32. 5. E

12 3. C. C E C I. L. I.A.

Christopher Filgueira
Adam Christopher. A.C.
Armstrong Chris.. A.C.
Chris Franco. C.F.
Chris Inabnitt. C.I.
Chris Mitchell. C.M.

Brittany Angelornah B.A
Brittany Bertin. B.B.
Brittany Lynn. B.L.
Brittany Mightbe. B.M.
Brittany Mightbe. B.M.
Robert Brittany Hobbs B.B.L.
Britt Lynnmight. B.L.

This is what truth looks like
The remains of 2018..a play which began 9-16-2016.. over 2 years
27 months in a shelter to end at the two of us entering the year 2019 alone.

C E.
And Kim down stairs.

C. E.K

And 511 Farmington Healing center just up.the road to the left..
511 is E.K.

My name is Chukwuemeka Emeka Kolo.


More than anything in the world, I just wished this be a joyous entering of the New Year.
But I would not lie, shirk or betray the Truth and expression which took place despite my will to be Harmony Joy ..and end of my Facebook posts and interactions with people explaining fighting keeping them awake.
That today that at I could simply rest, have end to this coding, these battles and posts.
A wonderful end of 2018

T. R. U.E.

20 18. 21. 5…
20 9…3 5

T I C.. E.

B.F I..C E..

Best Friend -*The Violet Mauve band I found, with those words on it, and the purple beads given to me by John MacDonald.

I did not go to the I.C.E.C ..
I was in the play with my mother’s name and her code linked to my sister frequency
C E C I. L. I A.

I went literal through those portals .

Christopher Filgueira
Emeka Kolo
The two left here in the House on the 3rd Floor and Tree Sage on the 2nd..Kim Arthur Hines

C E.. I arrived after Chris.

11:22 p.m

My codes work.

Though to be honest,
I did not put myself through this which used me as the Guinea Pig to test wether my codes work- meaning this Script was created to test my truth in every level of expression , even to the codes.
C.O.D.E S… Cloaks Of Death Expression Supreme

Chris simply flows with the knowledge he gathered from being activated by an intense life.
He went deep inside of him self, and though almost unseen by most people and made invisible because he was not truly seen and appreciated, and so in defiance he became the joker, the black sheep, the lazy one who was not lazy or truly understood, not knowing that he had become an Elegant Nomad of Mind exploring truth and gathering understanding
which none realized just how deeply through such a journey of loneliness abuse and being misunderstood, he gathered knowledge raised his knowing to the level that not only to fully understand my expression without conflict a battle or anger, but appreciation and praise because he had tasted the same route as myself.
He is so much like Chukwuemeka Nnamdi that it makes me speechless at times just as Stephen is so much like my youngest brother and sister energy..

C’mon ..South Carolina
Total Solar Eclipse.
8th State.
3 5.

See 10 4 6..
Represented in the Script sacred portal 104
Terrible Death whose portal I passed through Kyle Murphy linked through Isabelle Ilic, to Stephen Filgueira.
And we have identified as Anger, but not righteous anger but that which moves people to be manipulated, manuervetrd, exploited… dominated.

10 T E N.
4 Square Stage.
6. Six Sense .
10 10
J.J. 2. B. Balance.

Two on 1-1-2019.

Edit 5:11 p.m.right now.

Stephen brought home a game called “DA Vincis” challenge.
D A..V… of course, I know who was challenging me, but in the correct reel and reflection of the play.
Devil Anger?
No, Red skinned as in Hot Anger.
No it is what you use it to do..
Dominate others to Control them.
Bending them to your will.
-Even with the best intentions, consequently eliminating their right to exist;
their free will, their Choice.

This is what the Truth Looks like.

Not what I want it to look like but how it is.

This is the Story of the Human Species awakening and evolving and the reason none can be allowed to stay behind who do not evolve.

Because they will always contaminate and find a way to destroy.

DA Vinci is me..
D A. 41. The Invincible, Unconquerabke

No one can dominate or control

Truth IS

11:39 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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