
1/1/2018 22:37 – Facebook Post

8:34 pm

H…C.D… Creation Destruction…

*( This computer constantly crashing to give me Intel- Destruction” as I Create… Harmony.. is getting in my nerves…)

7:50 p.m.


A A A… ? Nope Done that with Allan Allan Allen…

A A B….AE-Meka… A E M.E C C A… ( CC 33…S.P… And S.P..1 J.OY) Anthony Bienke… “Crew On Call” C O C… CC.. CO C.K..
Emeka Bien…K.E…. Emeka Is SU.R.E… Well K.E…)
See sacred Portal 115…
The one who breaks down the Great Wall of Forgetting…
Link the movie “Truman Show” Starring Jim Carey….
J.C…J..I.M..C.A.R.E…Y… C A REY….
19 84… 103… 10 3….
13…1O 3… 4… M.D… A O.C..D… Done.

I have danced with Anthony Bienke with whom I am so proud…
Notice how he shares my posts.. ?
Notice the posts he shares… I have… He speaks to me and to you all by the posts of mine he shares…
He is Beloved…
An embodied Mirror of the E… Rising… No doubt Constant .. no questions or Doubts..
No sending me texts…
Just Being, Observing assessing understanding and when he does..he shares… it with All of you.

I see him well…

I see those who see true…

I have 1014 Facebook friends after moving for the third time to 1012 Facebook Friends…
22… Bringing the total of reaching 1012… 22… to three consecutive times…

Anthony Malgren formerly of bed 5-009… The one I loved…
Who desired me… and did not hide it but who had Beautiful Pride…went home… “White Nnamdi”
8:04 p.m.

while the one who slept opposite him Taylor, Terrel Law… 20 12.. Died.. Who desired but denied after by using the subterfuge of Race superiority baited by Bed 5-008 “Marsi R” the Italian American who used the Race Card..
Who came to me in the end at 3;00 a.m in the morning before flinging himself from a Shelter down town in Manhattan number 168.. P.H…
Just as Pedro in Generation X gardens had come to Alberts Door in 2007, yet it was I who opened the door..
He knew who I was, recognized me as did Taylor but chose to look to Albert and use that energy of that which he knew and held onto of this world even though he knew that Albert did not really love him as a big brother…. he wished it to be that way…
He came to me when he was on his way to act out some vengeance to some guys who slashed him…
I told him not to go… that it was a play..
He had morphed into Jesus earlier on and asked me about Richard.. One who had betrayed me…but really the play…
The Norwegian… North Sea.. Rahul D’Silva returned from Norway rejected by the North Sea…. The True Waves of the Siren because he had chosen a Story rather than the Truth…
Because it was easier… safer…
He came in here today… Silent quiet … ravaged… and sat in the corner..

I had told him that he had betrayed himself…
But that evening he came and morphed into the Devil… Handsome Gorgeous full of wrath…
No.. I had said… Do not…

He disobeyed me… and went… and Died… was killed.
And then came to me the next day in a vision…
He sat besides me where I lay on Alberts Floor…
He held two Documents…
One he handed to me.. The Majestic Awakening.. M.A…
But the other that of the Destruction he held on… I frowned…
Both were for me… but he had held onto the Power of Destruction… Rage… Vengeance …
He felt that I would not bring forth a Fury worthy of the rage to the Betrayers… But he did not see that his rage had got him killed.
Not being able to master it…
Just as Taylor.. Terrel… whom I loved… his Spirit…
Pedro Terrel Law.. P.T… L..
Pedro was Order….. P.O…T.L…
You understand…?

Erek Eclass Mateo I met when he was on the way to enact vengeance… He had been 22…
Stubborn as Hell…
But he listened… I had witnessed him morph into my beloved brother… Wisdom John and Erek Iron…John.
I had risen with him one day together at Columbia University Campus.. We walked and we rose and he rose as Erek the Red..
It was quite a site… Never had anyone risen with me before…
“Ah Brother beloved. he boomed as that great Existential Warrior of Ages.. Lords of Destruction..”lets us now destroy this wretches…”
“Wait…brother I said as we like Giants walked down the Avenue… Like Giants…
What a sight…
I spoke..
He listened … and after enjoying his company… my Heart almosr shattered as he descended and Erek slowly returned…
But he listened…
Just as Raheem had listened from the very first day we met.. and he wished to destroy.. to show the true power of his criminal mind… He saw the hideousness of the Demons and Ghosts here in Delta Manor.. I could see him Itching to do.. terrible terrible things to some of the people here… They had no idea..
And he would not get caught… acts of violence….

No.. wait… I told him…

He had listened…

To the P.T… Point…
Perfect Timing…

Let me complete the harvest…. Annunaki they call us…
That is what Jace Horsford called us… Anubis.. Animal… animals are always in Harmony…

I am the Beautiful Beast… Fire… Violence beyond belief when pushed justified order… Rivers of Blood Erek the Red.. The terror… Listen to me his Big Brother…

Trust… Perfect Timing…
Knowing when to Strike…
Not letting rage forget the point why we are here…
Justice Law… J L… 10 12… 22… V…
We must be Fair first…

And so it is done…

Though it went too far.. the Trial the using the Humans way of Courts .. all delays… which was is a ruse.. excuse…

But I obeyed D.A…
And Erik John obeyed me…He She are the line of my Beautiful Pride… Center of Existence aspect 5 6.. of the Family of TEN.

Pedro.. Means “Rock Stone..” Planets…
Terrel TERRE..L… Means “Powerful”

The Planets as Physical Manifestation P.M..
*Paul Melissa..” ( see meaning) Challenged me, believing my nature too Gentlemanly to truly enact the Fury and Rage they new was the balance of the Cause and Effect of which Humanity who had betrayed their Truth and the Source Expression… to such a place of infamy deserved)

Recall what Jose A Roq who was of bed 5-004 Besides me, then onto bed 5-016… E..O.O.D… And E.O.P… E Planets…had said…
“They severely underestimated you…”

“Oh, yes, I am fully aware of that…”I observe that with my own Bio Family, the people I lived with, the People I met on FaceBook and in Delta Manor… and more that anything else…
This Script which the Ancestors dared to Switch and which D.A allowed to teach a lesson to the Past and Future of who I am really am and can be…
( I am aware of what D.A.. Did but still pissed off beyond belief.. He.. as Alien Father Alpha.. David and Alexander combined.. Dark Matter N.A.A…knows a really :Dark Side of me which None not even the Family of Ten knew off…. The part of me which only NnamdI Nnonyem in my Family know and which my Mother and Bio Father Maurice and Cecilia.. Ik. Onu I.O.. Have seen in my eyes…
which made them have a Fear of me.. or that Look…
( Hmm I got up from the bed at 9:15 a.m today.. I.O.. Good Grief is everything Scripted! Relying on my Harmony… P.T.. to see read…!)

8:47 p,m.

Harmony Sacred Portal 47…

Arch Angels of Destruction.. Entrance into the Abyss..

Reginald moved from his table to sit by me.. to charge his device…
He is age 26…Z…

“This Latin name is a Latinisation of a Germanic language name. This Germanic name is composed of two elements: the first ragin, meaning “advice”, “counsel”, “decision”; the second element is wald, meaning “rule”, “ruler”.

Rule of Law…

Now I have Two New Face Book Friends…
The First whose name is written in Thai…
means “Brother…High Society… And High School”
HI School…

It is obviously from my Brother Father.. BF… 2 6…
N.N..A A… M M D D I I…
/ I I D D MM A A N N…

High school I graduated in 1982… The same year he left this realm as my younger brother…
35 years ago…C.E…36… C.F… / 5 3… 3 6…
And that was the play of 33 When I entered the System in 2015.. Went down the Matrix Awareness M.A…
To battle and prove I D Man can defeat the Universal Mind..
And complete the sequence of the Activation of Harmony E- programing it onto the Universal Mind…

This is confirmed by Chris who works here and has that quiet of Nnamdi…who handed me coffee code 54.. Refill twice and for the last three days at 54… Jose A Roq..”They really underestimated you Emeka”

“Yes they did, did they think that this Script would destroy my Spirit..?
It just made me more determined… and Angry…
My Anger is Beautiful… not crazy insane…
Wild and Beautiful.. Harnessed by the Righteous Will…

The coffee he gave me the second time has the number I have been expecting…
See Sacred Portal 97… +x… 16… 63… 61… 36…

Peter Nyarkô sent me a message of Happy New Year…at 3:10 a,m.. 31….
Allan Murray sent me a text at 12:27 am…
Completion of Sacred Portal 27.. “Conversation with Supreme Self”…
And Elizabeth Clarizio E.C… Expressing Appreciation..
at 12:06 a,m,

Sacred Portal 97.. is “Cranium Brain… Light of World Existence…
There is nothing wrong with Achilles Heel..

Hector is in bed 4-010…
Paul in bed 4001….

P.H…Planet Harmony…
Plan E.T High School…
Universal Mind… M U S I C… Universe.. is University…

Akshita Ingole… A.I…


Wonder Girl..
Name Akshita or (Akshita) means Seen; Seen,Immortal. ..
Meaning :Permanent, Can not be broken easily.secure, Saved, Guarded
Name, Meaning, Culture. Akshi, Eyes; Very Precious; Eyed; Existence, Sanskrit. Akshit, Permanent, Sanskrit. Akshita, Permanent; Unfailing, Sanskrit. Akshita, Wonder; Seen; Wonderful; Permanent; Constant; Limitless,”

Ignole is an English name with Norse Roots..Igns Wolf…
( Ign.. was an ancient fertility God like the God Mars…)
And Ign is said to be an English name having evolved meaning “Hollow” or depression…”
Fenrir.. The All Devouring Wolf of Armageddon..Ragnorak..
Black Hole…

Wonder Girl… Wonder Wu Man.. WW.. A Man,,
seem.. Seen as Immortal
Permenant unfailing, a Being of Wonder Wonderful Unfailing Permanent, Constant … Limitless…
Also the Abyss…

9:37 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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