
1/1/2017 21:03 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m.



Back to 8 43 Face Book friends…
And I am back!
Not on Face Book… Dear Lord.. I am as in more myself…

I went down to the minus- 44…
Code delivered by Marina Burini- linked to the Martin Montez and Marina code play which sooo, pissed me off earlier…

I knew something was up, but when you go down, you are in a sort of temporary forgetfulness… and you I really do not read this script any longer. It has ceased to keep my attention a long time ago- I only read the script when I absolutely have to..
-Which is my own form of protest at this play.

… Put yourselves in my shoes for a moment…

6:00 p.m…

Yes, please try, suspend disbelief for just a moment and be as a child…
Where everything you tell you, you believe and have no reason to distrust or not take what someone is telling you with any other thing other than or as truth…

And just imagine you were me for a moment, who happens to be born with a memory of what he does not realize is the beginning of the story of Existence…
They are just his personal memories.
And memories of a family and a realm which he just keeps to himself, assuming that everyone has memories of such.

And imagine that, as you grow up, people start to call you names like “Special” and the the more you simply are yourself, the more you notice peoples expressions towards you, and how they you notice how they treat you differently.. Which puzzles you, until you begin to keep your most natural expression to yourself and stories of how you are able to see things, travel to dimension in a blink of an eye by just sitting in stillness.

And imagine people begin to come to you, strange people whom some of them you recognize from other dimensions you have visited. And they urge you to complete “The Mission”
Yes, as Stonely code-
He was moved to live in a Mission- Victor code his brother who was murdered in the Lone Star State, who was killed on 11-22 the same date as a lady also on the list… Yes a perfect reflection of My mother and David and the Code Kerwyn Vincent represents..
Whom, has come to his senses, after a bit of a shock…
Which this going under cover below Cee level – 44…
*Yes 844 Face Book friends, and now back to 8:43 face Book friends…
Yes Nenad M. Djurdjevic Existential Death is Real… It Exists now…

Now imagine, that you just want to have a decent life, and enjoy yourself and literally boogie…
You discover that you are a lover of life… Literally.
But these “Intruders” from other dimensions won”t leave you in peace, and making contact with these people activate more and more of the pieces and fragments of those memories…
And you know what is being asked of you- to piece those fragments together…
But somehow, you know that if you do, all your dreams of Boogie, and making a life here will be taken away…
And that, is just too much of an appalling idea for a true “Bonne vivant”
Leave the art of boogie for piecing together a piece of a puzzle which will not only take you away from why you sincerely and absolutely know is why you came into Existence…
To instead work… an on something which the more you move through this world… You say those asking this of you from these “Other planes of existence” which rise in Human Avatars- which is not only seemingly impossible but literal living suicide…

Man, I ran the other way….

Until I reached London in 1989… And just finally gave in and said that I would prove that there is no reason to do this Mission that everything is in Harmony and please let me get on with my life…
And so you set out to show them this.. How you know that everything is in Harmony…?
Well… that is memory for you….
And so you begin to keep a journal which you, use to take notes and provide the evidence.
In your mind it will take a couple of years, and meanwhile you cease the opportunity to covertly look for your family, you Eternal Family because the discomfort which people feel around you- or better still the intensity of relationships, friendships had made you begin to suspect that there was something wrong with these people…
There was is a sense of incompleteness and need in them..
Missing pieces- which made them feel jealousy, envy inseuritty..

And you really, don”t see anything wrong with them, but or why they see themselves in certain ways and why they do this to each other, negate, put down, use words and expressions to throw at each other as weapons of destruction.
Even family…
Nothing is as the words they use, mean..

So you go undercover, looking for your family while proving Harmony… Homework… while your eyes look longingly to the Boogie…
Which despite it all, you make forays into the world of Boogie…
Only to find it perverted, Beauty is Perverted, you travel to all these worlds while doing the tedious home work pf proving harmony while desperately quietly asking where the devil is your family…
Meaning people of the same consciousness, way of seeing expressing understanding…
Those who are Awake to Everything…
You tired of having what you call Natural ability of Sixth sense to feel and even hear other peoples thoughs.. hear as in frequencies feelings energies which your Body so easily like a Transistor radio, computer, Television, Computer translates into images, sounds which these people are not even aware they are emitting.
You never question how you are able to do this…
Why should you.. you just can… And suddenly you become frightened and you do not frightened easily…
Where am I…
And where is my Family…

I know I can’t be the only one who sees and remembers…and knows
The very law of Existence which you know refutes that.
But as you move forward, something happens and you know what it is- because it is Energy and energy always takes form…
It is a Tidal Wave, and you see yourself being moved by it..

What the Devil…?
That is literally what I wrote in my journals….
And whats the Hurry…
Everything began happening so quickly, the moves, the people I met, the inter- Dimensional beings I met.. as if they were scenes of a movie, as I rushed by taking brief stops out of time and space of this world to connect…
Give information… and suddenly you suspect you E-spirit, your Chi, who has always been your buddy as far back as you can recall.. even in that space no one knew about where there was only you and it, Him… then her.. then more and more…. but all you..
whom is that one E-Spirit your Buddy…
The Voice of Conscience….?
Perhaps, I call it more the Being and Expression of Consciousness…

Suddenly you know that the rascal has spirited you away to the Spirit Realm of Energy…
You know this because You Remember playing with him, going on adventures with Him, Her them… I later called them the Family of ten…
All aspects of me, but separate and apart….
You might cal them names like Awareness, Feelings, Clarity, Understanding, Style and Grace (Mother) Class and Polish ( Father the Guide), Wisdom, Beautiful Pride, Unity Pi Harmony, Possibility Probability, etc..
To me they were family… and they had names and personality…
Children call them friends, parents call them “Imaginary friends”
others the Mystic Realm, the Spirit World, realm of imagination, parallel universe, etc…
But again to me, they were not somewhere else, and nor was that place far away, they were ever present and the were real distinct and Beautiful Full…
And there was nothing to explain with them…

And so the the more you find yourself on this Tidal Wave, surfing through all these Dimension with you E-Spirit and documenting the sights you see…and your conversations with your Self and your Espirit in pieces of prose and poetry because that is the only language which you natural speak with them…
Musical, and full of Beautiful expressions and turn of phrase…
-A natural way of speaking which you find people in this realm calling it names such as poetry, prose, ethereal…
You shrug, smile ( “weird people…they make you more and more uneasy”)- but there the pieces of the fragments start to fall faster and faster in place..
Your E-Spirit has taken over and you are outraged… but a bit excited because you always have great adventures…
But this time, He everything is so serious that you wish to get of the Silver Surfer board…
But he will not let you go.. and what he is showing you this time is this world…
And the pain suffering misery, horrors…

But that is not real you protest indignantly and already your attention moving back to the Boogie and finding your fun loving family…
“Damn I wish everyone would Lighten up” you mumble and grumble…
And after 3 years of this, you arrive at the Fill Circle..
The Orb.. which you recognize as the portal to your home world..

What the Devil you say exhausted…. I didn’t even get a chance to experience Life, to boogie to play…
Disappointed, and puzzled but exhausted you are at least glad to be home..
But instead are sent back..
What!!?? And who are you to bar me from accessing the portal to my own Home…
You know who it is.. Your Espirit your Big Brother… Death…
And you are not happy with this, and this idea that people Need anything from you.
You have already written 3 Volumes but instead of it being about Harmony it is about all these people and their stories and the strange way they lived and perceived and could not see their Beauty their Truth…
And so you are not eager to go back..
But you are sent back and to add insult to injury, as you write those Aspects reveal that they are behind it all because they flow out of you whenever you move to that frequency, Silence Stillness Peace Beauty… In those states of being they come through loud and clear…

And so, you come back really pissed off, and now suspicious…
“There is nothing wrong with Existence.. or Creation and those people are not even real… Why am I being sent to help illusions.. that which does not exists..
And where is my family outside of me…
Why are they rising only through me and then temporarily through Avatars…?

And so you move through this world but no longer as light hearted as before.. everything has been turned so serious.. and now you wonder why…
And so,you see the patterns of Harmony in your manuscripts, but only in Hindsight and suddenly you find yourself piecing them together but with and though logos and reason…
And you begin to see what you E-Spirit is doing, making you do…
put together them as solid facts by going back through Hindsight to your own life story..
You are 25-26 when you reach the Light and 28 when you understand really what is being asked of you…
And the fragments of the puzzle all pieced together was the Portal of Light you saw.. but not it is asking you to piece together your A-Z,

7:04 p.m.

And as you begin to move through the path your E-Spirit resolutely as Will… Will I am does not let you stray from the path, because it knows that It source is a rascal a mischeivous beautiful Devil who would never stop secretly plotting for ways to escape this tedious work…

*Because it was not necessary and there is a better way…
But hey this was the E-Spirits Story and i had begun to realize that Humanity were Spirits and Ghosts.. Holy Spirits and Holy Ghosts of Truth… Beset by Illusions which were becoming more and more real in their minds and hearts and that a great war was going on in then to not be transformed by their literally beginning to believe the Lie version of themselves….

And so He Bound me to the mission and purpose…

(Ah, the confession.. that just flowed out of me… incredible)

But as I did the A-Z, backwards of my life here age 25-26…
I saw that this time each letter was not surface as in Seen…
It was deep.. deep.. each “Letter” meant going so deep into the multi-dimensional nature of each letter, meaning sound vibration frequency back to the Portal of that Light…
And for each letter….

That is when we fought… My Espirit and I..
Yes, Nnamdi and I.. when he was born I knew who he was- my Espirit embodied in form…
And I already knew why he had to leave at 13…
But he did not have to… but he the World kept saying that he was too pure beautiful for this world…
I thought they were mad…
Did they not see the Rascal Warrior and Class room Principal he is….

But he left, not because the World rejected him… Beauty..
But because they rejected the Beauty and the Beautiful Truth of themselves…

Anyway, to cut a long story short..
I reached Z…
Zion Kerwyn Vincent is back… See his comment below…
I went down to get the Titans… Gravity Current, Electricity Sparks…
11 22… who had become so serious… “Old”
And Yes, Nnamdi line “Sum Leur Trahison..” Supreme Truth…
Their Past…
The Akashic Records of the Illusions of them selves…
I brought forth the Sum total of the Beautiful Truth…
proving that part of you is the real you…
While E Nnamdi.. Jay brought forth the Records, the Library of all the things the Illusions of yourselves did and created…
And together we opened the Door of the Existential Death to Flush out all that Garbage…
At which immediately afterwards that portal will close and once more cease to Exists…
Despite their being illusions- such illusions as ideas had become so powerful…
So powerful that they had infected and created this mess, and E Nna… lets call him his real name evolved Jay…

Wished that a Record, a Library containing all the records of what “Bad Ideas” create… and what such a lesson brought through cause and effect..
A record for those who as the E line will awaken to this “Cautionary Tale” of the Records and evidence of why these Bad God Ideas not fully explored before being expressed and tried out like costumes..
Personalities which can not be in existence…
I guess, he wished to make sure that everyone had the facts proof and truth of what they lead to…
And to give those who are foolish enough to entertain such ideas a place to read and this open up that portal to experience that idea and the come back… with an entirely refreshed point of view and sense of appreciation and gratitude…

Now, imagine all this is real…

Keep suspending disbelief for a moment longer…

And imagine, you discover who you are….solidly by going backwards Z Y X W U… to A…
And how so solid your truth becomes, that truth becomes while you are forced to live in the worse and worse illusion and lie and denial of that truth… then force into a play theater and from there respond to all challenges from all possibilities the stance of the solidness of those facts…

Even watching yourself being forced to borrow to buy cigarettes…
A sign, a “Safe Word” you use to know ah it has gone to far…
time to stop the going any deeper… Time to rise…
Because there is no longer saftey and security and since all Beauty and Harmony Existence ensures this… Because that is YOUR principal and that which brought you into Existence..
As well as your E-Spirit….And everything else….

-44 as well as Minus 44.. take away the DD…
bring back the D.C… 11;22…that is as far as Existence as Evil goes before it like water in an ocean pushes you back up…
Air to Breath..
A B… CC…
1 2 11 22…33? that is all there is….33 is an illusion…. Because Consciousness Existence already in the A and the B…
CC carbon copy…. Diamond…
6 8… That was there in the Beginning so after B… there is nothing else but the Consciousness of Death the End… a Stiff Body…
But the Being Awareness is no longer there…
Why are you staring at a Dead thing which has nothing there..?

Which is why it is called Non Existence…
Absence of Awareness and Being….A Body is alive…
Which is why when A.B leave it…. it is called a Corpse….
And it is not even a Shell of the person because the Body is made of Energy… And Energy is Being Body merged as one…
And there can be no separation from Body and Being…
Because Energy can not be destroyed….
The body goes home with the Being….BB.. 22..11….
V… Vibrating Energy Eternally….
And so my Family now realize that they always had a body…
And that it was their thinking they needed to Belief or do anything to have a body…

When all the had to do was say..
I AM Here..
I Exist…


And your Being and your Body will response…
Yes, so are we.. we are one with you E

And that is a Fact…

Fritz Venneiq
Ritz Montes…

Now imagine, that you were me, and all this was for nothing really and Jay wished you to never forget this Fact….
Because he found himself born in this world as my younger brother…
At which I had looked at him…
All you had to do was let go of Question and Doubt and Be..
The Being takes care of Everything and leads you straight to the same way I.E came to be…
77…was he as balance.. wait and see…
Me I came 6…7 6 8 6…
I already knew…
Just Be….

Blue Jay…

Evidence of A-ZZ-A…
Both Annick van Cleven A.V.C.. 1 22 3
and Sreenivasa Rao Boppana S.R.B… 19 18 2
are 52 today… 65….but really nearer to 64.. because Jan is the first day of the year.. so you can not be really of that year until at least having reached at least Half the Year…. F…June…

As far as I am concerned they are 64…And this Age is an illusion it is about the the Time and Date you were born…

And I did 1-26.. in a shorter time than I did the first time…
Despite it taking so much more depth of exploration…
because, I had done it before… and once you have learn something,
like riding a bike it can never be take away…
Code “AGE” 49-48…
And now moving to 32…
Because Age does not Exist… just your Date of Birth and Time..
Once you satisfy that equation riddle.. it is the key which unlocks your door…

8:00 p.m

I was born 8:00 p.m in the Evening Year Code 5-6…
Eternal Family…. that was the purpose as to why I rose the second time and came into this play…
I rose first at 8…Infinity Harmony..

8:02 p.m… 82… The Body…

8:03 p.m
83… 888….24…6:31…6 4…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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