
1/1/2017 14:29 – Facebook Post

12:36 pm

There is something I feel I must clarify as I come to the end of the last part of my role of playing of Reporter of the News.

Delta Manor and the people here, are all representations of a much bigger.. Much bigger world event horizon.

It is Micro Microcosm of a sort of Chess Play set in what is represented as Existential Death.

A Mental Health Shelter.

The people here are all actors in a play in which only one other person here is aware of this play
Kerwyn Vincent code 11-22 and all of us are Actors and participants in this Awareness play.

It was for the Readers, the Public to read and decide for themselves based on the reportage of which I was “Charged” to document the Facts.

I do not and did not like doing such a task because people could get the wrong impression that their life’s are being used as Fodder for a story despite if being made abundantly clear that such is not the case.
Evidence has been provided non stop to the point of my own exhaustion and boredom with playing such a role for the future generations to have an first hand account..
A first hand account of what actually too place here and why the events took place.

There is a reason that the person I was told by K V as the one who had passed away walked up the Stairs as I finished posting.
Perhaps they went by the same nick name but I am indifferent.
It is relevant only to the Energetic Source who set up this play to discover the Truth.
Using and moving Human Beings who are unaware to discover through a play -the Truth.
And who which line and representation betrayed Its Truth and even assumed the ID of another.

As I have stated so many times before,
This is not my set up and I was given many roles, the last being the Journalist of the Silence in His set up.

I can of course already read between the lines.
And I am sure so can most of you the public and especially future generations.

When I saw D going down the stairs, there was no surprise just a sigh that I had to go and correct my post when all I wish to do is be done with this….

1:00 pm

This is why I have despised this effective but cruel method of using me as Bait and the One whom people unfairly used as their target when I have been a victim as much as they… More so because I am aware of just how terribly I have been used.. And abused in this set up to find the Truth.

The Hatre of
1:04 pm
A O D is just beyond belief but I have spoken enough at why this force is filled with such hatred for Humanity and punished me for defending them, until realizing that I meant Human Beings
8 2-2 8
Rep in this play by Patrick Okolo and Fritz Venneiq
Patrick Ikem was born 9-28 and Fritz 1982

Nnamdi passed in 1982 and I was born 11-28…

It is a code… Which I really no longer have any desire to interpret

1:11 pm

It is enough, I was only conned into coming back to this post because of the mis communication mis understanding of the name of the person…

C McClean
C M..

1:13 pm

And it is obviously about which line cleaned the World..
And all the players here were just used.
I went down stairs and as Martin M the security guard who was moved to say that I was going through growing pains…
And it was about my Pineal Gland
P.G…she directed me to ask Marina or Mariah…..
That is when I realized that I was in yet another set up…
All M
Martin Montes
Marina or Mariah..
I saw Marina..
Marina Burini
Marina means a Beach Pleasure Harbor
13 13 13

C McClean
E= CMe4/3

1:22 pm

It links to Marina Beautiful

Not Mariah Carey

Room 4 B is the portal

It has nothing to do with the rooms themselves or the people…
Just what they we represent

And now I have had enough.

1:26 pm


Of this evil way of finding the Truth
By moving people like pieces on a chess board.

A Disgrace.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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