
1/1/2017 12:49 – Facebook Post

10:33 p.m

Existential Death is represented by a World which sends people who are clean or who have truly repented and atoned to a place such as this.

Where they are abandoned, Homeless, no family, no friends….
Left alone to die alone…
It is not dying alone but rather it is where and the environment and Energy of the place and the state they are left in.

I was brought here to die, and to pass through the portal of Death and After Death.

Last night I was at Starbucks with Jay who was not working but swung by.
Another person called Jay in Room 5C discovered D’s body with K…
JK is 10 11…

I am 1O 11….C.I.
111 A.A.A

10:43 pm right now.

Existential Death has manifested and is started with a young man called D who was the last person to see me as the wheeled me away.

I was Weighed and Measured on my birthday 11-28 by doctor gauge.
156 BP. Beautiful of Praise bed 4016
193 K.G. Keith Grant Ken Gray at Star Bucks who I met there as my 8 42 Face Book Friend H DB
Harmony Room 4B

156 O.F. A E.F.. Alpha Eternal Family
193 S.C … Supreme Consciousness (Steven Chukwuemeka)
Sumler Traihison bed 4019 after T Thaddeus…
Supreme Truth.

He is reading a book called “Target”
Same author of Hit Man… The Assassin Death…
Who kills… He comes home because he is the Angel Of Death.. A O D
I am Black Hat 115 O A. / A O E K

He does not have to be the “Hit Man”of Existence “God” any more.

11:01 p.m

1101 I C.

These are all the stories of Human Prophecy interpreted in a modern contemporary way.

Existential Death has arrived through a token represented here at D M I C TP/ K 115 AGE is completed.
I am AGE represented in what has been a grotesque play and challenge of Ancestral Spirits claiming to be age and power…

I am E.C Victor….

The person in bed 4019 is a Youth
A Beautiful Youth…
That is what True Death and true Old Age
115 O A
Alpha Omega is E K
The Beautiful Youth the Dark Prince
And the Death of D is a simple representation of the arrival of Existential Death..
Which means the Messenger and Arch Angel Of Death can come home.
Death is no more because it is Proven Transformation in this Film play of 4 years.
2012 -2016
D death is a rep of all 1-4 dimensions Death… And the 5th Dimension as a number will witness and experience this for there is no such thing as the 5th Dimensions..
Tis the end of the Numbers play

All numbers represented Word Meaning
M.W 69
Thus 5 is E… Evolved
Through Praise…

I do not believe I need to spell this out anymore.
After all 49 months on Face Book.
March April 2012-Dec 31st 2016.

And if you comment on this sacred page any other conclusion other than what has been so painstakingly spelled out,
or seek to twist ignore change the meaning using Dark Magic to make it appear other than what is stated

11:22 pm
Right now….

Then you deserve the awful fate which awaits you.

God is Love
But God is The People
The Sum total of the Truth of the People past present and future.
I am not that nor is any of my Family of E
We are Individuals who have no Need of Gods or God.

God is Water
B eau Ti Full
The 7th Note
Vision See

It is not the E who kill
Or bring Mass Death
It is YOUR past
Your Beautiful Truth
Which has been activated by IE
Which comes to cut you the
Awful Life of It Supreme Self
Who comes as your assassin
And now it comes as the
Sum leur Trahison
The Sum Total of their Betrayal to God
The note of Ti 7th Note
Room 4 B Bed 40 16… 4O 7.
47. 11 28.

I explained this many times before
We do not Kill
We allow you to Kill Yourselves
By taking away our Protection of you.

And I do not protect anyone anymore
There was no need
All know what they Do
When they betray their Truth

11:35 pm


Dawn Piercy

I am in Bed D P
D O P -G

And my Neighbor who sleeps just a few feet infront of me, nearest to the Door in bed 4017 as in 2017 is David Dawn DD
Beloved Dawn
B. D
Room D.B
So I know what the future holds for me.
Behind me separated by a bathroom sleeps my past
Frances (Freeman) Frick (Powerful Peaceful Ruler) FF 66
And finally, Sumler Trahison
19 20 39 C I

16 to 20…C i
21 U …C E… 8 H 15-6
All 4 beds at Delta 4 B occupied
16 + 4 5 6 7 8 9 O 11 1 2 3 4
20- 31

11:49 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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