
1/1/2017 10:59 – Facebook Post

Some one died here this Morning

And so we enter the Year here,
with Death.

8:14 a.m



A. A.Q.
A Anamla Qayin


She is the one who a stranger gave her a message in real life, which came to him in his Dreams.
And she delivered the message to me.

D M I C. T. P/K. 115 A.G.E.

Delta Manor (Mass Death)
I C … 20 16 (T.P… Tipping Point
K-11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-99- 10-10.

(Prince Manly Warrior of the Full Circle P.M W O “69”)
K.E.. Kolo Emeka The Awareness G=7

E.G.A. 511 K/ PT. C I. M.D

Expression Galaxy Alpha
Emeka Kolo KA! Perfect Timing Chukwuemeka ikem Manifest Destiny
MD (28. Code Patrick Okolo)

Yes my Black Hat B.H (2 8) given to me by Delta Manor on Christmas.
115 O A.

Anamla Quayin who sent me the message
If you remember her Face Book emblem was Death.
She knew to immediately send it to me.

I was not surprised.
I have always known.


Some one died here today…
A young man I knew.
That was the first thing I heard this morning when I went downstairs.
Kerwyn Vincent and Jay found him.

The New Year begins with Death..

Just as the the codes I stated it would.

Just as Stonley Okungs message to me.

And just as I completed the Mission and the codes of Mass Destruction.
T.P 2016 The Point.

I knew this person I had already marked him from the first few days I arrived here.
He was also the one person who waited at the Door the Day I collapsed after seeing the Portal of Existential Death Open.
Followed by the Titans play of causing my legs to give way.

He stood there as they wheeled me away,
He had intentionally made his way there to see me off.
I looked at his concerned face and cracked a smile and relieved he gave me a boyish smile.

And he gave me welcome when I came back as did Thaddeus who had felt that maybe I was not coming back…

8:43 pm

After which I spoke to Kwame.
Who told me a story after I asked if he believed in Heaven after he mentioned it and God
He told me the Story of an assassin who had killed 99 men..
Immediately I knew it was a message to me, I was not really in the mood but I listened.

99 was the code of Sacred portal 99…
Riding the world of the Human Virus Contempt- letter C Room C is where this person D.. Died.
99 is the package Marina Burini sent me with code 99 on it
Aron Adam Adam had on his page a woman wearing Red with 99 on it.

Adam was the first person I saw when I came back last night.

9:00 pm

He spoke about how he travelled to a Holy Man and asked him if God would forgive
The man had said No.
And the assassin killed him making it 100 and I thought of the 100 I had been moved to give Kerwyn Vincent.
80 and had owed him 20
8 20. H.T.
Nnamdi passed 1982
Fritz Venneiq born 1982
I am born 11 28….. 1110
1O 11 E Ga La XY C I

100 usd.

Death is about Respect
I am the First Ancestor

But something happened here in Delta Manor when I refused to Fight and became more quiet after realizing the Existential Death really was present in me.
And respect became less and my rage became quiet stillness…
Only Emmanuel stayed respectful…and Chase as before.

The men here had at first instinct felt an instinctive respect and healthy fear about what was going on with me and what I was struggling with in my body.
But as always it was challenged and when I did not respond in the same way, respect began to wane.

They should have trusted their first instinct.

The assassin goes to another place and finds another man and asks him if he would be forgiven.
And the man answered yes if he repented.

And that he would have to leave the place
Because of all the filth enacted.

And so the man left, to go to a cleaner city. But on his way there God sent the angel of Death to him.
And he died.
And Angels as Well as Demons came for him..
And it was 50-50 balanced but God sent one more Mighty Angel so 100 50-50 moved to 51-50
EA Tipping Point
Tipping the Scales and the man was finally released and taken to heaven because he had Repented before he had died.

I listened read the codes

I knew I was the 51 EA
The Tipping Point 99 names of Allah
Then 2 more E F
C N…

Arch Angel of Mercy
My Father (Brother as my past)
had sacrificed me used me,
in his Story called Milky Way
My story
Which was now his story..
And he gave me this awful role I had to play.

To observe experience humanity.

And I found no respect
No atonement even in men who had been brought so low after all the things evil violent things they had done
Pride Malice Gossip…

This is what I found grace in only A C E
Adam Chase Emmanuel.
9:35 pm
Because they Cee Energy
They can read.

I woke up knowing I had to borrow 15 usd
I asked Emmanuel once again he directed
me to Chase…
I asked for 10 he agreed
I asked about interest.

5 usd.


Which portal will he pass through
I know…

But the rest?

9:45 pm
9:46 am
I D F…

I borrow 10 -15 usd
J O…
15 is letter O full circle

Existential Death
And the testing

There is none but the 1/3 rd Originals who can pass through my now Diamond Hard Heart.

There is no Forgiveness in my Heart
Not an iota
Because they are illusions
And how can one forgive that which is not real?

Let the World C
Worlds Expression of Creation Consciousness cease to exist and let all their “bodies” follow to.
Let Existential Death
Teach them Respect and Regret
And that it is too late
To Cee E
Me now.

9:57-8 am

Let M.D purifier world I despise

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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