




K G.

A-A G.


At last, the long prolonged play is over..

There is no where else to go to, no portal left after 64 moves and a chess game..

And the literal Queens Gambit, one last stance.

Q is Quantum.

Confirmed by the play which took place with Tree Sage confirmed as the last portal of a truly taxing play of endurance.

Yesterday it was about the Hi Point and the Harmony established to completion of code 17.

Sacred Portal 17 Prayer.

There was a cap Kim Arthur Hines was wearing of hands clasped in prayer.

The same hands clasped in prayer as the tatoo on Chris Filgueira torso.

As in Sacred Portal 17.

I can not even begin to describe what it has been like to follow a script of two lines David and Nnamdi ( in my personal blue print or Beloved Father Guide).

D N = 4 +14= 18

Letter R … Robert.

E M = 5 13. 18

E M F. S M F

K A H..


B C K. Benjamin C. Krajewski

A F K G ..


11 1…8

We close at 8

Having proven the evidence in a vacum, and sustained maintained the truth of Evolution Awakening and Evolution as Extinction.

And with a body, rising transforming, each time contracting.. then expanding.

Chiefy.. Kim joked yesterday, that I had no where to go or was still not able to find a place where I could give birth.

And that it was like a pregnant woman aghast that she was about to give birth on the Train.

I stared at him.

He has been doing that lately, to the point of its has become disconcerting as it was with Stephen-Esteban, and Liberty C Liscomb and especially 5 children.

Same as with Serenity, the streaming of knowledge of their Higher Self, awakened self.

There is no doubt, that for the last 19.8 years, O have struggled, perhaps as no man has, and hopefully never will, to listen to this constant stream moving through people and seeking to merge the Individual streaming their higher selves and merge them into one, while constantly being on the move in a script you already recognize as its Author and Source being One’s self.

While moving through one home to another, to different sets of people never sure when you are going to be asked to leave, and yet realizing that its all in Harmony.

And that you are being pushed forward, and occupied by a force which was once you, but now is a their own version of your original truth.

I have explained and proven Mission Impossible V III. 8.

That there is Order, Reason… Harmony in all things, including this insane reality.

And how the Evolution Awakening Signal begins with the Royal Epiphany.

A thunderstruck moment in Time.

Light Clarity Truth…

Proven True.

Miguel Figueroa


Sacred Portal 54

M F = Manifest Facts. = 13 6= 19 S

M F = S. Stephen means Crowned

Including your Presidential Election

Which to my incredulity, is the story of which I wrote when I was 7-8 years old.

The destruction of this world, and system.

The replacement with the correct story..

Where my Father Self Alien Father Alpha becomes President

Joeseph Biden. J.B. .. Bed 007 J.B

Jon Blackwell .. Donna O Sullivan

18 Mountain View – Robert O’Sullivan.

He is 77 about to turn 78

11-20-1942.. 42 is the Story.

J O S.E. P H. Poverty Hollow

B I D. E N

Being Idenity David. Emeka Nnamdi.

B I. 29. 29 Lincoln. J.S will move here on Monday J S 10 code 19. Stephen Johnson

I D. Impossible Dream

Chiefy was wearing a T Shirt 1994 yesterday

D E. 4 5. 4-5-1969. Nnnamdi Father IS. Here Present.. F I. H P … 69. 8 16..

6. 24

Feelings. E.M F ..12 12.. 24. One Day.

Joseph Robinnette Biden.


Robinnette is French and it means Faucette.. Tap.

Gregory Hines Tap

Kim Arthur Hind. Hindsight.

He will be the 48 President

Sacred Portal 48. Beautiful Death as Transformation

1942. 42 is the Story of the E MF = 24

42/24.. 66. 1 3.

We are at the End of the Story

26 USD in my wallet.



Running Mate

Kamala Devi Harris


11 4…8

Kim Arthur Hind

114 Grant Moor Motel @ 8.

Mission Impossible V III

Going beyond future T.V.

20 22. And Time.

Kamala means Lotus

Yes.. Lotus Flower

Lotus Santana

Devi ..Devi Devoted. Shakti ..Shiva


God Goddess King.

Harris from Harry means Home Ruler

She was born 10-20-1964.

Biden vs Trump.

264 vs. 216 .

64 Moves

64 Chess.

*Andrese Harris Burton



J K. 10 11. 21

R D. 18 4. 22.

B H. 2 8. 10.


C V J.

Kim Arthur Hind just turned 33.

That sacred portal 33.

Aroused and Awakened from a Terrible Dream

11:23 p.m right now

And so, as Kim.. Chiefy left this morning after stirring me awake with a phone he had which he gave me ( and a mad cool military jacket…

An a night of battling the last of my demons of hurt pain and incredulity of sustaining and maintaining the Fil Gueria and Certainty and Confidence that this is indeed, my threading weaving into Existence the first dawn awakening despite the added last 24 months in Connecticut, reaching the 64th portal.

11:28 p.m right now

Then sent back wards…

Spending 3.2 months at 29 Lincoln Street

And 14..now 15 days here at South Whitney to pick up the last line of the E Family.

Arden to Esteban to Kim to Kim -Arthur Fred Arden Betty June Aurelia

Using Middle names..





Ah.. Chiefy Kim, just sent me the Intel

Biden is now the new U S President.

11:50 p.m



11:51 p.m

So, I am done..

I had not expected to code but after my conversation early this morning with Kim..

And what came up and was my still connecting to my resigned chagrin the play and the script at this last moment when its time leave…


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